
dear diary, it's me

a true life story about me

fezzyquin · Teenager
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2 Chs

June 23rd , 2022

I am happy waking up in the morning, seeing my mom making masa made me happy that morning.

Greeted my mom ,then I went to the plate and cup rack, pick a cup and headed to the water filter to drink my morning water.

I went to the dining , I sat on a chair and drank my water , my dad came out of his  room and I greeted him. He argued about us  not coming for morning devotion, my siblings and i did like we didn't hear what he was saying, then he left to warm the car

Around 6:30, my siblings and I haven't taken our bath,so we aren't ready for school, my junior sister's went to the bathroom, while I was in the kitchen with my mom preparing the masa.

Wait let me describe myself before continuing the story, I am a girl ❤️ living in Nigeria, I am the second child in the family, i am dark in complexion, average height but people see me short 😭  .Am I not tall?

I hate it when a teacher tell me to clean the white board and my hands cannot reach to the top, it's so painful.

Anyways, I am happy that I am not 🚫 the shortest, that means I am tall (maybe) let me just hype myself.

Ok let's continue with the story, I was with my mom helping in the frying of the masa , my mom told me to go and bath  but I refused ( I am so stubborn, stubborn girls gather here) she then told me to go outside and pack the dog poop 💩 what the ****. I went outside and I was angry cleaning the dog poop, I had no other choice than to clean it .

Around 6:50, I entered the toilet and washed my hands to prevent germs, I later went to the kitchen and took a whole masa and dipped into the stew, it was nice , I smiled when eating it, I didn't even know it was hot .

I went to the bathroom and took my bath because my mom persuaded me to take my bath because I was having exams( civic education and Igbo language) 

7:30,  my siblings, my dad and I were ready to leave the house 🏠, I entered the car I then realized I haven't carried my table water, I rushed out of the car and carried the table water 💦 from the freezer, I remembered that June 23 is my English teacher birthday 🎉 , so I carried kunu aya and kept it in my bag.

I got to school and I went straight to my English teacher. Let me describe my English teacher, she is beautiful ❤️ and pretty, she loves body hug tops , she leaves her hair natural, she is cool in nature, she is always smiling, nothing you can do to make her angry , but when she is angry you will regret, she can't flog but she can punish .

I entered the staff room , I greeted all the teachers and wished my English teacher a happy 😊 birthday 🎉, she was excited seeing me bringing out the kunu aya from my school bag, I gave her the kunu aya and she thanked me.

On leaving the staff room, I saw my Best friend ( miracle) and some of my friends , I called them they turned and waited for me ,I ran to meet them, I asked where they were all going to

They answered," that they were going to the primary section to read for the civic education and Igbo language examination.

I responded saying "ok" then I followed them, when we reached the primary section, my best friend told me about her secret admirer, guess what, she knows the person

He(secret admirer) walked to her the day before yesterday being June 21st and told her that she loves her, she was  shocked hearing that, but she didn't take it seriously

The next day being 22nd of June , he sent her a letter , that's when she knew it was no joke, she tore the paper and spoke to the boy saying " I hate you "  the boy couldn't feel his body , he shivered and left the place

She said within herself, how will  a grade 9 student start falling in love , does that make sense, she hissed and sat down.

        Time for the examination

The supervisor rung the bell for the examination to start, my friends and I ran to to hall quickly before we will be late then we will be punished.

We reached the examination hall quickly, so we weren't punished

We entered the examination hall and we started the exam , seeing the questions made me smile , because it was a piece of cake

I finished the exam quickly and I submitted my paper, then I left the hall

I waited for my friends to come out , so that we can go to the computer lab and read for the next examination paper (Igbo language)

We went to the computer lab and we started reading the book , I didn't understand because that is not my language

Thirty minutes later , the bell was rung for the examination to start, we all rushed downstairs and entered the examination hall quickly, without us being punished

The invigilator distributed the examination papers then we started answering the questions, the questions were so easy like abc

The students finished around 2:30pm then we all left the hall

We were having mathematics the next day ,so our mathematics teacher told us to meet him in grade8A and B

Around 2:45pm ,  the students went to the classes , the mathematics teacher divided the students into two( from number 1 to 65 should go to grade 8A while 66 to 129 should go to grade 8B)

My friends were in grade8A and I was in grade8B , I was not happy being the only one out of all my friends but I thank God my cousin was in the same class with me .

The mathematics class was so boring that I was dozing off

4:00pm the teacher finished teaching , so we all departed  and went to our houses , I went to grade 8A to check out my friends, oh my goodness! Their teacher was not 🚫 done teaching them

I waited for them, then I got tired and told them I am leaving

I went home , I greeted my mom and dad they asked about my examination and I told them it was okay

I went straight to the kitchen, I opened the pot , guess what I saw, it was not something I expected, I saw soup and pounded yam

I was so angry because I expected jollof rice or fried rice with fish or chicken

I later tasted the food ,it was awesome 😎, I went for 3 good rounds of food

What an amazing day

I think am done with 23rd of. June ,2022

Bye ,see you following me , comment and vote thanks ❤️