
Death Note: The New Kira

Yamishi Yagami, a young talented student renowned for his intellect, runs into a Shinigami on his way home from school. The Shinigami looks to Yamashi with a look of intrigue... "Are you as bored as I am?" "Yes" Little does Yamashi know that this shinigami has just found his new Kira *Warning: includes scenes with sex, torture and violence. You have been warned.* Support me here: https://www.patreon.com/dipforthechips

dipforthechips · Anime und Comics
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64 Chs

Unexpected Mind Fuck

"You want to know about me? What do u want to know in particular?" she looked surprised but tried to hide it behind a smile.

Yamishi saw right through it "tell me, how would u describe yourself?"

"Hmm... That's a hard one, haha. Maybe as someone who just wants to see the world as a better place? Or maybe as someone who would like to change the world themselves."

'This answer is most intriguing' Yamishi thought to himself.

Indeed this was an interesting reply as he could tell she wasn't saying it as something she just wanted. She said it as something she would strive to achieve.

"Well, this world isn't exactly desirable. Not a bad trait to have."

"Hehe, do you feel the same way?" She looked at him with hope.

"It doesn't particularly matter what I desire, only what I am capable of," Yamishi said this knowing that it would further the conversation between the two.

"Do you think you can't make a difference? If so, then why not, you're the smartest student in Japan, possibly smarter than most adults too."

As expected she continued with the conversation.

"No that's not what I mean... what I meant to say was the world doesn't need hopes and dreams, what it needs is someone that will fulfil them."

She looked mesmerised, like she had just seen something she would devote everything to.

He continued... "What if someone, someone like Kira were to show up again... would they be able to help out this dying world. Or is that just me being stupid?" He knew it was now or never and so he took his opportunity to advance the conversation.

"No no, I don't think that your idea is stupid... In fact, I was secretly hoping that you would say it first."

She looked up to him to make sure he wasn't looking down on her for saying this.

"Kira may be seen as someone who caused terror and death nowadays, but 70 years ago... He was someone worshipped by hundreds of thousands, millions even... That's because what he did was something good. Because of him the following 50 or so years were peaceful and very little crime was committed."

Yamishi was expecting something like this, however, he wasn't fully expecting her to basically be a Kira worshiper. But in the end, he wasn't in the slightest surprised as he knew from the moment she said she wished to change the world... That she would follow him to the ends of the earth to achieve that goal. And now this conversation had confirmed what he had suspected.

"I see... I completely agree with you. While Kira may have murdered many innocents it was all done in the name of justice. Their deaths were for the greater good. I hope you don't hate me for saying such things..." Yamishi looked down at the table.

"Of course not, I'm with you on that. If I met Kira right now I would do anything in my power to help him."

Her eyes began to glow with lust and love for the being named Kira. Yamishi could clearly see it even though she was trying to hide it. Her love for this being was too much for her to hide behind a happy smile any longer and so her happy, popular girl demeanour broke down.

"Amane, please keep it down. There was police around here earlier today, something about Kira cults."

"Oh right, sorry about that."


An awkward silence filled the room and was only broken by yamishi 20 seconds later.

"Heyy, excuse me, miss!" Yamishi yelled towards the back room.

The waitress poked her head out from the door and spoke: "Ah sorry it's ready now."

She walked over and once again apologised for the long wait. Something about not being able to find the coffee. Of course, Yamishi told her it was ok and not to worry but in his head, it seemed a little suspicious. 'Why would it take that long to find the coffee? She's been working here for a while I believe and surely she wouldn't have forgotten where it was... I'll investigate later I guess.'

The rest of the conversation was normal, simply about life and the like. Overall Yamishi had learnt a lot from this girl, and in turn, had some new pieces added to his plan.

It was one of the reasons why Light lost in the end. He didn't have loyal servants apart from his girlfriend.

"I really enjoyed this. I wanted to know if you wanted to do something similar again?"

Amane's face lit up and she replied in an instant. "Yes that would be great, I'd really like that actually."

And with that, they left the coffee shop and walked to the train station.

Once there Amanes train was about to stop. so she hurried to wait at the platform.

The train arrived and Amane walked back to Yamishi. She stood right in front of him and whispered in his ear "I love you Kira kun" gave him a kiss on the cheek and ran to the train all before Yamishi could respond.


If the time of death is written within 40 seconds after writing the cause of death as a heart attack, the time of death can be manipulated, and the time can go into effect within 40 seconds after writing the name.


Authors Note: Hey readers, I'm exhausted from exams and stuff so I didn't do any chapters. Im fine now that it's the weekend and therefore chapters will continue to release. I'm actually so excited for the next chapter and I hope you, the readers, are too!!