Hundred decades ago in the ancient continent of Pure graceland where everyones life is decided by their martial power, The Death Clan was the strongest reigning force in the Pure graceland until the clan was ambushed and destroyed by a mysterious alliance of beings. The adventure of Jack as sole survivor of the Death clan begins...
Kuro Shin woke up sweating beads from his nightmare again. His head was throbbing in pain, as if it was being smashed to pieces.
After the pain faded slightly he calmed himself, he slowly surveyed the grounds and found himself laying in big sacred tomb stone. He noticed somethings a miss.
"what?! wheres my pouch?! damn it! I forgot it in that place?"
Kuro Shin, thirteen years old, was an insane fanatic of extreme battle. In his early age he would bring the head of the enemy leader before coming home. He was famed to be brutal and aggressive in his fights and even in spars.
He owned many things at an early age, which other people would pursue their entire life.
Although he is young, powerful and rich, he had no future goals, which led to dissatisfaction for years.
At the age of eight , he had the first taste of extreme battle with his colleagues, which brought him unspeakable excitement.
The thrill of being on the verge of death invigorated him and made his blood boil.
In five years, he had experienced all sorts of dangerous battles and survived due to which his body was extraordinary stronger than his colleagues. These experiences made his nerves as hard as steel and made him more tenacious.
The Death Clan was living fully in prosperity and superiority not until the day they never thought would come. The opposing forces of pure mainland attacked merciless and surrounded the Death Clan in surprise giving them shock,terror, confusion and many casualties.
The Death Clan resisted the waves of attack until their barriers were destroyed. The Hotshots of the Death Clan was sent to counter but the opposing forces attacks were strong and they were well equipped and ready. The battle went on non-stop.
The opposing forces kept on attacking them
until one by one hotshots dropped dead. The place was like hell every house was burned down, Supplies were looted, Female clansmen were raped and killed like nothing, blood splattered and flowled everywhere, stinky stench of dead bodies can be seen around some bodies were so crushed you can hardly recognise the person.
After the very fierce battle, the Death Clan lost and everything they have was either taken or destroyed leaving only a big tomb stone that has weird scriptures.
The enemies thought they completely wipe the Death Clan out but they hadnt notice that there was a wounded unconscious kid buried under bodies of his own clansmen.
Everything was fresh in Kuro Shin's memory. He always had nightmares about his clansmen screaming as they were slaughtered merciless children, women, old folks there were no exceptions. They were all slaughtered like a pig.
Kuro Shin swore to himself the he would avenge his clan. He recalled there were 10 different clans in pure mainland The Storm King Clan, The Dark Blood Clan, The Sky Lord Clan, The Sea Clan, The Titan Clan, The Rage Ghost Clan, The Monster Clan who all participated in the battle against them and two other clan that didnt participate was The God Slayer Clan and Human Clan.
After recalling all the events Kuro Shin signed and he pondered for a while then he stood up and said
"those bastards will pay a huge price i will slaughter each one of them! but first i need to get my pouch back so i can get my things"
He started to walk towards south heading to a small village.