
Brother Blood #57

As the thunderous blasts reverberated through the apartment, I groggily pried my eyes open, irritation etched across my face. With a reluctant groan, I reached for my phone, squinting at the glaring screen that announced an ungodly hour: five in the morning. Cursing under my breath, I couldn't help but curse, "Who in the hell is setting off fireworks at this ungodly hour?"

Tossing the phone aside, I grabbed a nearby pillow and attempted to muffle the cacophony, hoping to salvage what little sleep I had left. But the explosions persisted, growing louder and more persistent by the second. Just as I was about to surrender to frustration, Rattigan, my faithful rodent companion, leaped onto the bed, snatching the pillow away and nudging me insistently.

I shot Rattigan an exasperated glare, but his persistent antics left me with no choice but to begrudgingly surrender to the inevitable. 

With a resigned sigh, I clambered out of bed, muttering darkly under my breath. "Whoever's behind this is in for a world of hurt," I grumbled, peering out the window to catch a glimpse of the fiery glow in the distance.

"But first, coffee," I declared with a weary yawn, trudging toward the kitchen in search of the life-saving elixir that would fuel my morning.

It had been a week since I splurged on the Weapon Master skill, and surprisingly, things had been calm. Bruce checked in occasionally, mostly to hash out the details of the asylum, or rather "rehab center," as I insisted on calling it.

Beyond that, life had settled into a comfortable routine. My daily visits to Wildcat had taken on a new flavor; no longer just for training, they had morphed into regular social calls.

As it turned out, fists were fair game under the effects of the Weapon Master skill. The look on Wildcat's face when I handed him his ass in a sparring match was absolutely priceless, making the hefty point cost of the skill entirely worth it. 

Despite the beating I served him, Wildcat remained the only person I could genuinely call a friend, so I made sure to swing by whenever I could.

There was also Ted Kord, but he was more of a business partner than a buddy, but undeniably a likable one. Me, making friends— who would've thought?

Another notable event during this time was my sudden plunge into a gambling frenzy, courtesy of a newly developed addiction. It all started when I found myself drowning in boredom, mindlessly scrolling through the system, when I stumbled upon a tantalizing offer: a random weapon draw for a mere 50 points. 

The promise of rare and legendary weapons, with a guaranteed rare one after ten draws, proved too tempting to resist.

With my newfound mastery of all weapons, thanks to the Weapon Master skill, I figured, why not give it a shot? So, I coughed up the points for a single draw, curious to see what fate had in store. The result? A pitifully rusty old spear that looked like it would bend with a firm squeeze. 

Utterly disappointed, I found myself compelled to try again—twenty times over, to be exact. Before I knew it, my points had dwindled to a mere 300.

Lesson learned: gachas were the epitome of evil, and I had fallen victim to their siren call. Still, amidst the sea of disappointments, I managed to snag a few decent draws, including an awesome sword. Was it worth it? Perhaps. 

But mark my words: you'll never catch me indulging in gacha games ever again.

With my coffee drained and my outfit refreshed, I made my way to the door of the apartment. "Time to roll, Rattigan," I declared, reaching out my hand for him. Without hesitation, he scampered up my arm and settled on my shoulder. 

"I'm about to hand out some well-deserved foot-to-ass deliveries for whoever disturbed my beauty sleep!"


Brother Blood's maniacal laughter echoed through the chaotic streets as flames danced around him, casting an eerie glow on his skin. His monstrous mount, a grotesque amalgamation of bull and gorilla covered in scales, stomped menacingly, shaking the ground beneath them. 

With a sinister grin, he reveled in the terror of the civilians, his eyes gleaming with madness.

"The road to enlightenment is paved with sacrifice!" Brother Blood's voice boomed, drowning out the screams of the terrified onlookers. "And you shall all be the first to offer yourselves for the greater good!" His laughter rang out, a chilling symphony to the destruction surrounding them.

But just as his arrogance peaked, a sudden burst of energy sliced through the air, heralding the arrival of Starfire, Beast Boy, and Raven. Their determined expressions contrasted sharply with the chaos, their resolve unwavering as they confronted the malevolent cult leader.

Starfire, her eyes blazing with determination, unleashed a barrage of searing energy blasts, aiming to disrupt Brother Blood's hold over the creature beneath him. Beast Boy, nimble and agile, transformed into a colossal grizzly bear, charging headlong into the fray, seeking to topple the monstrous mount.

