
Quirk: Soldiers Kit

Momo: "I think we should form some sort of Plan"

Mineta: "I-I agree!" 'I'll show that Ashitaka-teme that I'm worth something!' (Yea I'm kinda going for a Naruto/Sauske Rivalry with Mineta and Ashitaka since Mineta is never used)

Momo: "What do you think Brother?" She said looking towards Ashitaka who had summoned the M1911 and before she knew it he muttered the Special phrase "Mission Start" and she knew what this meant

Momo: "*sigh* Looks like we won't get to do anything"

Mineta: "huh?"

In just a blink Ashitaka ran and jumped out of a Window and before gravity could force him down to the ground he dug his hand into the wall


Koda: "*Very quietly* W-whats he doing?"

Luckily the others heard Him


Tsuyu: "I don't get it? His quirk allows him to create Guns but also gives him Super Strength?"


Mina: "What! Thats such a cheat Man! Thats such a cool quirk!"

Ida: "Ashido-San! You should know every quirk has there own Drawbacks! such as Tsu who was given the power of a Frog however became a Frog instead!" (Technically he's always yelling whenever he's lecturing someone)

Tsuyu: "I don't know if I should take that as a comment or an insult"

AllMight: "*not smiling* You're right....." (Damn he ain't yelling or smiling... Now you know shits serious)

AllMight: "His quirk is probably one of the strongest there are, probably in the top 50...." (Top 50 out of 6-7 billion people.... Damn....)

AllMight: "However every Quirk, the stronger they are the Greater the Drawback"

Ojiro: "So what is it?"

Shoto stayed quiet to listen I mean afterall a quirk ranked higher than his, however Bakugo was annoyed of the delay



Everyone - Todoroki: "uggghhhh"

{Alright Hero here, Goldielocks couldn't come since he was sick so I'll take over!

Ashitaka's Quirk: Soldiers Kit

Effects: Gives him the ability to summon Any Gun he likes at the cost of his Stamina however his Quirk also gives him Super Strength, Super Speed, Super Regeneration, Super Reflexes, And Super Strength, everything the Perfect Soldier should have, Also the "Mission Start" isn't really any power from the Quirk but more of a catchphrase to deal with the PTSD he recieves from the Quirk

Drawbacks: On the 2nd week of every month he will recieve the memories of Dead Soldiers as well as feel the Pain they feel as they were dying, however the Pain comes all at once at different times of the Day so it is unpredictable to prepare for when the pain comes, However due to his Nervous system believing he is actually being hurt he will Vomit up alot of Blood enough to knock him unconscious although some of you might call BS since he has Super Regeneration but The Super Regeneration just heals him physically so in the end the Nerve system still sends electrical signal throughout the body and the brain, forcefully shutting the Brain and Body down)

3rd Pov: Hero Team- Kyoka Jiro and Kaminari Denki

Currently Kyoka and Kaminari was walking up the stairs to the 6th Floor right by a Broken/Opened Window, with Kaminari exhausted as fuck standing right infront of it and Kyoka panting a bit standing right infront of Kaminari

Kaminari: "*huff**huff**huff* I'm so damn tired *huff**huff**huff*"

Kyoka: *Breathes in**Breaths out* Cmon, Don't be such a baby lets go"

Just as they were just about to get going again Kyoka heard a Noise

Jiro: "Hey.... do you hear that?"

Kaminari: "No, whatcha talking about?:

Suddenly Ashitaka appeared from the Broken/Opened Window behind Kaminari with his hand dug into the Building and kicked Kaminari into Kyoka sending both of them into a Wall

Kaminari: "Ouch!, where did this guy come from" He said rubbing his back, however he was internally grateful for the Hero costume that had protected him from not getting his bones broken

Jiro: "Hey... GET OFF ME!!!" Jiro yelled punching Kaminari

Kaminari: "Ouch! Again! SERIOUSLY?!?"

