
Deity Witch

A girl who was betrayed and nearly killed by her best friend without knowing the reason, after staying unconscious for days, woke up anew, filled with strength and unknown abilities. keeping her identity hidden and also having in mind that succumbing to evil will bring an end to her existence therefore, she struggled to be on the borderline between good and evil. Vowed to get revenge she discovers the secrets of the World that she lives in where weakness is a sin.

KwinAmmySanctus · Fantasie
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4 Chs

Weak and fragile

*Chapter One*

"Help me! Please help me!.

I don't want to die "

A girl screamed as she was being dragged by grown men dressed in religious tunics with swords hung on their waists, when she looked up, with dread-filled eyes, her body quivered in fear knowing what is about to befall her.

She raised her head and her gaze met with pair of eyes filled with fear, disgust, and shame. These eyes belong to her parents, friends, and the town's people. Her heart cracked when she heard a voice from her betrothed shouting among the crowd that gathered around the town square.

"Burn her alive!."

"Burn that witch! "

The words pierced her heart and soul making her die without being burnt to death.

The words "Burn that witch" was echoing around like a chain reaction among the crowd. Tears rained down her cheeks, not even the men that gathered around felt pity towards her because it has already become part of them. on the left side of their chest, hung a batch with a logo of a sword piercing a ring on the batch. This is Chrest of the church of Light, Inquisitor.


In a building not far from the Town's square, stood a woman holding a little girl. As they gazed upon what is happening, gradually time passes, a scream of agony started echoing from the middle of the town square and the little girl pointed towards the place where the screaming came from.

" Mama look! She's glowing, I don't like light anymore," she said with an innocent look on her face.

As the words fell from the little girl's lips, the woman's hand moved rapidly covering the girl's mouth to shut her up without considering if she would be injured or not.

" Never you say something like that else you glow like her, Charlotte "

She warned seriously not mincing words. Fear filled the girl's heart because her Mother have not acted like this toward her before. As the girl's eyes start becoming watery, a gentle voice whispered in her ear.

" Don't worry Charlotte, Mama will protect you. it's only bad girls that will glow, please can you be a good girl for Mama ?"

Charlotte nodded her head innocently as a tingling warmth filled her heart.

Time passes, as Charlotte grew up. she witnessed this type of event four times and this made her determination stronger to become a good girl.


A ray of sunlight flashed through an opened window revealing a beautiful young girl in her teens sleeping peacefully on her princess-sized bed, her chest undulating.

Because the sun's rays are directly shining on her face it made her stir from her sleep.

Squinting her eyes to save them from the sudden brightness, Charlotte covered her face with her palm and by now she was fully awake. She sighed as she lazily got up from her bed.

The golden wall clock on her wall chimed loudly and she sighed again. It was already mid-morning She had overslept and she blamed Roland her lover for it.

She had stayed out late last night over dinner at his place with Roland's mother. Roland is the only son of a Noble Lord and he's popular among ladies because of his looks and intelligence. Although he is well known to love women a lot, he's a well-mannered young man, and every household dreams of having him as their son-in-law both the rich and the poor.

Charlotte was very lucky to have him as her betrothed because of the friendship that existed between both families. Charlotte's maternal grandfather, a wealthy merchant saved Roland's father from bandits' attacks thus forming the relationship.

Roland who is betrothed to Charlotte since her childhood and now had grown to love and adore him so much. Both families had planned for their engagement three days after Charlotte's seventeenth birthday.

Now, Charlotte is greatly worried about her father's welfare. If he going to make it to her engagement ceremony is something she can't figure out yet.

Her father joined the military when she was a baby and he usually comes back once every summer in a year. Salvador Banfield is a renowned soldier that has risen to the top rank of General in the military. He commands thousands of men and he's a ruthless fighter on the battlefield.

Salvador had made it a point of duty to always visit his family every summer but since last year, no one had heard From him.

This bothered Charlotte so much that she was greatly worried if he would ever make it to her engagement ceremony.

Charlotte sighed again for the umpteenth time thinking and worrying so much about her old man.

She rose from her bed when she heard the rustling sound of feet towards her room. That must be her mother and she would be so mad at her for still being in bed by that time of the day when other girls of her age had gone to their various places of skill acquisition center in the Town's square.

Hurriedly, she folded her duvet and arranged her bed as quickly as she can. Mrs Naya Banfield is a very strict woman that doesn't tolerate any form of laziness or indiscipline. She had singlehandedly raised her only daughter Charlotte to be a very hardworking and disciplined Lady.

"What in God's name is going on here ?..

Charlotte, don't tell me that you just got up from the bed now ?.."

She screamed immediately as she entered her daughter's room and Charlotte stood before her trembling in fear.

" I'm sorry mother.

It wasn't my intention to oversleep.

Please pardon me mother "

She pleaded desperately.

" Charlotte you're betrothed to Roland from a noble family -The Ashwood family.

And in three months, you will be getting married. Is this how you're going to take care of your family and raise your, children?!"

She yelled but Charlotte kept quiet as she lowered her head in shame.