Meanwhile, Raven, her cloak billowing ominously around her, focused her telekinetic powers, creating a protective shield around her allies as she prepared to face Brother Blood head-on. 

"Resistance is futile! Surrender now Titans, and I shall sinfully grant you mercy!" Brother Blood's taunts fell upon deaf ears as she braced herself, ready to confront the dark sorcerer who sought to manipulate her for his twisted ends.

Brother Blood's laughter continued as he clashed with the formidable trio. His acolytes, undeterred by the onslaught, rallied to his side, their fervent zeal fueling their attacks.

As the chaos unfolded, the Titans found themselves in the thick of battle, their determination unwavering despite the overwhelming number of acolytes against them and the strange weapons they wielded. 

"We need to neutralize those acolytes before they summon more reinforcements!" Starfire's voice cut through the din, her eyes ablaze with determination as she launched volleys of energy blasts at the cultists.

Beast Boy, his form shifting rapidly to match the ever-changing tide of battle, nodded in agreement. "I'll keep 'em occupied, but we need a plan!" he declared, his voice echoing with the ferocity of a bear as he pounced on the nearest adversary.

Raven, her expression grim beneath her hood, focused her energies on maintaining the team's defensive barrier. "Stick together and focus on rescuing the civilians for now," she commanded, her words carrying the weight of authority as she surveyed the battlefield.

Slowly but surely, the Titans gained the advantage as they evacuated the civilians and neutralized the acolytes. However, their efforts were soon met with a sinister twist as Brother Blood unleashed a torrent of dark magic, conjuring a legion of infernal creatures to bolster his ranks.

Starfire's eyes widened with alarm at the sight of the approaching horde. "Incoming! We need to hold our ground!" she shouted, her hands already unleashing another barrage of energy.

In his wolf form, Beast Boy let out a frustrated growl as he shifted his attention to the new threat. "This is bad! There's too many of them!" he exclaimed, his voice tinged with apprehension.

Amidst the chaos of battle, Raven took charge, positioning herself between her comrades and the encroaching infernal creatures. "Stand behind me!" she commanded, her voice ringing out with authority as she conjured a protective barrier of dark energy. 

"I'll send these creatures back to where they belong!" Her eyes blazed with power as she focused her energy, preparing to unleash a formidable banishment spell. "Azarath Metrion Zinthos!"

With a resounding cry, Raven channeled her magic, weaving intricate incantations as dark vortex-like portals materialized beneath the feet of the infernal creatures. 

One by one, they were drawn into the abyss, vanishing from sight as they were returned to their original dimensions.

Relief washed over Raven as the last of the creatures disappeared, but her victory was short-lived. In a swift and unexpected maneuver, Brother Blood seized his opportunity, ensnaring Raven with tendrils of dark magic before she could react. 

Helpless to intervene, Beast Boy and Starfire found themselves locked in combat with the remaining acolytes and Brother Blood's mount, unable to come to Raven's aid.

Brother Blood, his grin twisted with malice, materialized behind Raven, his form shifting into a menacing cloud of blood mist as he hoisted her onto his shoulder. 

"Foolish girl," he taunted, his voice dripping with contempt. "Did you truly believe you could evade the grasp of Trigon?" With a sinister flourish, he conjured a swirling portal of blood-red energy. 

"You refused to embrace the darkness, and now you shall be consumed by it-- you and the entire world," He stated, poised to make his escape.

Before Brother Blood could make his grand escape, he felt an unexpected shift in gravity. Confusion furrowed his brow as he glanced over his shoulder, only to discover an empty space where Raven once perched. 

Panic clawed at his chest as he scanned the chaotic scene, desperate to locate her. To his astonishment, he found her suspended in the air, ensnared by a dark tendril, inching toward a figure shrouded in swirling shadows.

Micah's face emerged from the darkness, his gaze piercing through the gloom as he intercepted Raven's descent. With effortless grace, he ripped through the binding magic, freeing her from its grasp. 

A smirk danced across his lips as he locked eyes with Brother Blood. "Seriously, dude, you need to grow up and get over the edgy phase you got going on," Micah chided, his tone dripping with mock disappointment like a parent talking down to his child. 

"You're pushing fifty, and you're still spouting this 'embrace the darkness' Vader-type shit like a teenage Sith wannabe? Come on, man, show some shame and act your age!" He shook his head, a mix of exasperation and amusement evident in his demeanor.


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