
Dear In-Laws I know you love me

~~THIS NOVEL IS THE SECOND TIER WINNER OF WRITING FORMULA PRACTICE #35 FEMALE LEAD-IN LAWS ~~ ********************************** Betrayed by her Fiance just a month before their marriage Yoona was devastated. However she didn't cry, she gave a cold smile instead. It really felt good hitting him yesterday. 'Hah! Dare to cheat on me, I don't need a scumbag like you. Watch me cancel the marriage' She yelled at the night sky above her atop a small hill overlooking the city while being completely drunk. 'Well then why not marry me?' a voice said behind her. 'Awwww my dear handsome boss wants to marry me how sweet' Yoona giggled A drunk promise made at that fateful night turned into reality. **************************************** 'Ugh, I thought those cliche plot of the In-Laws hating on their Daughter-in-law happened only in Manhuas. I definitely didn't sign up for this while signing the marriage certificate. Well then let's see how long will you dislike me, I'm going to win you over with my excellent cooking skills and filial actions. Besides who dare hate on a beautiful daughter in law such as me. My dear In-Laws I know you'll love me. .................................................................. You can join my discord and connect with me here: https://discord.gg/dHY3s4mw Winter#5454 I'm on instagram too (xo_xo_winter)

Winter_Lee_ · Urban
Zu wenig Bewertungen
13 Chs

A step further

'I guess she fell asleep, today had been hard on her' Aiden sighed

He had wanted to ask her about the day and find out more about the meeting she had with his mom. Besides when at his grandparents place, they had been continuously hinting to him about getting a wife, they wanted a grand daughter who could accompany them. Aiden had told them that he would take a wife soon. He was thinking about signing the marriage certificate as soon as possible, he didn't want to drag it further as his parents could resume their antics of setting him up for blind dates soon, but he couldn't take the decision alone, Yoona's approval was needed too, so he had meant to ask her about it at the same breath. However neither had she seen his texts or picked his calls.

'Forget it, I'll ask her about it tomorrow' he mumbled and snuggled in the blankets and fell asleep.

On the other hand Taeyong was extremely annoyed as he wasn't able to have a nice talk or meet Yoona.

'Nevermind I'll just tag along with hyung at the office tomorrow' he flipped his non existent hair and giggled.

The next day an extremely annoyed Aiden stepped in the office with a smiling Taeyong following on his heels. With no doubt anyone could assume that Taeyong was the cause of Aiden's foul mood.

'Hyung thanks for bringing me to the company along with you. You're such a nice hyung'

Taeyong sniggered

'Who brought you here, you forced your way in my car. Why you lil imp' Aiden snapped back.

'Oh my don't be mad, see now Sis-in-Law is coming this way. Act nice, be nice' Taeyong smirked and waved his hand towards Yoona who was coming their way.

Seeing that Yoona was really coming towards them Aiden's mood turned a complete 360 degree and he was all smiles. Taeyong suddenly felt like he was standing at a field full of cherry blossoms, noticing the obvious change in his mood he scoffed at him,

'My brother is definitely going to be on my Sis-in-Laws beck and call' he thought.

He actually wanted to say it loud but he thought that was too young to die so he decided to keep his mouth shut.

'Hello Aiden and you too Taeyong' Yoona smiled and wished them though she was kind-of nervous seeing Taeyong alongside Aiden.

'Hello Sis-in-Law you're so pretty no wonder my hyung fell in love with you. Ahh... and you can call me Yong-gie just like my hyung does... It's better than Taeyong and I'll call you Sis-in-Law or Noona' Taeyong smiled and looked at her excitedly.

Yoona giggled seeing his behavior,

'He is surprisingly easy to get along. Good to know that he likes me, atleast someone other than Aiden likes me in his family' Yoona thought and wiped away her nonexistent tears.

'I'm totally fine with it, you can call me noona' Yoona smiled back at him.

