
Isekai'd biotch!

"The fuck are you supposed to be?"

"Whoa...watch the language edgelord"

"I am not edgy you bastard. Now answer me, what the hell are you?"

"Well obviously I'm a human"

"I don't think normal humans just walk out of strange doors in a middle of a hallway; a door that only I can see and interact with"

"You're a smart one Xander O'Hara. My name is Borealis and I come from a universe parallel to yours. Getting straight to the point I'm here to switch places with you! I've studied your universe for a while and i have to say I am positively overjoyed by the wonders and marvels your world has to offer! As a scientist of some sorts I'm interested in studying your universe and it's inhabitants, as well as the way they think and behave..." Borealis droned on until his words joined together and became an excited rambling that Xander didn't understand.

Xander felt like swinging the spanner in his pocket into Borealis' head.

How in God's name did trying to fix a faulty attic ladder lead to this. Sometimes it felt like he was the bland-ass, yee-yee ass, OP-ass main character of some shitty SAO type anime.

Another thing to add the list of shit that was annoying him.

A week ago he had to leave behind his delinquent empire in his hometown of Houston and move to this shit-hole of a town called Falling Heights (definitely sounded fictional to him). Then his girlfriend called to tell him that she was breaking up with him because she couldn't handle long-distance relationships. Then a few days after moving in he found a red door with gold lock and blue symbols engraved in it in the middle of the dusty ass hallway that led to his room in the attic (of course his step-dad chose the cheapest and smallest house to accommodate him and his 6 children). Of course nobody else in his family could see the door so they all thought he was insane. And now he had to deal with this...thing(which looked eerily familiar)...that just walked out of said door and was now talking about switching places with him.

Yare Yare.

"So basically you're telling me to do some Prince and the Pauper type bullshit with ya" Xander stared at Borealis skeptically, weighing the pros and cons of doing such a thing.

"Yes. That is exactly what I'm insinuating"

Xander put his hand on his chin and raised an eyebrow.

"But you look nothing like me. People will know something's up"

"I'm way ahead of you my friend!" Borealis spoke up from behind Xander, looking like a clone. He somehow got everything about Xander's appearance down to a T; from the nastiest of scars on his hands to the smallest bags under his eyes. Xander had almost forgotten what he looked like over the past few days.

Uneven, black, chin-length hair; tab skin, green eyes and his most defining characteristic; a stitch mark that went round his neck.

Xander stared at the mirror image of himself, dumbfounded. The thought of the existence of parallel universe didn't seem so far-fetched anymore.

"So...do we have a deal?" Borealis stretched out his hand for a handshake with a wide smile on his face, a faint but calming aura surrounding his entire being.

Xander looked at Borealis' outstretched hand and glanced around the hallway. There were cobwebs everywhere, floor and wallboards were broken in some places, paint and wallpaper peeling here and there. It was a dump and a shitty one at that. He questioned if he really had anything worth staying in this world for; he would probably never see his friends again, his girlfriend dumped him and his step-family was as shitty as they got. There wasn't really anything that attracted him to this plane of existence in the first place. Where was he gonna be isekai'd too? Will he have a stand? A quirk? A cursed technique?! Xander was starting to get excited about the entire ordeal.

Xander smirked and shook the Borealis' hand, immediately feeling something well up within him whilst simultaneously getting dragged towards the door by some invisible force.

"Wonderful choice Xander! I shall be seeing you soon my friend" Borealis waved at Xander as he got sucked towards the door.

"You better not pull some Alastor type shit on me!" Xander yelled as half of his body for sucked into the door. "And by the way don't forget to check our Sawcon!"

Borealis cocked his head to the side, confused. "What's Sawcon?!"

Xander flipped the bird and cackled as he was almost fully immersed in the portal.


And he was gone. The door slammed shut and vanished into thin air, leaving behind no trace of ever existing.

"Oi Xander! What's that fucking racket you're making up there!? Get down here and make yourself useful!" a gruff male voice shouted from downstairs.

Borealis...or should I say Xander smiled.

"I'm coming!"


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