
Fighting demons...

A thunderous roar came from an abandoned construction site.

And along with that roar, all my hopes for a peaceful and easy evening, died!

'Who mucked up the fucking plan?!' I had my suspicions, however, I understood that my opinion would rather biased due to my distaste of... well, everyone! Especially Emilie. So I decided to solve the matter later and focus on my job.

Following the roar, three people came rushing out, running frantically. The only girl in the group was bleeding profusely and being supported by a tall, greyish-white haired boy.

A large, bulky lad with plain brown hair followed closely behind.

Suddenly as another roar sounded, the large brown haired boy turned around and raised his right arm. Around the arm was a specialised piece of hyper-morphic gear, within a second the piece morphed into colossal 2x2 wall of a shield at least twenty centimetres thick. He, of course, wasn't carrying it, its bottom edge sat firmly on the ground and he stood against the "shield" supporting it with all his strength.

His actions weren't a second too early as a large shadow shot out of the broad doorway, colliding directly into the odd wall that had appeared out of nowhere.

The result of the collision was the muscle heavy Roger being sent flying back, the shield cracking, almost immediately morphing back to its original form and a loud howl of pain as large beast tumbled to a stop.

I stood coldly observing from the rooftop, 'not bad reaction speed and near perfect timing...' I couldn't help but praise the simple boy, just a bit, before disdainfully shaking my head at the pricey piece of equipment. 'Nonetheless, he's still a pampered brat!'

Still I couldn't help but furrow my brows, where did this demonic beast appear from? 'Truly, Shepard demons are unusual! Even as lesser demons...' I shook my, 'why the Hell weren't we informed about this?!' I began to wonder if it was because of this beast, that the plan failed. After all the sense of smell of a demonic beast is far superior to that of a demon's.

'Whatever, I'll just have to improvise...' I thought, as I took a step back, before propelling myself forward with great force, leaping off the sixteen story building.

The reason I had waited, was to see wether any more unexpected surprises would occur. However, after seeing the sorry state of the brave Roger, then due to my contract, I rushed over to save him.

Whilst sprinting at breakneck speed, I couldn't help but groan internally, 'why'd he have to try and face it?' When facing a demonic beast, you never wanted to face it head on. The best move would've been, for him to dodge. The previous action was either due to a severe underestimation in his enemies strength, or to a fairytale like dream of heroism, sacrificing himself for the team. Either way, it meant that he was in a critical condition, completely defenceless, making my job a lot harder.

Ahead of me the beast had recovered from its initial shock, it comically shook its head like a confused puppy, then turned a pair of angry, blood red eyes toward the defenceless Roger.

As it pounced again, I rushed past Craig and Emilie, I had already ordered the scarf to turn back to pink and remain so until ordered otherwise. After all, I couldn't let people know what this scarf hid.

I drew out my own hyper-morphic weapon and willed it to morph into a long sword. Hypocritical? I think not! I earned this treasure through years of hard work, I didn't have big shot daddy, willing to buy anything for me!

The beast was mid-air as I swung at it's flank. The sword struck scales and bounced off, however the force behind the blow sent the beast tumbling sideways, away from me, and a couple of scales broke or fell out.

I looked annoyed at the beast, 'a truly terrifying body, powerful attack, even more powerful defence... but exceedingly low intelligence, even by the standards of regular demons. All in all, a typical third rank demonic beast...' I sighed miserably, that strike would've slaughtered lesser-demons, lower-demons, mid-demons and could even render a higher-demon incapable of fighting back.

Technically speaking, a third rank demonic beast should be about the level of a mid-demon. And yet the scaly beast slowly rose and focused its rage on me. I should be happy, diverting its attention to me and all... however it sort of felt like tricking a kid, just to steal a candy that I didn't even like. This left a bitter taste in my mouth as I gave the unconscious Roger a sour glance.

I prepared miserably to make a follow up strike, as the large horse sized, scaly lion-wolf thing with a scorpion tail, bat-like wings and a mane made of sharp spikes, unsteadily rose to it's feet. Usually I would've struck again immediately, however the long drop, hard sprint and frantic slash, had had a larger impact on my body than expected. A dizzy feeling, like when you stand up to quickly and all the blood rushes from your head, left me stagnant. Even if it was just half a second.

Half a second was enough for the beast to rise and stand unsteadily. It was breathing hard, probably due to a couple of broken ribs.

Just as I was about to rush forward, an intense heat from my left forced me to back off. A large black fire ball rushed by.

To my left stood a small red haired monstrosity; fair pale skin, innocent blue eyes and cute smile greeted my eyes.

'I really hate kids...' I thought, as I hid my smile behind a shocked exterior . 'If you really think I'll go easy on you because of this...' a sinister form of excitement rushed through me. Sometimes I forgot just how much I loved fighting, loved killing...

I had just dodged the flame, when the demonic beast came charging at me like a small mountain. I of course didn't take it head on, that'd be stupid, downright moronic. And so far, in my very long life of over a hundred years, I have only ever met one person dum enough to do that; Roger.

Instead I feinted to the left, dodged to the right and slashed to my left, hitting the beast precisely at the base of the wing. That was where the scales where weakest, my blade cut halfway through before getting stuck and was wrenched out of my hands. I didn't care though as I twisted 180 degrees, pulling out my sawed over shotgun strapped to my back.

I aimed at the howling beast, but quickly made a high jump as I avoided another set of claws aimed at my ankles. To my right a cute giggle could be heard, I glanced at the Shepard demons true form, coal black, tall, lanky, knife-like hands... 'hm? Freddy Krueger? Definitely ugly enough to be him' I thought jokingly, aiming the gun at it instead.

"You want to hurt me?" Asked a sweet voice. The little girl reappeared.

I smiled, pulled the trigger and said, "very much so, yes."

The demon looked shocked as a hole got blasted into its chest and it was sent flying back. It wasn't really shocked that I had pulled the trigger, more so, it was total lack of hesitation.

I snickered, 'still the low intelligence of a demon... may not be as dum as usual lesser-demons, but to think it actually thought it could succeed with that lame trick.'

I mocked the demon, but didn't let my guard down. A hole to the chest isn't enough to kill any demon. But at least it would be preoccupied while I dealt with its companion.

I felt a swoosh in the air, as the half roaring in rage and half howling in pain beast swept its tail at me. I ducked it with a limbo like move, pulled out a hand gun, a Magnum Research Desert Eagle to precise, aimed and shot within a breath, still bent over backwards.

After a large bang and a violent recoil, the bullet struck the creature's left eye leaving a gaping hole it's the scull. The beast reeled back with a high pitched wail, frantically slashing about itself in pain.

I stood up straight, gently caressed the gun and took aim again. Although the model could be considered outdated in this age, I loved its nostalgic design and the way in which it weighed in ones hand. So I had chosen to get an old friend to modify it especially for me, and now the explosive power of a single shot could blow large holes into concrete and could've easily blown off the head of some mid-demon. The explosive power of my gun, was of course, not something just any human could handle. It would simply shatter their arm with the recoil. This only further testified the abnormal endurance of the body, of a demonic beast.

As I fired my second shot, I saw, to my dread, a pair rough claws randomly slash by Emilie and Craig, 'why the Hell are they here?! They're going to get in the way!' I clearly remembered them running away in a panic, I didn't stop them. After all, it just made things easier, and more fun, if they weren't there for me to constantly keep an eye on and protect.

And then to my horror, I realised, that in the name of the almighty friendship, they had come running back for Roger.

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