
Ch 1) Becoming SHAZAM

San Francisco.

Dane trudged onto the subway home.

He carefully avoided the urine stains in the corner, complaining about the quality of the beautiful people in his heart once again.

After finding a clean spot, Dane slumped onto it and didn't feel like getting up.

In order to adapt to the national conditions of the United States, he applied to join the school football team shortly after enrolling.

He heard that this school placed great importance on the rugby league. Leading the team to the school league championship would earn a substantial scholarship.

This money was crucial for an orphan like him with no parents.

Fortunately, after being reincarnated as a white man, lacking money, love, father, and mother, but possessing strength and physical fitness, the coach decided to accept him based on his height and body shape.

He guessed that no matter how hard he tried recently, he might not be able to compete for the quarterback position.

Contemplating this, Dane's eyelids began to droop. He trained so late every day, and his physical strength was exhausted.

But he quickly pulled himself together; this place was not safe, and he had to be wary of being touched.

However, when he looked around, he suddenly felt that something was amiss.

"Well, why is there no one?"

Dane grabbed his schoolbag tightly and walked into other cars, only to find that all the cars were empty.

It's only less than eight o'clock; this is impossible!

In such doubt, Dane suddenly noticed something wrong with the scenery outside the car window.

Wisps of light flashed past his eyes, and finally, even passed through the car window and his nose.

"What the hell!"

Dane took a step back in shock, but he was not as fast as the light, and saw the light go directly through his body and out from behind.

"What. The. Hell..."

The subway's speed suddenly began to accelerate, and the light outside the window quickly merged into one, hurting his eyes.

Dane looked up and found a line of incomprehensible cuneiform script on the door frame, and the windows were covered with snowflakes.

For a moment, Dane felt that this thing looked familiar, but before he could figure out where he had seen it, he found that the car came to a sudden stop. Huge amounts of inertia threw him, and he fell into a mess.

Fortunately, he was physically strong and recovered quickly, just in time for the car door to open.

Dane got up from the ground and walked out of the car door carefully.

He found that there was no known station in front of him, only a rocky path that seemed to be naturally formed.

The sense of sight became heavier.

Dane looked left and right; there was no other way for him to go in front of him except this one, so he could only follow the current.

When he walked to the end, he saw a man, an old man in a red robe, with messy hair and dark skin.

He is numb and shocked.

No, big brother, I have lived here for more than ten years, and now that I have just started to rush, you tell me that this world is so dangerous!

"Dane Davis!"

Dane remained expressionless, subconsciously replied: "I'm here."

"You shall inherit my ability and become the new guardian of the Rock of Eternity."

"Here, grab this scepter and call my name, Shazam!"

Wait a minute, isn't this process over yet?

Dane didn't feel right; didn't he have to be tested before gaining the powers?

Like a pure heart or something.

He glanced behind the old man, the statue of the Seven Deadly Sins was still there, so the bald villain Dr. Sivana hasn't come yet. Shouldn't this young man be tested?

Dane has always believed that there is no such thing as a free lunch, especially the power of Shazam.

This thing is essentially a power based on contract magic. Contracts are too easy to manipulate.

If you don't believe me, ask Ghost Rider on the set next door.

The old wizard looked at the young face in front of him, feeling a little helpless:

"Dane Davis, what are you still hesitating for?"

"Mr. wizard, before I inherit your power, why don't you conduct a test or something?" Dane tentatively asked.

"What did you say?"

The wizard suddenly stopped the scepter, and Dane's right hand stuck to the scepter uncontrollably. He tried to pull back, but he couldn't.

No, is he going to force this on himself? Dane was dumbfounded.

The wizard snorted softly: "Dane, I know what you are doubting, but please believe me, I know through magic you are most worthy ."

"Now, skeak my name, Shazam!"

Well, it looks like the heir has to be himself, and Dane can only go along with it.


A thunderbolt fell from the sky, hitting Dane directly.

His whole body was shaken, an electric shock-like itch spread all over his body, and then a surge of power flooded every cell in his body.

The already tall body was raised again, and it didn't stop until it grew to a full 6 feet 5 inches (about 196).

The jacket on his body turned into a red suit, and he wore golden artifacts on his wrists and waist. The boots under his feet were also replaced with gold castings, fortunately not hurting his feet when he stepped on them.

The most conspicuous thing was the lightning on his chest. Dane quickly looked down, but luckily, it wasn't the LED light in the movie; it was similar to the one on Black Adam's chest.

In the movie, he has long been unhappy watching that, like a fake.

"That's right, now you have the power of the gods."

"The wisdom of Solomon (S), the strength of Hercules (H), the stamina of Atlas (A), the power of Zeus (Z), the courage of Achilles (A), and the speed of Mercury (M)!"

"From now on, you must shoulder the responsibility that Shazam should shoulder!"

"The Rock of Eternity is the holy land of all magic, and you must not lose it. I leave it to you here."

"Remember, the power of magic comes from within..."

After speaking, the wizard's face suddenly shattered and scattered like sand, turning into a pile of dust in the blink of an eye.

Ah, this...

Don't magical councils ever give induction training to newcomers? Go straight to work?

Dane had a question mark on his head; this handshake was too clean. How many sorcerers are still left?

Don't you still have a role in Shazam 2?

"Dane, Dane, come here!"

At that moment, Dane, who was alone, suddenly heard broken thoughts around him.

He turned his head to look and saw the eyes of the Seven Deadly Sins glowing dimly red; obviously, they were talking.

"The Seven Deadly Sins..."

"That's right, it's us. Come on, tell us your desires; we can help you realize them."

"Whether it's money."

"Or beauty."

"Or power."

"Even immortality!"

"As long as you ask, we will respond, accept us!"

"Not even the gods can restrain their desires."

"Don't be shy, kid, tell me what you want, tell me what you want..."

Dane lowered his head, the arc of lightning jumping in his eyes, and Zeus's divine power formed a hot thunder around him.

"Wait, what are you doing!"

Dane looked up and showed a smile, he raised his fingertips, and a lightning bolt "boomed" on the blue magic pupil in the center of the stone statue.


"Nope——! Stop it! "

"Damn bastards, ah——!"

This magic pupil that emits blue light is the one that the bald villain put into his right eye in the movie.

It is the medium through which the seven deadly sins dwell and the shell that connects their spirit bodies.

At this time, the demon pupils were bombarded by divine power, as if they were shocked by electric shocks on their bodies, making them feel painful.

After Dane finished punishing the seven deadly sins, he felt refreshed.

"I, such a promising new deity, what do I want you seven crooked ghosts for?"

Shazam possesses divine bodies, divine powers, artifacts, and divine knowledge, and there is no problem in saying that his is a Greek god.

In the time period when the old gods are hidden and Wonder Woman is not out, Dane says that he is the only god and there is nothing wrong with it.

How is it possible to stain my devine majesty with such stinky shit as the seven deadly sins?

Besides, now that the entire Eternal Rock is mine, I want to do something to a few of you broken stone statues, can you still resist?

Dane opened his palm, and the wizard's scepter automatically flew to his palm, and after the wizard disappeared, the ownership of the scepter automatically transferred to him.

The moment Dane gets the scepter, it is equivalent to getting the ownership of the Eternal Rock at the same time.

The first thing he did next was to change the door lock code here.

In the future, no one can come in unless they have his permission.

Big bald head Sivana, you are now banned, no stupid archenemy shit .

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