" Answer me! Charlotte Banfield! "

" No mother.

Please don't let my betrothed know about this, I will take any punishment that you will dish out for me mother. please"

She pleaded as tears finally rolled down her beautiful cheeks.

" leave my presence now before I murder you with my hands "

Mrs Naya ordered and she rushed out of the room in fear.

" Don't forget to go to the seamstress and get your dress by noon!".

She yelled after her but she had already left the room.

She sighed softly and sat on her daughter's bed.

No matter how hard she tries to deny it, she's greatly worried about her little girl.

What the seer said to her a week ago about her daughter was greatly troubling her.

She can remember the words vividly…

" Death and betrayal, which is better? They will betray her because of jealousy and even plan death for her. But the ways of the gods are different from that of mortals. This is her destiny because it will awaken her gifts and potential that will take her to greater heights. Don't try to stop this from happening because you will bring down the wrath of the gods upon you ..."

Secretly, Mrs Naya Banfield always goes to a secluded witch that disguised herself as a seer to evade the prying eyes of the town's people, especially the religious fanatics not to mention the Inquisitors. This is Mrs Naya Banfield's secret which she had sworn to take to her grave.

The creaking sound made by the door brought her back to reality.

She looked up to see her beautiful daughter all dressed up.

" Mother, I'm off to Ursula's place and by noon, Roland and I will pick the dress together at the seamstress's shop. please permit me, mother. I promise to be careful and always be a good girl like you always taught me."

She pleaded looking so innocent.

" You may leave now before I change my mind and be careful of your friends ."

She warned sternly.

" Thank you mother "

Charlotte ran happily and hugged her mother, kissing her cheeks in the process. This spread a warm feeling in Mrs Naya's heart that she ended up grinning like a child.

" Take care and greet Marisa for me"

Marisa is Roland's mother and her mother's best friend too.

" I will mother "

She replied and rushed out of the room.

Mrs Naya sighed again muttering a silent prayer for her little girl.

'May the gods keep you safe my child' she said inwardly.

With that, she walked off the room shutting the wooden door in the process.


Charlotte hurriedly enters her carriage as she smiles genuinely at the coachman.

"Good morning my Lady "

Alphonse greeted. He is a middle-aged man with a stature that is not compatible with a man his age, his physique is steady as Mountain and strong as steel, and in charge of transporting and protecting the members of the Banfield family.

"Please hurry I'm already late for the gathering"

she hushed as Alphonse started the Carriage and rode into Riverdale streets where the nobles reside. The street of Riverdale is where Nobles, Rich men, and wealthy merchants reside. It is a high-class district, the roads are paved and flowers are planted along the terrace making it almost like the Roman road but superior to it.

Ursula is from a Noble family likewise Tessa, Donna, and Vera her other friends.

Even though Charlotte is not from a Noble family, her household Is well respected because they are among the richest family in the town. Her family influence has spread around the surrounding cities because of her father's achievement in the military over the years and her mother's position in the hearts of the noble women. Though she had stayed all her life in Greenwood Town, a town known for its riches and strategic position in the kingdom, Charlotte is yet to master the various roads around the town.

She had heard severally from Noble women that always visit her mother that Greenwood town is supposed to be Greenwood city because of how vastly equipped the town is but yet the royal family has not done so yet.

As the Carriage passed the Ashwood family which is the most beautiful house in that district, she made a mental note to stop by later to fetch her beloved by noon.

Oh! how she can't wait any longer to be joined in union by marriage with her heartthrob - Roland. she remembered their

kiss last night and she blushed heavily.

Roland surely knows how to handle a woman.

" We are here, my lady "

Alphonse the coachman said interrupting her thoughts.

"Oh! heavens! thank you so much, Alphonse. please come back by noon and take me to Roland's "

"Okay my Lady "

with that, Alphonse enter the carriage again and rode away.

Charlotte breathed heavily and organized herself like the Noble she was going to meet inside the house, even if they are her friend, appearance matters.

She walked Elegantly into the Mansion.

Immediately all activities stilled as all eyes fell on her. She's so effortlessly beautiful and charming that none can be able to ignore her.

" Please don't stop because of me Ladies.

I'm sorry that I'm late."

she apologized and Ursula hissed inwardly shooting daggers with her eyes pinned on her.

Putting on a smile, she walks slowly towards the position where her friends are drinking tea. As she survey her environment she saw an empty seat and pastry decorated the table like a work of art. Walking towards the seat with her chest, and head raised, she consoled herself mentally- I hope I will not mess things up any further.

As she took a comfortable position that best suited her posture in the seat, her eyes met with looks from her friends that said- 'are you done princess?'. After withdrawing her eyes in embarrassment she said in a low voice.

"let's begin, shall we?.

As these four words fell, everyone joined their hands together in one with eyes closed in prayer.

Charlotte began...

" Oh God , our father, you are the light of our heart and peace in our heart we seeks, illuminate our part and let the darkness hindering us from your grace disappear, In his light we pray."

"In the radiant light we pray."

They all chorused in unison.