

They were massive.

I totally forgot how huge they were because I have been getting stronger lately, and killing monsters is getting easier.

So how do I hunt down a monster three times my height?

[Chaotic Minotaur: Rare rank]

HP- 1500 CON-150

DEF-290 DEX- 58

ATK- 92 STR-41

MP-50 INT-10

Speed- 36 AGI- 36

Skills- Perception(R) Darkvision(UC) Charge(UC) Dungeon Recall(R) Berserk(R)

[The minotaurs, whose fur is stained with the blood of fallen foes, are massive, bull-headed monsters of the Horned King race.]

I hid as I formulated my next moves. But it seems I have underestimated their senses a bit too much.

Before my eyes, one of the closer minotaurs charged toward me, and I hurriedly dodged to the side.

It instantly smashed the cover I was hiding into pieces.

What the hell! That was part of a dungeon, you brainless cow!

But I noticed something else immediately. The minotaur was injured. It had hit its hands too hard on the rock surface that I was hiding on.

Monsters… stupid as always.

The noise alarmed the other two minotaurs, shifting all their attention to me.

Before the massive monsters could react properly, I charged forward, out of stealth, and into the open.

Stealth had its uses and its disadvantages.

It reduces my speed by a huge chunk, and I cannot afford to waste any more time waiting for a chance to come by itself.

If there was no opening, then I would have to make one myself.

Thankfully, these guys are so large that I don't have to worry about not hitting them. But it would be better if I could reach their heads.

I jumped up, using the minotaur's legs as a step, and slashed my claws into its stomach.


[Target has been poisoned]

Tch, they have such a high defence, my damage got reduced by more than half.

I have to look into the defence stat later.

As soon as I poisoned the minotaur, I dashed back.

While dashing back, I could feel a large body charging towards me, nearly missing me by a few inches. The burst of wind caused by the enormous body nearly knocked me over.


The huge monster collided with its friend, causing a huge collision, even to the point of injuring the mino I attacked.

Even though I feel sad for the stupidity of these monsters, did the mino only see me when it planned its attack and not see his ally?

I deeply question the wisdom of this current course of action.

The two giants are seriously ticked off, covered in bruises, they are ready to pound the offender into a paste.

When they see me running at them, they react aggressively.

One of them reacts fast, its superior reflexes and speed are on full display as it dashes forward to meet my charge. The ground shakes in response to its sheer bulk as its legs pound into the dungeon floor.

Suddenly, red energy seeped out from the minotaur's body as it appeared much faster and more intimidating than before. I could feel the threat it possessed.

With every ounce of strength, I hurled myself to the side just as the minotaur's massive fist smashed the ground, shattering the ground with sheer force.

Even the spray of rock from the impact is enough to damage me.

Damn this crazy cow!

I dashed repeatedly, avoiding the rocks that were sent flying towards me.

Just as I escaped the chaos, I could see something closing in on me in my vision.

What is that?


I pumped all the energy I had into my legs as I dodged the massive boulder that was thrown towards me before it smashed into the dungeon wall just behind me.

Since when did you guys become smart?

That one nearly pounded me, if I had been a second slower, I would have been like a fly that got smashed by a fly swapper. The boulder was bigger than me!

and I still suffered damage.

As a result of the boulder and vehicle incident, a stray rock struck my left shoulder.

I have to end this soon or escape.

The three minotaurs almost seem surprised to see their much smaller opponent still alive after their combined assault. I suppose these guys don't usually have much trouble hunting in this place, I haven't seen anything else that remotely approaches their strength.

I cannot stay in one place, so I decided to dash around and use my other skills instead of directly taking them on.

Until now, the third minotaur hasn't moved from its original place. It was as if it were observing the fight...Wait, don't tell me!

It can't be!

I dashed towards it.

The beast reacts with incredible swiftness, rapidly swinging its arm to strike me. Fortunately, due to my skill, I have become used to battles!

[Dash(Uncommon)> Dash(Rare)]

I dodged the arm as I used it to climb my way onto its head. As soon as I reached its head, I used both of my clawed hands to dig into the fur of the minotaur.


