
Deity Chat: I Can Trade With God's

Humanity was on the verge of extinction after the portal appeared but some people started awakening supernatural and soon the tide turned different. Humans started overpowering otherworldly creatures. And as humanity stabilized, the hunter profession started rising. After 100 years, a boy named Ethan who had lost his parents during a rift and got an ugly scar on his face was cursing the god. The gods heard his prayer and the next day when he woke up he found an unknown app, filled with weirdos on his phone, the "Deity Chat" | • | Howdy readers, English is not my first language, so expect some grammatical mistakes. Anyways, have a good day. And the updates will be twice a week as I am busy with other works

SomethingCringe · realistisch
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7 Chs

Miserable Life

It was almost dark as the sun was setting.

A young man's footsteps echoed through the streets.

He was wearing a hoodie, his head lowered. As everybody around him stared at him.

He was used to the stares, the whispers, the pitying looks. It had been two years since that tragic incident, but the memories were still fresh in his mind.

He sighed inwardly as he walked forward.

"Don't come near me!!" A loud but sweet voice came from the shadowy alleyways.

Ethan's legs moved on their own accord, drawing him toward the commotion. The sight that greeted him was a young girl, her delicate figure pressed against the cold brick wall. Her vibrant red hair cascaded around her face, contrasting with her piercing blue eyes. Fear etched across her features, she trembled with vulnerability.

A group of ruffians surrounded her, their intentions unmistakable. The leader, a burly man with a crude grin, took a step closer, invading her personal space. "Come on, miss. Come and play with me," he leered, his voice laced with malice.

The girl's eyes widened with fear, her voice shaking as she pleaded, "Please, just leave me alone."

"Haha, what's a pretty young lady doing here?!" the boldy man said as he stepped forward.

"OHO! She is fantastic!" Another one added.

"Do you know who-" "Do you know who our boss is? He is an E-rank hunter. If you accept him your life will be set." She was cut off by one of the lackeys who enthusiastically replied.

"So why don't you be my girlfriend," the leader asked as he sized her chin.

Ethan's eyes narrowed as he witnessed the distressing scene unfolding before him. Without a second thought, he stepped forward, his voice laced with determination.

"Hey! Leave her alone," Ethan spoke with a firmness that surprised even himself. The group of hooligans turned their attention to him, their mocking gazes shifting from the girl to the hooded figure standing before them.

"Well, well, what do we have here? A hero?" the leader sneered, his tone dripping with contempt. "You're just begging for a beating, aren't you?"

Ethan's heart raced with a mixture of fear and adrenaline, but he refused to back down. He knew that intervening might bring unwanted attention, but he couldn't stand by and watch someone else suffer.

Ignoring the leader's taunts, Ethan glanced in the girl's direction, his voice filled with urgency. "Run! Get to safety!"

The girl's eyes widened with a mix of relief and terror as she quickly seized the opportunity to escape. She didn't know why Ethan's appearance terrified her, but she couldn't deny the sense of desperation in his voice.

As she fled down the dimly lit street, the hooligans' attention shifted back to Ethan. Their expressions twisted into sadistic grins, reveling in the opportunity to exert their dominance.

"Looks like you just made a big mistake, buddy," one of the lackeys snarled, cracking his knuckles menacingly. "You think you can play hero? We'll show you what happens to fools like you."

Ethan's heart pounded in his chest, his palms clammy with sweat. He knew he wasn't a skilled fighter, but he couldn't let fear paralyze him. He had to protect himself and stand up against injustice, even if it meant facing the consequences.

The hooligans closed in, their laughter echoing through the alley. Mocking taunts filled the air as they unleashed their blows upon Ethan, his body offering little resistance. Pain seared through him, each strike a painful reminder of his own limitations.

"Is this all you've got, weakling?" one of them sneered, reveling in Ethan's vulnerability. "You should know your place."

As the blows continued to rain down upon him, Ethan's resolve wavered. Doubt crept into his mind, threatening to extinguish the flicker of determination that remained, but he refused to let it break his spirit. Through gritted teeth, he muttered, "You... you think this will stop me? I've faced worse."

The hooligans, caught off guard by Ethan's resilience, exchanged bewildered glances. They had expected him to cower and beg for mercy, not defiantly challenge them. Angered by his words, they intensified their assault, raining blow after blow upon him.

"Where did your heroism go, shit face?" one of them taunted, a sadistic grin etched on his face. "You're nothing but a worthless coward."

Eventually, they left after venting their anger at Ethan.

While Ethan lay on the ground as silent tears flowed from his eyes. He was angry at himself for being weak as he remembered the incident from two years ago.

That horrifying event he could never forget. How can he forget the incident that led to his current life?

He can clearly remember how he was hanging out with his family and suddenly the rift was opened and hundreds of monsters swarm out.

His parents died right in front of him and his sister. He also got a scar from one of the monsters while protecting his little sister.

He stood up and wiped his tears and tidy up his dirty clothes and walked forward.

As soon as he left, the girl who was being harassed by the group came with two guards wearing black suits.

"They were here just a moment here ago," She said to the guards as they looked around.

"Young miss, you should not wander around without us. If you do, at least tell us,"

"As if you would allow me to stroll," The girl sarcastically said.

"Let's go!" She retreated with the bodyguards.

Meanwhile, Ethan was standing outside a door of an apartment.


As he knock on the door a little girl about seven years old opened the door. "Why are you so—"

The little girl looked at her brother from head to toe. "What happened, brother?" She was worried about her brother, as his clothes were ripped and his face had bruises, he was also dirty.

"Nothing, Pihu, I just slipped from the stairs," He replied as he straighten up his clothes.

But she just stared at him, "Do you really accept me to believe that? I am not a little kid who would believe that obvious lie," She pouted as Ethan avoided her gaze.

'This little girl is really matured for her age," He thought to himself.

"Here, take it," He said handing her a box.

"What is it?" She asked in high-spirited.

'No matter him much she had matured she is still a little girl,'

"It's the cake for my birthday,"

"Happy birthday brother," As soon as she heard that she excitedly dashed towards the living room. It was not always did they get to eat cake.

While Ethan followed her, he thought about how the cake was so expensive. It cost him 1/5 of his monthly income.

Even the apartment they were living in was the cheapest they could find.

The worn-out walls of the apartment were marked with stains and patches where the paint had peeled away over time.

The shabbiness of the surroundings seemed to seep into the atmosphere, creating an aura of neglect and decay.

The air inside was heavy, filled with a faint scent of mildew and a hint of dampness that clung to the worn-out carpet.

He sighed as he entered the living room. The only thing keeping him happy was his little cute sister.

"Come fast!!" The little girl could not wait to eat the cake.

"It would not rot if I am a second late," Ethan replied from the other corner of the room as he washed himself.




At the roof of the building, Ethan was holding a bottle of beer. Now that he had turned 18 years old he could drink.

He looked at the bottle and then at the clear and beautiful sky. He closed his eyes as he gulped the whole bottle of beer.


He tossed the bottle to the ground. He was now sober.

He pointed his finger at the sky, "What, what did I do to deserve this dirty life,"

"I never harmed anyone nor did I do anything to make you upset. I always prayed to you and you, in exchange you took my parents away.

Tell me what!! What!! Have I done to you!!"

As he screamed his lungs out. A star started shining bright as if it had heard Ethan's call.

Ethan gazed at the star which was shining bright by the second.

He admired its beauty but the star that shining brightly became big and big and big.

And when Ethan realised the star was heading towards his direction he became panicked.

And the last thing he remembered was being hit by the shining comet.

'Is this how I die?'

This was the last thought he had before his vision went blank.