Aiden looked at both of them conversing happily,

'I suddenly feel like I'm the third wheeler here. How can I be a third wheeler, the third wheeler should have been Taeyong not me' he frowned and continued looking at them.

'Yoona isn't even talking to me hrump... I'll have to keep her away from Taeyong' he thought and coughed, this definitely did stop Yoona's and Taeyong's conversation.

Yoona had been happily chatting along with Taeyong when suddenly Aiden coughed at the side. She looked at him and felt the need to laugh. Aiden was definitely jealous of his brother, he was glaring at him. Taeyong on the other hand started whistling one of his bands songs and turned away from him acting normal as if that he hadn't seen his brothers glare.

She smiled and called Aiden,

'Aiden, why didn't you join in our conversation. It would have been nice'

'Hyung was busy eating sour grapes how could he have joined our conversation' Taeyong laughed

'Taeyong can you keep quiet for a moment...' Aiden called out while his face turned to a tomato.

Yoona laughed at the scene in front of her but decided to save Aiden from the situation. He looked pityful at the moment.

'Now, now I think we need to head to the office. We have tons of work to do, It was nice talking to you too Yong-gie' she smiled

Taeyong nodded 'Bye Hyung, bye Noona I'll head to the lounge and spend my time there' he waved his hands towards them and left.

Aiden on the other hand still looked upset,

'She called him by his nickname though they only met today. She hasn't called me by a nickname though, but I haven't called her by a nickname too so I guess we're even' he thought to himself.

'Aiden what's wrong' Yoona asked him noticing his blank expression

'Oh... It's nothing, I was just trying to recollect something important' he smiled

'Ah... I see' Yoona smiled back at him as they both went towards his office.

Aiden went and sat at his seat while Yoona started collecting some interns documents for him to review.

'Yoona, I actually have something really important to ask you' Aiden looked towards her with a serious expression.

Yoona tilted her head a bit, she has had that habit since young when she gets confused or surprised, 'Go on I'm listening' she said and sat down opposite him.

'Well I was wondering when we can sign our marriage certificate. You know like, uh... It's better we hurry up for our own good' Aiden scratched his neck and turned the other side.

'Ah... About that I thought of the same thing too, we do think alike' Yoona chuckled

'So have you thought of the date' she inquired.

'Maybe day after tomorrow on Monday, what do you think' Aiden suggested.

'Sure, I'm okay with it but.... ' Yoona trailed off as she looked at Aiden.

'Is there anything wrong' Aiden panicked

'No, nothings wrong it's just that we haven't gone on a single date. Marrying without a single date is boring' she pouted.

'Are you suggesting we go on a date in a roundabout way' Aiden started laughing.

Yoona puffed her mouth, 'What's wrong with that. All couples go on a date' she complained.

'Okay, okay let's go on a date tomorrow. You can take me anywhere you want, whatever place you find interesting' he smiled.

'Really....' Yoona clapped her hands in excitement

'Then that's it we'll go on a date tomorrow and have lots of fun' she said and smiled excitedly.

'Now finish your work Mr CEO. You don't want

any pending works to be worried about while we go on a date do you' she continued and placed the documents in his desk.

'As you say Secretary Lee' Aiden teased back and got on to doing his work.

Yoona went out of Aiden's office and headed towards where Jisoo was. One her way there she could hear almost all the female employees talking about Aiden. They always did however Yoona never minded about it, but today those same words felt like a needle pointed towards her eye.

'Our CEO looks so hot, ah... how I wish he could spare me a glance'

'Tsk....such a wishful thinking'

'Besides did you see how broad and firm his shoulders and body look, also his height is over 180 cm. He is totally my type of guy'

'I bet he has a snatching waist and abs too... how I wish I had the pleasure to watch him'

At this point Yoona wanted to go towards them and yell at them to back off from her soon to be husband, but she couldn't.

'Gosh my life is so hard she thought'

At the same time she smirked,


he had a snatching waist and toned abs too, Yoona recalled the time she saw Aiden when he came out of shower.