Jiro: "Well its not my fault you landed on me! Dammit!"

Kaminari: "Well its not my fault That I was kicked into you!"

Ashitaka: "Are you done...."

Kaminari/Jiro: "Huh?" They both said turning towards Ashitaka

Ashitaka: "Because if you won't shut up and attack.... THEN I WILL!!"

Ashitaka blitzed past them at inhumane speed immediately summoning a Knife Gun (Specifically Billy the Kids Legends of the West Gun Knife) and sliced Kaminari's cheek

In shock at what happened Kaminari slowly moved his hand to his cheek to feel something warm and just as he was about to turn around he was punched right in the stomach knocking out all the air in him, making him fall down unconcious

Ashitaka: "1 down 1 to go" He said looking at Jiro who had decided to back away to the stairs immediately plugged her literal body part Earphones into the Ground causing the soundwaves to break the floor under Ashitaka making him fall down to the floor below, however....

Ashitaka: "You really think you can stall me by just breaking the floor under me!" Thinking quickly and balancing his weight he stepped on one of the falling debris and pivoted himself into the ceiling, then also using said ceiling as a foot hold, he blitzed right behind Jiro turned around and dropping his Knife Gun making it dissipate into nothing he summoned a M1911 and put it onto Jiro''s Head!

Ashitaka: "Don't move or I'll blow your head off, AllMight announce the winners of the Match"


Kaminari who just woke up

Kaminari: "huh? did we win?"

Jiro looked over at Kaminari who was unconcious the whole time with blood seeping out of his cheek

Jiro: "Dude you might want to get your cheek Checked"

Kaminari: "AHHHH! MY CHEEK!!! CMON YAOYOROZU-SAN YOU DIDN'T HAVE TO CUT MY CHEEK!!" He yelled while comically holding his cheek

however suddenly Ashitaka dropped his Gun and fell to the floor holding his mouth and on his knees

Monitor Room:

Kirishima: "*Manly Tears* H-HOLY SHIT THAT WAS SO DAMN MANLY!!!"

Ida: "*shocked* I-I'd have to agree" 'I wonder if I could ever move that Fast!"

However as the students were discussing what just happened with the fight Ashitaka started vommiting blood through his mask with Momo rushing towards him with Mineta who looks like he's frightened at why Ashitaka was vommiting blood, Jiro tryna figure out what to do, and Kaminari freaked the fuck out

Katsuki: "OI! ALLMIGHT WHAT THE HELLS GOING ON!!!" He said with his hands cackling with mini-explosions

However AllMight didn't answer and simply rushed into the Dome

With Momo: Just around 7-8 minutes before Ashikata starting vommiting up blood

Mineta: "Oh Cmon! Why can't I get some action!" (You'd chicken out anyway)

Momo: "Because we would just get in the way" However as soon as she said that she just had a thought

Momo: 'This week, is the 2nd week of April!' Realizing what was going to happen she rushed towards to Stairs

Mineta: "Hey! Where are you going!? Aren't we suppose to be protecting the Nuke?!" (Haha! The Mc could legit make one as the Gun Type Fissure weapon called the "Little Boy" is considered a "Gun" and just to tell that "Gun" Took 66,000 lives and hurt 68,000 people, most on the verge of Death)

Mineta just scratched his head

Mineta: "*sigh* Fine I'll check out whats happening too"

How upon arriving Mineta wet his diaper, Momo was rushing towards Ashitaka, Kaminari was fucked scared, and Jiro was trying to think about what to do of the situation

Momo: "*worrying* Hey! Cmon! You can handle it! just like all those other times!" Although Momo was worried she didn't cry why? Its because to her, her little Brother was somebody she admired so she thought he could handle it like all the other times

However Ashitaka fell down lying next to his Vomit of Blood falling unconcious. However lucky Him AllMight was there to say the Day, Carrying him off to the Infirmary

Mineta: "W-w-what just happened?" Mineta said in shock looking at Momo

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