
Chapter 55: Heal Gems

~Erza POV~


There goes another Dark guild gone and with that done with that take care of my mission dealing with them in this village.

As I was going around gathering them into one place, I can't help but wonder how the few days of my life has been crazy.

One second I was doing the job the next I have an identity crisis of what was reality.

Truly this world is crazy along with the chat group as well with Ryuko and Satsuki joining in the group.

As I was interrupted from my thought, I see that another wizard was standing up as he yells at me with fury in his voice, "You damn bitch! I'll make you pay Fairy of the Knight Ti –"

Yeah no.

Quickly dashing towards him I used my new armor I got from the rewards the Bear set as I simply punch my enemy, "Sorry but no way I'm following that troupe [Bear Punch]."


With that, he was knocked the heck out that was simple enough.

Even though this S-Class Quest was supposed to be hard with my Bear Set it just made it a walk in the park with how what were the words Tatsumi would use?


It was OP I think he will say and with my Sacred Gear [Sword Birth] it will make me a lot stronger and I can see why.

With the Bear Set, I know what its abilities are thanks to the screen telling me what it does.

Black and White Bear Dress:

Black Bear's Dress (Front): increases physical and magic resistance depending on the level of the user, heat resistance (Cold-proof)

White Bear's Dress (Back): Automatic stamina and mana regeneration depending on the level of user, heat resistance (Cold-proof)

Black Bear's Glove: A glove of Attack, attack improves as level increases.

White Bear's Glove: A glove of Defense, defense improves as level increases.

Black Bear's Shoe: Increases speed depending on the level of the user, the user won't get tired of walking for a long time.

White Bear's Shoe: Increases speed depending on the level of the user, the user won't get tired of walking for a long time.

Bear Underwear: Does not get dirty, no matter how dirty it becomes. The smell of sweat is replaced by a more pleasant scent. The size changes as the wearer grow.

All of these bonuses from the armor alone are very impressive but it also comes with its own magic to which I added to my own arsenal even though how weird it is.

But I won't deny that these abilities of the armor gave me are very good to have.

Especially the infinite inventory I use to keep my armor and my strawberry cakes safely inside like they were fresh.

Truly the most important function of having this armor.

Bear's Body Enhancement: Enhances physical power by distributing magical power throughout the bear equipment.

Bear's Magic: By collecting magical power in the bear glove, magic becomes usable, the spell power varies depending on magical power and mental image. Power increases more when envisioning a bear.

Dimensional Box of the Bear: The space within the White bear's mouth is infinite it eats anything (you insert). However, it can't eat living beings. Time stops for eaten things.

Observing Eyes of the Bear: The Bear's hood can see the effects of tools and weapons. When the Bear's hood is not worn, the skill does not activate.

Bear's Sense of Danger Perception: Can discover the location of dangerous monsters and thieves.

Bear's Map: Creates a map of previously visited locations.

Bear's Summon Beasts: Each bear's gloves can summon 1 bear. The white bear glove summons Kumakyuu and the black bear glove summons Kumayuru.

Bear's Portal: By setting down at least two gates, you can go between them no matter the location of where they are set. When more than three doors are set, you can decide which door to get transferred to by visualizing its destination. This door can only be opened by bear gloves.

Language from a Different World: Understands languages of a different world. Can read and write the letters of a different world.

But still keeping track of all of those abilities are certainly a real hassle to do anyway with the job basically done I used my Bear Magic to create some iron bear chains tying them all up and grabbing them over my shoulder as I effortlessly carry them to the magic council knights waiting for their capture.

As I was enjoying my time that was when I heard the noise of Tatsumi starting the group chat.

[Ding! Tatsumi has requested the meeting!]

Tatsumi: Hello everyone I'm here to announce an important development today.

Echidna: Same here and hello again everyone!

Ruby: Hello guys.

Toga: Hey guys so what you called the meeting for?

Ryuko: Oh thank god something happened and here I thought listening to my teacher was going to be boring so what is the announcement Tatsumi?

Satsuki: I agree and here I was enjoying my time getting a normal life again but what is it do you need exactly?

Smiling at this I began to say to the group from the video screen provided as I see Tatsumi has a very large assortment of gems with him.

Erza: Hello again friends it's a pleasure to meet you but what is the thing you wish to speak Tatsumi and Echidna?