'Ah... That was a great view' she giggled and suddenly stopped.

'Wait why am I thinking of this, God I'm becoming hopeless' Yoona slapped herself while being embarrassed at her thoughts.

She soon reached Jisoo's office, however she wasn't there. Soon one of Jisoo's acquaintance came and told her that Jisoo had taken half a day off. Yoona nodded and thanked him for telling her and left.

'Jisoo could have atleast told me that she was taking half a day off, maybe she has a headache. Afterall she drank lots yesterday' Yoona shook her head at the thought. As she turned around the corner she bumped into Taeyong.

'Noona what are you doing here in the marketing department, I thought you're my hyungs secretary' Taeyong asked looking confused.

Yoona giggled 'Ofcourse I'm your hyungs secretary. I came here to visit my friend, she is the head of this department, but she has taken half a day off' Yoona explained.

'Oh.... so that's it, anyway Noona when are you going to sign the marriage certificate, you know both you and my brother you're in high demand and have no lack of suitors. If you don't hurry one of you may surely go towards some other lane' Taeyong sniggered

'We are going to sign it soon. What are you so worried about' Yoona blushed and stuttered the words out

'I'm just reminding you because I don't want some other Sis-in-Law. You're good enough for me, I've known you really well' Taeyong shrugged his shoulders and left before Yoona could say anything.

Yoona on the other hand was confused,

'What did he mean by he knows me well'

she sighed and went to her office,

'Aiden was kinda right, Taeyong can sometimes be weird' she smiled and thought.

The day went by rather well, now it was time for them to leave, Yoona took her bag and went outside her office, only to see that both the Park brothers were waiting for her outside her office.

Yoona was shocked,

'Are both of you nuts, what will the others say if they see you here' she facepalmed.

'But you're soon going to marry my brother. What is there to shy about' Taeyong said in a confused tone.

'No, it's just that I don't want others to know about our relationship. You know, it may cause problems for both of us too' Yoona gave an awkward look at both of them.

'Humm.... It's fine if you're not comfortable with others knowing about our relationship. We can keep it a secret' Aiden smiled while Taeyong mouthed an 'Oh...'

Soon after they got in the car and drove off towards Yoona's apartment. On the way the three of them chatted about all the things they could turn into a topic for a talk and laughed at some lighthearted jokes made by Taeyong.

They reached Yoona's appartment not long after, Taeyong was unwilling to part with her as much as Aiden did.

'I wonder if we had known each other. This kid is too comfortable around me, it's as if it's not the first time we have met' she thought as she got out if the car.

Aiden followed her out and said that he'll drop her a little further and went along with her leaving a sulking Taeyong behind.

'So... my brother really likes you' Aiden laughed and told her.

'Yes, surprisingly we get along so well' Yoona commented back and laughed.

'I'm excited for tomorrows date, I wonder where you'll be taking me' Aiden grinned

'I'm excited too, now let's see about the place. It'll be a secret' Yoona giggled.

'Fine whatever you say my queen' Aiden smiled at Yoona.

Yoona was pleasantly surprised when she heard Aiden calling her his queen. She was blushing hard and at the same time thanking the darkness around them as Aiden couldn't see her blushing.

'Okay... ' Yoona smiled back.

'So then goodnight, I'll catch up to you later' Aiden bend down to Yoona's hight and placed a kiss on her forehead and quickly walked away.

Yoona was smiling ear to ear at that moment.

She quickly ran towards Aiden and kissed his cheek and turned away while adding a small I love you at the end.

Both of them were inexperienced in love but they did their best to show love to each other. Now I'm curious about how their date will be tomorrow, aren't you too. But that's a part we'll know when time comes (。'▽'。)♡


Hello, your tortoise Author is back with another update. Hope you're all doing fine and great. Thank you for reading my book and please do add it to your library too to get notified when I update it.

(´ ▽`)..o♡

Thank you and have a great time ahead

(´ε` )♡
