
demon and human

Video Games
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What is demon and human

Lesen Sie den Roman demon and human des Autors Uduakabasi_Ema, veröffentlicht auf WebNovel....


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My dark angel system

After being turned into "Dark angel" by an old book his parents left him, Ace finds himself confronted with a myriad of problems, the first of which being that he now has no sympathy. Furthermore, he now has a "system" in his head, that presents him with a multitude of videogame-like features, such as quests, an experience meter and more. This system also brings with it and artificial intelligence, which he can converse with via his thoughts, that provides him with information about his new species, and answers most of his questions (yet evades some or outright denies answers to him, stating he is not ready for them yet). In the first few chapters of this story, Ace is taken to a military school and quickly learns that, even though he surprisingly does not know a single person attending it, he can by no means escape the ever present harassment and bullying for being weak. With time, however, Ace is able get stronger and is eventually at the point where he could flip his situation and punish his oppressors. He decides to take the matter of the bullying problem into his own hands, after the teachers have continuously shown that they will not do anything against it, even going so far as to encourage it in certain instances. This proves challenging though, since he must keep the change in his species a secret as a consequence of the fact that, should his real identity be found out, he is highly likely to be taken away by scientists and/or powerful people in order to experiment with him. The solution to this problem goes hand in hand with the alleviation of another of his predicaments—his species being greatly weakened by any exposure to direct sunlight. That solution is the creation of a suit and a mask, which shield his entire body from the sun. He uses this suit to fight and defeat those oppressing others, and get stronger himself in the process. As the story progresses, he is slowly introduced more and more to information regarding his own species. The arrival of another member of said species at his school marks the beginning of his journey to understand himself and his origins, as well as the entire dark angel world as a whole. With time he is introduced to more and more knowledge as well as secrets both of the human and the dark angel world. He finds that in order to be able to protect those important to him, he must get a lot stronger. In a semblance to the tale of Sisyphus, he finds that whenever he is close to being strong enough, he either attains new information or becomes involved in new conflicts that reveal that he still has a long way to go.

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