Tatsumi: He he he! I hope one of you asked but first though I'm going to be sending all of you some potions that I made with Echidna help producing.

[Ding! Tatsumi has sent Healing Property Gem x3!]

Getting the gift from Tatsumi I see it's a small pink diamond shape gem in my hands as I inspect to see some kind of liquid inside of it?

Has Tatsumi managed to produce healing gems of sorts?

As I saw everyone on the screen is confused about these diamond gems Echidna was quick to explain what they were to us.

Echidna: Yes, that there is a product that I and Tatsumi have been working on a few days ago when we returned. We were wondering if it was possible to fuse our healing abilities with Pink Diamond tears or spit with my [Water Magic] to have a better result.


Everyone in the chat group and even I were surprised by this!

In my hands, I literally hold the spit and tears of…!

Before I could do anything Tatsumi was quick to explain what it does which made me hold it tightly when I hear the effects.

Tatsumi: Wait! Don't throw it away! That right there in your hands are your free for all healing capable of healing and regenerating flesh in seconds!!

Erza: What!

Toga: Well shit these Pink Diamond shards can heal us to regenerate our lost wounds! Damn, that is very useful.

Satsuki: Yes, it is indeed very useful but it's still created from that man's bodily fluids?

Ryuko: Echidna are you the one who made this idea?

Echidna: No I didn't actually it was something that Tatsumi requested and he wanted to test out if his diamond biology was compatible with [Water Magic] to ensure that everyone gets a heal gem on hand never know when someone might need it.

After hearing her explanation, I guess it would be safer for us to have these on hand, but I'm surprised that they managed to have these made was surprising.

In my world healing magic like these were almost nonexistent I guess I should count myself lucky to have some good friends with me.

Tatsumi: Yeah, I made these gems to help you guys out I'll be making more of these in my spare time never know when having a lot of these can help or others but I'm not planning to sell in my world for safety reasons.

Ruby: Yeah if something like that appeared in your world it would surely be a problem, but I'm surprised that you made something like this though.

Echidna: Ha ha ha ha! Oh, my dear partner in crime nothing is impossible for the great Witch of Greed like me and besides our project like I promised is almost done we need a few finishing touches for it to be ready.

Ruby: !!!

Toga: Wait what promise was made here?

Tatsumi: Oh yeah, I guess we never did explain to you guys didn't we?

Echidna: Ahh yes that was my bad. Well long story short me and Tatsumi are having the finishes touches on recreating the copy of the Teigu Pumpkin for Ruby customization once she handed us her [Crescent Rose] for her help in knowledge of rifles and mecha weapons. I have to admit it was an interesting experience.

Tatsumi: Agreed and we even chat about the way they assembled them.



I find that hard to believe that Ruby would hand over her weapon as we all look at the young huntress wanting an answer.

Ruby: What? I really like the design and weapon of that Pumpkin and when Echidna asked for assistance, I made a deal that I get one of the finishing products to my order of customization.

Ryuko: Wait really?! And here I thought she won't let go of your precious weapon?

Ruby: True but then again why wouldn't I agree if I can get my [Crescent Rose] a upgrade plus it might be helpful down the line that and I like to have an unlimited ammo for any range sniper so it was a win for me.


Well that is certainly a unique way to get a new weapon as well as exploit a new way to fight and to never have the worry to reload.

That is certainly a good weapon to have then.

Seeing that I'm nearing my destination I had to cancel my talk with my friends soon.

Fortunately, it seems like Tatsumi was going to end it as well.

Tatsumi: With that update I wanted to say to everyone I have some plans to get going along but worry not Ruby I'll get the weapon updated soon. Mark my words on my pride as a blacksmith!

Echidna: He he he! Don't worry Ruby I'll help your weapon work as well and as a nice bonus I'll place some enchantments at the ready with the strongest material we have.

Ruby: Thanks guys I hope it's ready soon.

Ryuko: At least with these Healing Gems it would be helpful guess we keep these close.

Satsuki: If that is all Ryuko we have the next class soon as this one ends; we better get going.

Ryuko: Huh? OH SHIT! Sorry guys but unlike you we have class to get to so see you later.

Tatsumi: Yeah well then guys I have some things to do so have a good day.

[Ding! Tatsumi ended the meeting!]

Holding these three pink diamond gems that can heal others I stored them in my subspace for the time being.

Well it's time to return to my normal day again I wonder what the future lies for me.