
Class President

-3rd Pov-

Reporter: "What kind of Lessons do All Might teach!?"

Midoriya: "Eh!!!?, Ah... I'm sorry but I have to go to the Nurses Office"


Reporter: "What do you think of All Might turn as a Teacher"

Ida: *Blah* *Blah* *Blah* *Blah* (I ain't writing a whole paragraph just of him nagging although that'd be an Massive Flex on People who just tend to just skip over him..... hmmmmm... Nah to much work)


Reporter: "Lend us your thoughts on what it was like having the "Symbol of Peace" standing before you at the podium of Education!"

Ochaco: "My thoughts!?... uh.... He was really muscly! Yeah!"


Reporter: "What do you think of All M-- Wait!? Aren't you that kid from the Sludge Guy incident!!?"

Katsuki: "Drop It."


Reporter: "How does All Might teach his lessons"

Momo: "Ummm, Otōto... what do we do?"

She has asked her brother who's eyes had bags under it, Afterall after receiving the memories of Dead soldiers isn't easy to just shake it off, Because of that Ashitaka merely stuck the middle finger at them and the 2 went there way


-In Class-

Aizawa-sensei: "Hope you rested from Yesterday's battle trial, I took the liberty of looking at your marks and evaluation"

Aizawa-sensei: "Stop acting like a 7 year old you're wasting your own talent"

Bakugo: "..... I know"

Aizawa-sensei: "And you *looks at Deku* Are you always planning to destroy your arm Midoriya"

Aizawa-sensei: "If you keep going "I can't adjust my quirk so I have no choice" you'll never get terribly far, I've said it before, Don't make me say it again a third time"

Aizawa-sensei: "Once you cleared that Hurdle, You'll be much more flexible, So I need to see some sweat out of you Midoriya"

Midoriya: "YES, SIR!"

Aizawa-sensei: "And you Ashitaka, The Next time your quirk acts up inform us ahead of time"

Ashitaka: "Tch, maybe you should've read my file like any good teacher would have"

Aizawa-sensei: '*sigh* Why do I hate that he's so correct?'

Aizawa-sensei: "Anyways now lets get on with homeroom notices... I'm sorry to have this spring on you all, but....."

Everyone - 3 students: 'WHAT ANOTHER TEST!!!'


Class-1A - 2 Students: "FINALLY SOMETHING NORMAL!!!" (Man the Mc is lucky that his quirk currently isn't active or else his ear would've bled again)

"I wanna do it!" "OHH!! OHH!! I WANNA BE CLASS PRESIDENT!! PICK ME!!" "My Manifesto as President: All Girls must expose 30 cms of there Thighs!!"(While I agree with you the Mc wouldn't be having any of that happening to his sister) "Oh you mean the position that exists for me" "Thats a leader position!! I'll do it!! Me!! Me!!"

Ashitaka: 'How annoying, President Seat what type of Bullshit is this? I have enough to do already such as studying, testing a new combat technique, studying up new guns, Gun type fissure weapons, Dealing with PTSD, doing Paperwork for the Yaoyorozu business to create Support Items for Pro Heroes, etc, etc, etc'

Standing infront of the Chalk Board was now Momo and Ashitaka, With Ashitaka with 4 votes with Veins Bulding out of his head and Momo with 2 votes

"Damn... who would've thought that the twins were both voted" "I guess you know the saying "Twins stay together" or something like that"

Aizawa-sensei: "Well I guess Ashitaka Yaoyorozu is Class Presidant with Momo Yaoyorozu being Vice-Presidant"

Ashitaka: "*sigh**mutter* Calm down, Calm down, Calm Down, HOW THE FUCK CAN I CALM DOWN!!!!!!"

Ashitaka sudden yelling made Class-1A flinch

Aizawa-sensei: "Is something wrong Ashitaka"


Ida points to himself

Ashitaka: "THATS RIGHT YOUR THE CLASS PRESIDENT FROM NOW ON GOT IT!!! I'M BUSY AND TIRED ENOUGH I'M NOT DEALING WITH THIS!!!" Ashitaka walked angrily to the door kicked it and broke it sending it out a window and walked out (As you can see even the Mc has a Breaking point from the Stress he gets from a Daily Basis, Its quite funny how he's not broken yet)

Aizawa-sensei: "Well I guess.... Ida Tenya is the Class President and Momo Yaoyorozu is the Vice President"

The Class was left slient until the Bell Ranged

Aizawa-sensei: "Well class if ov-" Everybody rushed out not wanting to stay in that awkward silence (Man even Bakugo)

-Random Hallway-

*Alarms were going off*

In this Random hallway where alarms were going off Ashitaka was eating his own handmade Bento until he heard footsteps from the Corner, Ashitaka just kept eating, When they showed themselves they first to show himself was A darky misty like creature wearing a Butlers outfit with the other looked like a Grayish blue haired weeb with a Hand over his face (By the way this hallway doesn't have any Surveillance cameras because nobody really goes there which makes it quiet, one of the few places the Mc likes)

Ashitaka merely just dropped his Bento on the ground and summoned a M1911

Ashitaka: "So how did you get in here Villains"

Weeb: "You're different from the Others... That atmosphere around you, You've killed before haven't you?"

Ashitaka merely looked towards at the 2 Villains infront of him with a Dead Eyes and umsummoned his Gun and walked right past them, then stopped and said something

Ashitaka: "You're looking for a plan to strike aren't you? I've read the files for tomarrow its kinda pathetic to be honest how there making us heroes in training already start a Rescue training on the 3rd day of School, Thats all I'll tell you, I also want to meet your "sensei" of yours the exact opposite of All Might,

All For One" and Ashitaka went on his way back to class

Suddenly The Villain who looked like a Weeb started Grinning Crazily, and The mist like butler chuckled a bit before both teleported away


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