[Target is poisoned]

[Biokinesis activated]

The beast screamed and desperately tried to shake me off.

Nope, I am not letting you go! You cow!

The creature's screams, different than before, affected my ears tremendously, penetrating my mind and dizzying me and the two other minotaurs in range.

I let go of it immediately but got swung towards a wall.


What was that?

I don't remember it having any skills like that.

Phew. Still, it won't be of much use now hehe.

A moment later, the huge beast fell face-first to the floor and it threw up a large amount of blood from its mouth.

[Biokinesis(R)> Biokinesis(Elite)]

Great… The effects of biokinesis cannot be taken lightly.

The remaining two minotaurs appeared to be in a state of daze before going berserk.

But they were of no threat to me after all; I killed their leader.

Without a leader, these two are just other stupid monsters with massive bodies.

One of them jumped towards me, but before he could land, I leapt directly on his body.

I shot through the air like a bullet smashing straight towards its neck. I gripped its fur tightly and braced myself for the impact when the monster crashed to the ground.

Thankfully, the impact wasn't strong enough to shake me off, it seemed the minotaur got startled seeing a smaller monster reach his neck from the ground.

This is the power of the aura! foolish cow!

Without wasting time, I struck its neck repeatedly using amplify and enhance.





I can feel the energy mounting my claws as they glow brighter with the use of aura before striking the monster with tremendous force!


So many leveled up! I will take it!

This was probably the effect of battling such a large monster.

[You have defeated the Chaotic Minotaur]

[Aura 999/1000]

The last minotaur seemed to be frozen as it stood watching me kill another one of his kind.

It was not because it was afraid of me, but because it was dying!

Did you think my poison was weak?

It's an elite rank for a reason! Ahahahhaha.

Now I will wait while the poison kills you slowly but surely.


The time flashed by.

[You have defeated the Chaotic Minotaur.]

The gluttony skill activated by itself as it absorbs the aura from the dead mino.

[Gained skill: dark vision (UC)]

[Gained 31 DEX]

[Aura -1000/1000]

Status Check.

Race: Lesser Demon (uncommon rank)


Aura: lesser


HP:820 CON:80 (1 CON= 10HP)

DEF:297 DEX:58 (1DEX= 5 DEF)

ATK:54 STR:25 (1 STR= 3 ATk)

MP: 160 INT:32 (1INT= 5MP)

Speed42 AGI:42 (1 AGI = 1 Speed)

[Skills: Gluttony(Epic).Stealth(Mystic), Enhanced(Elite), Calm down(U), Amplify(Mystic), Poison Mastery(Elite),Biokinesis(Elite), Dash(R)]

{System skill: Analyse(UeX)}

{Unique EX Skill: Experience of Another life}

{Reduce the MP cost of all skills and abilities to 1}

Stat point :1

A lot of my skills leveled up during the battle, making me much stronger and more armed than before.

And my defense has been a lot, I have definitely come a long way from where I began.

Sigh...I will only continue to meet stronger foes. I will definitely take a long rest after I evolve before going to the third level of the dungeon.

I deserve some rest.

{ Evolution requirements have been met.}

{ Do you wish to evolve now }

No, this place is not safe. I cannot evolve here.

[The host is invulnerable during evolution.]

Wait a minute? Do you mean I cannot be harmed during evolution?


Kinda weird because I remember an Epic ranked dragon dying from evolution failure, but hey, a mere dragon cannot compare to me, a Demon!

What are you waiting for, then? Evolve!

[Available Evolutions]

-Greater Demon(R)

-Demonic Shapeshifter(R)

-Berserk Demon(R)

[Due to the consumption of dragon-type catalysts, a new evolution has been unlocked.]

-Dragonblood ArchDemon(Elite)

-Gains class {Dragonkin}

Wow, do I even have to think? Hahaha, I will obviously pick the drag...My eyes widened.

There was a flashing row of words that appeared right below the Dragonblood Archdemon evolution path.

[Due to the high INT stat, a cursed evolution has been unlocked]

- Demon of Sloth

- Gains class {Necromancer}


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