
Oh My Goddess

"I died?"

She raises her brow, "Yes. Quite a funny story actually."

I massage my brows, "I died and it was funny?"

She sits on the chair next to Grizz, "Should we wake up your friend?"

Grizz would probably pop an artery so I said, "He's having a hard time with me already so no, let's not."

She puts a finger up her lips and rubs it, "You slipped on the bathroom and hit your head on the tub."

My mouth was hanging open.

"You bled to death." She says.

I snort and then I laugh, "That was a good one. That's a great joke."

She looks at me without blinking and I sober up, "You're kidding. You've got to be. I'm a fucking assassin I don't slip in bathrooms and die."

She shrugs, "Well you did."

I can't wrap my head around it and she waves a hand in the air, "Oh for crying out loud."

Then it's like I'm pulled by my waist and I'm transported back to three months ago, it's like I'm looking from outside a window of our apartment. I see me, Jace walking inside the apartment pulling off my clothes. I see Glock wagging his tail following me around.

It's weird to see this part of that night, I don't remember it happening.

I see Glock go to the bathroom and play around with the soap, he always does that.

"Oh fuck, Glock."

And I knew what happens next, I go into the bathroom and just like the lady said, I slip on the soap, bump my head on the tub and I lose consciousness.

I see the blood slowly cover the tiles on the bathroom, Glock barks and barks until he's hoarse. I don't move.

I see the life leave my eyes, just like I've seen in all the people that I've killed.

I am pulled back to the present and I see the lady staring back at me.

She drums her fingers on the armrest, "Now that you remember what happened, let's get back to business."

I ask her, "Where's my dog?"

She sighs, "I am the goddess of night, not the caretaker of mutts."

So she's a goddess, that would explain a lot but it actually creates more questions in my head. But I just found out that I died in the bathroom so I'm actually pissed, "And where's my body, lady?"

She looks at me with those dark, evil eyes, "My name is Nyx, and I do not take too kindly to humans disrespecting me."

Nyx, the goddess of night gave me another life to do her bidding. I think carefully and decide that I need to be in the goddess' good graces if I want to make my second chance worth it. I look at her and keep quiet.

She enunciates every word, "Know your place, mortal."

Her telling me that makes me want to piss her off even more but I realize I don't stand a chance against a goddess. And I want to find out what happened after I died, I have to play nice and just listen to the black woman.

She sighs, "You're wasting time here, Jace. I did not bring you back to reminisce or for you and your personal vendetta. You must finish your assignment."

I fight an eye roll, "And that is?"

She stands up, "You must find my son and bring him back to me."


I cross my arms over my chest, "So, you brought me back because you need me to look for your son."

I look at her and asked thoughtfully, "Why can't you do it?"

She walks around touching my swords and my equipment, "I can't stay long in the mortal world, things get… messy."

I wonder why she says that but I keep it to myself, "Alright, how can I find him?"

She looks back at me and sighs, "You'll know when you see him."

Now I can't fight the eye roll that came, "That's extremely helpful."

She waves a hand, "I've exhausted my time here, go to the Crystal City, you'll find him there."

I butt in, "Wait. I know you've given me this body – although I'm not sure why, but I can't fight like this, this body is too weak."

She looks at me and assesses this body, "You've got more use for that body than your old one."

I look down, "How the hell is this body better?"

She grins, "You'll soon find out."

A black smoke emerges out of nowhere and before she steps in the smoke she looks at me again, "Oh, and before I forget, you've only got a week to finish your mission."

Mic drop.

This lady is giving a whiplash from all the information she's giving me. And then poof she's gone.

Time returns to normal and Grizz looks at me funny, "What the hell are you doing there? You were just about to leave a second ago."

I sit on the chair the Goddess vacated and looked up to the ceiling, "We're in deep shit Grizz."

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