
F#$K Kevin and his Crappy Scamming Family

My dad's been coming home later than usual. He works in environmental management, otherwise known as a glorified word for a cleaner. He usually wakes up at 3am to go to work at 4am, he is the type of person to come home straight after and watch tv then sleep for a couple of hours before having dinner with the family, normal shit you know.

One day he gets introduced to this man called Kevin by a man named Steve whome is somewhat of a close friend from church. Now Steve had just returned with his four children (one who is adopted) to Australia after living a few years in Indonesia with his wife and kids, fleeing the country because his wife who was working for the government at the time got caught stealing government fund money.

My dad was only introduced to Kevin because he wanted to help him out with managing a mortgage for his home, at this point of time my dad was a part time mortgage broker though he has retired from that position now. Now Kevin with his sweet talk, diabetic body and high LVL charisma portrayed a man who was trustworthy, at least in my dad's eyes. Every time my dad would visit him to talk about his mortgage issues, Kevin would share his story about his failed mining company and how he just needed to get investors to mine this land out in Kalgoorlie that he's already leased from the government.

Now my dad is a passionate person, he loves helping people which has been a boon over the years because he always ends up getting f$#ked over, and has always gotten my mum, my younger sister and younger brother involved... this instance is no different. A few months go by and Kevin inducts my dad into his company, he would spend hours and hours there after work with no wage or payment. I told him that this isn't right and that he's wasting his time, he tells me, it's alright Joey, once we get investors the company will have enough money to pay me with a bonus!!!

4 months pass and the company is still in the same position with no investor interest. My dad is still working for him for no reason and finally relises this so he comes back home early. My mum instantly gets into an argument with him, claiming that 10k has been stolen from their shared account. He gave it to Kevin last month to help him with his mortgage. My mum calls him a dumb ass who only wants to get on people's good side, I have noticed that he does like to dick ride sometimes..... haha. Apparently Kevin will give the money back soon, he claims this is the year his company will make a breakthrough.

A year goes by and we're in 2018. That cunt still owes us 10k. You would think that being introduced by a church friend means that person would be somewhat trustworthy... Last month my dad confronted Kevin again about the debt he owes us... Kevin says he'll pay us soon, he promised to pay back all the money by the 11th of February. It's now the date, we get a call from him, his wife has cancer.