
Prisoner of Fate

???: "Strong wind gushing the sacred leaf of mystical pine tree. With each flicker the world foundation rotate in particular order, creating chaos and order. It was an era of god & demon where every nation fought each other to gain reputation among the higher being. Then come the human, frail and weak. Just like everyone at that time, our ancestor enslave them, underestimate them, and I must even after a millenia we regret our decision. Continuous warfare among race for 400 years until the supreme celestial god choose the human race as his champion. He brought human from another world weaponized them with blessing from various god. Eventually the human brought peace to this land and every other race became their servant."

The old man sitting on the branch tell the story of this land. He wore a long brown robe, tattered and decorated with blood stain and burn mark. His long beard stretch from the branch to the lower point of the ground. There sit a boy with grey hard shell engulfing his body, he stared happily at the old man as he told his story.

Old man: "And that's the story. After that war the demi human seen as blasphemous creature were transported to this island surrounded by unbreakable stone wall. Well Eden is there anything you would like to ask?"

Eden: "Why don't we dig the ground to get out of this island?"

Old man: "Ah! A brilliant question. As I said after that war we were transported to this island. But have you ever asked yourself how the human transported all the demi human to this island? One of the seven supreme hero of humankind have the ability to bend space to his will. If you dig any ground in this island below 200 feet you will find a space portal that will bring you back to this island."

Eden: "That's awesome! I don't know what bending space means but it seriously sounds awesome! Hey old man can I use magic like that!"

The old he sighted and closed his book. He considered whether to tell it or not. In the end he decide to gently went down from the branch, pushing Eden that sat on his beard. He put his hand on Eden's shoulder.

Old man: "It's unfortunate but demi human can't use magic."

Just like any child being told their dream were unrealistic, a clear liquid came out from Eden's eye.

Eden: "So does that mean I can't do that cool thing? Bending space?"

Old man: "Listen my child I did say demi human can't use magic but there is a good reason for that."

Wiping away his tear. Eden went back to his usual happy self, eager to heard the old man explanation.

Old man: "Demi human have special ability related to their heritage. The ability may vary from physical enhancement, sharpen sense, or maybe magic manipulation. To make the world fair for every race Utopi the god of creation decide to give demi human the inability to use magic."

Eden: "Then old man, what's my ability? I don't understand any of what you said, but it will be cool if I have that magic manipulation thing."

Old man: "It's hard to determine from just your physical feature alone. In normal case I can identify demi human ability by analyzing their physical attribute. If you have claw and fur then you may have physical enhancement that enable you to move fast and seeing clearly on the darkness of night. If you have scale and gills on your throat, you may have good swimming aptitude and deadly super sonic attack. Then there is the special case where the demi human is mixed from more than one mythical animal. And Eden, you're special. As of now you could wait until your maturity when your ability is fully unleashed or you could try your own experiment to determine your ability."

Eden: "The wait is long and boring while the other method sounds hard for someone with brain like me. Hey old man what I want is an easy method. C'mon tell me if you know any."

Old man: "Edin Misellus always impatient. I do have other method that's easy for someone like you but you'll not like it."

Eden: "Just spit it, I don't know if I like it or not if you don't tell me."

Old man: "Other demi human like you could just ask their parent about their ability since parent and child have nearly identical ability. But, seeing how you question a stranger like me, I'm sure you have some problem with your parent."

Eden: "Shut up old man! Say anything further than that and I will tear you to shred."

Old man: "Really? Tear me to shred? A child like you? Eden I know you don't have much brain capacity but that decision is just stupid."

Eden: "Stop calling me stupid!"

Eden jump with his animalistic leg strength and instantly close his distance with the old man. His sharp claw were prepared to pierce the sitting old man. Eden know the old man would be able to dodge it so he use lethal strike.

Blood dripped from the old man wound as Eden pierce his abdomen. His robe was shredded and revealing a somewhat fit body for old man.

Eden: "Why won't you dodge?"

Eden perplexed by this undesirable result of fate tried to find living vein or heartbeat in the lifeless old man body. In those desperate time he awakened something inside him, maybe it was his primal instinct or maybe it was an interference from outside of this world, nevertheless a miracle occur that day.

Everything feels so slow for Eden. He could heard bug wing being flapped and the moment it hit air resistance making unique buzzing sound. His sight feels sharper than ever and this sudden change made his nose bleed as his body was not adjusted for this kind of change. More importantly his sharpen sense of smell detected two smell of the old man. But, how could it be? The old man was dead in front of him and yet the other smell came from a rock. Eden being a beast, he instinctively walked to that rock and tapped it carefully, afraid he will killed the old man for the second time.

???: "Hey stop tapping me Eden! I'm still alive."

Eden: "It can't be...old man?"

Eden ran to the rock that now turned into old man. Bawling his eyes he hug that old man, the only living family he had.

Old man: "Eden I know you missed me. But, please loosen your grip for a tiny bit or else you'll kill me again."

Eden: "Oh...right. Sorry old man but how did you survive? I'm sure my claw pierce you and as far as I can see your lifeless body is still there."

Eden pointed at the old man corpse.

The body now gone and the only old man just stand there looking at the confused Eden.

Old man: "This is what we call illusion. Illusion user like me prey on invidual with weak mind and play them like a puppet."

Eden: "But why...why would you use that on me?"

Old man: "To teach this foolish boy who never listen to his elder. Eden listen to me, if that's not an illusion in that moment you would have killed me.

I've been living with you for 2 years and I know in the future you will gain immense power because of your hereditary potential. That power if you use it the wrong way, chaos will havoc this peaceful little island. Eden I must ask you what do you feel when you kill my illusion?"

Eden: "I feel indescribable pain in my chest. It doesn't hurt and yet it still hurt me. I don't know, I just can't describe this feeling."

Old man: "That's what you call regret and sadness."

Eden: "Regret...sadness...I don't understand any of it."

Old man: "Don't be hasty my child I'm sure one day you'll understand."