
Deimos's Redemption

In a world where magic intertwines with kingdoms and dragons, the unlikely bond between Ilaria, a scarred maiden with violet eyes, and Deimos, the ruthless king of Eldham Empire, takes center stage. Despite their differences, an unforeseen attraction sparks when Ilaria is sent to serve the enigmatic king, leading them down a perilous path destined to test their very souls. As their connection deepens, the looming shadow of a curse that has plagued Deimos' lineage threatens to unravel everything they hold dear. Complicating matters further, Deimos' alter ego as the dragon prince lays claim to Ilaria, adding a new layer of complexity to their relationship. Amidst the backdrop of rival empires, buried secrets, and the relentless curse, they must confront their deepest fears. Will their love stand strong enough to defy the curse, or will their passions bring about the downfall of their kingdoms? Embark on a mesmerizing journey of love, redemption, and magic in this enthralling paranormal dark romance. Join Ilaria and Deimos as they navigate the treacherous path ahead, where every decision carries the weight of their fates and the destiny of their intertwined realms.

Wenxi_Wu · Fantasie
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10 Chs


"Bring the witness!" Oziel ordered.

Immediately, Gina's handmaiden, Miko was escorted to the stage. Her head was lowered as her shoulders shook. "Speak." Oziel demanded.

"Mi Lord…" she fell to her knees as she began to speak. "Mi lady was approached by Iliana and Lance after you headed for the stables with a bottle. I wanted to stay with them but Iliana demanded that I left them alone."

Series of murmurs and gasps escaped the crowd who had gathered to watch the scene. Iliana and Lance exchanged confused looks. 

"I wasn't even around…" Before Lance could protest, he was smacked on the head by the man who stood behind him. "Don't speak!"

Iliana furrowed her brows as she tried to digest the situation. What Mika was explaining was very much different from the actual event. "Father! She lies!" she yelled earning a growl from Oziel.

"Don't call me your father!" he snapped at her. "You say she lies, what's your proof? After you had poisoned her, you went to sleep with that good for nothing!!! How could you!?" he yelled angrily.

For the first time in ages, Iliana could swear that she saw a hint of worry in his eyes. Her confusion was if the worry was for her or for Gina. Her bows shot up to the sky when his latter statement re echoed in her head. "Sleep with Lance!?"

Lance was not left out as well. Shock was evident on his face.

"She poisoned her ladyship and went to have sex with her accomplice?"

"How disgraceful!"

"She has brought shame to the Tirion community!"

The crowd whispered among themselves. Iliana felt her heart race under the judgmental gaze of the crowd.

Oziel glared at Iliana before urging Mika to continue. "Continue."

Mika opened her mouth to speak, however, it wasn't her voice that came out. It was the stressed voice of Gina that rang out. 

"Mika is telling the truth…"

Everyone gasped. Oziel frowned as he headed for her. "Gina dear. Why are you out? You are yet to recover!" He exclaimed; panic was etched in his voice.

Gina's face was pale. Her lips were chapped and white. "There's no need for the witness to speak." She spoke through gritted teeth while her handmaiden helped her to stay stable along with the other maids. "They are guilty and should be executed immediately!"

Oziel nodded as though he was under a spell before turning to face the guards. "What are you waiting for?!"

Immediately, the guards grabbed Iliana and Lance and tied them to the pole. Irrespective of their struggles, they were still tied like worthless chickens.

"Death by the poisoned blade!" Oziel yelled earning a loud cheer from the crowd.

Iliana shook her head as she tried to speak but couldn't. She had suddenly lost her voice. Her body no longer responded to her as well. Fear gripped her. 

While struggling to escape, her gaze fell on a certain figure in the crowd. The figure sent a mischievous smile her way which cause her heart to race. Trying so hard to speak only caused her more harm than good. Blood trickled down her ears and nostrils.


Lance's aggrieved shriek jerked her back to reality. Two poisoned arrows had been shot at his abdomen. His face turned red as blood dropped from his mouth.

Iliana tried so hard to shout "Stop it!" but her voice failed her. Rather than hearing her voice, a sharp pain engulfed her entire being.

"This is what happens to anyone who thinks you can cross me and get away!" Oziel hissed at the crowd who continued to cheer as they watched multiple shots fired at Lance.

His screams rose each time an arrow pierced his already badly injured body. 

Iliana watched with dread as she watched her best friend suffer. Then the realization struck her. The person she had interacted with in the forest was not Lance. It was someone who had impersonated him! She tried to voice out her thoughts again but couldn't.

From the corner of her eyes, she sighted a smirk on Gina's face. "Bitch!" She cursed Gina inwardly as she sent death glares to her.

Gina scoffed inwardly as she slowly approached Iliana. Oziel hurried to her with panic etched on his. "I can walk on my own." She spoke through gritted teeth. 

Oziel nodded before clearing the way for her. Gina walked slowly towards Iliana who kept glaring at her as she struggled to break free to save her friend who was being pinned to the wooden pole with poisoned arrows.

"You might be wondering why you can't speak right…" as soon as she heard her, she froze. Seeing that she had gotten Iliana's attention, she chuckled. "Just what I thought. I shouldn't tell you this but since you will be dying as soon as your little lover is dead, there's no point in hiding it." She smiled as she lowered her head. Her sudden statement made Iliana freeze.

The crowd thought Gina was praying for Iliana with the way she lowered her head. "She has such a good heart."

"She still prays for the witch."

Smirking, Gina whispered. "Dark magic…" Iliana felt her jaw slack.

Before she could recover from the shock, Gina turned to leave. Her face was stained with tears which garnered the sympathy of the crowds.

"Kill them!" she mumbled under her breath to Oziel who nodded.

"Kill the servant boy first." 

As soon as he gave the order, the archer who wielded the bow and arrow aimed for Lance's head. In a swift motion, he released the arrow.

Iliana watched with dread as the arrow flew past her eyes and sunk itself in between Lance's eyes. There and then, her shrill scream rang out.

"What are you waiting for?" Oziel snapped at the archer who was sluggishly fixing the arrow to the bow. "Finish her off!"

As soon as he yelled, the archer released the arrow. Iliana shut her eyes tightly as she waited for her quick death. Right before the arrow could penetrate her skull, a black dagger hit it which caused a loud clang to ring out.

The crowd gasped in terror when they sighted the black dagger which had the King's seal. The dagger had sunk into the chest of a guard who turned grey before dispersing into ashes. Everyone immediately crumbled to their knees. Including Oziel and Gina.




Hello lovelies. I know this chapter ain't it. Don't worry, the upcoming chapters will be worth your attention. 

So, for this chapter, what do you all think about Gina? Is it just dark magic or there's something else? Who do you think interrupted the execution? Leave your thoughts in the comment section.

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