
Dc is a horrible place that I like

saadferto_Huyter · Anime und Comics
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7 Chs

Busted (R18)

At dinner you can see big table surrounded by three female on the left side of the table and two on the left.

'Jessica rally couldn't make it to dinner huh'

The atmosphere was lovely for most part komadr was still messing with now fuming Kara while rave is eating without making any sound.

Diana was the closest to my side of the table leaning her head on my shoulder looking at the chaotic duo with a content smile on the other hand Sandra who usually occupy my other side is now seated on the furthest seat from me she didn't touched her food but we both know why. The dinner continued as normal.

"So. Diana dear I heard you joined a superhero team recently and saved the 'world'"

Diana lifted her head from my shoulder and looked embarrassed a bit, because even though the title of the news paper suggested that the newly founded justice league is the final line of defence for earth I and her know the planthra of cosmic entities that used earth for vacation and can snap any threat toward her with no second thoughts. Well most threats any way.

"Well It was nice to finally fully embrace the heroic side of my family"

"Dear, I told you to not bring them in the table conversation, they disgusting"

"It was differents time ok dear"

"Well I lived through their reign on earth but you didn't see me behave like them, or do you prefer if had forced my self into you when we first met?"

"I mean I wouldn't have minded if it was you that took by force"

The whole table now returned to silence and everyone looked at Diana with a questioning face, Diana looked at how everyone begins to stare at her and said:

"You all behave like if you will not like it if you were taking by force by our husband"

Now the atmosphere changed from surprised to akward to embarrassed all the girls had a tinge of redness colouring their faces, even Sandra wasn't spared.

"Hum, anyway girls keep your fantasies for later it time to get to bed, except you Sandra we need to talk"


On dinner table Sandra wu san was facing her spouse on the other side facing her, the old renown assassin and part of one of the biggest hidden organisation known on earth, is feeling a bit nervous, she taken more than a suicidal missions on her life that will put special forces to shame but when it comes to her lover she felt completely vulnerable. Since that day he took her, she couldn't live without him.

But today everything might change, maybe she would even give her life if that meant he will not abandon their history together after this. For her, her child and him. This shouldn't have turned like this.

The moment of silence felt like weeks of isolation.

"Cassandra Cain, is-''

"My and David Cain daughter, I have been cheating on you"

I looked at Sandra face still showing no emotion no movement.

"Sandra you know when I married you I saw inside you that dignified prideful woman, that ignored her losses and only focused on moving forward"

"But now you only a husk of your former self, your now suffering from pain and guilt....you can stop lying now, I know in fact that you NEVER cheated on me and that Cassandra is OUR daughter"

Sandra body twitched a bit but her face is still empty from emotion.

"Now all I wanna know why you didn't tell me we have a thirteen year old daughter"

I came closer to Sandra and lifted her chin with my hand , until her eyes met mine. Her face looked empty but inside her dark eyes there was deep sadness that was waiting to be unveiled.

"Cassandra was my first and only daughter, knowing what are you I had high expectations for her, but then she was born completely human with no powers"

Sandra face became to crumble and years started rolling from her eyes.

"I was afraid you would disapprove her existence, so I went on raising her alone, I trained her harshly from a young age, she always asked me about you but I always told her that you are dead, luckily she has talent for assassination but when her training intisified her hatred for me did too until she found a gab and run away."

I listened attentively to now sobing weak Sandra.

"Please, don't hate her it was my fault for her existence, that she this weak"

A bit of anger started to rise inside of me.

"You know why I am really angry right now, it not because you kept my daughter hidden from me all these years, or the fact you lied to me, no is the fact that you thought that I would get rid of my own daughter from my own flesh because she wasn't born all powerful."

I held the face of Sandra closer to my face.

"Now tell me Sandra how should I deal with you"

Sondra replied with still sobing voice.

"I... I "

Her body lost power and her her face fallen on my shoulder.

I put my hand around her back and hold her tightly not letting her get out from grasp.

"Let it all out"

For half a hour Sandra hugged me, wailed, and apologised.

"For your punishment I will have you all for myself for three days and you will tell me every secret you kept from me.... Understood"



Latter that night~

"yes...Yess...more ....More"

Archard was pounding lady shiva mercilessly

His member deep inside her, her face was a mess, her tongue was out, her legs are touching her shoulders, her messy hair only added on the mesmerising scene.

They started 8 hours ago yet they show no sign of stopping.

He changed the position again, this time pulling back her hair, with one hand and holding her waist with the other.

Each thrust made a moning sounds echoes through their love chamber.

He came inside her so many time, her eyes are unfocused.

And lastly he came deep inside one last time before Sandra laid beside him on the bed, putting her hand around his neck. Both really satisfied and glad they cleared this situation.

"You know honey I feel like idiot right now for feeling paranoid about our daughter future, I only really was afraid of what you would think about me and her"

"We ve been through this honey let the past go, we only need to focus on the future"

Sandra smiled and laid her head on my chest

"You know I always thought how lucky I was to marry you but I sill underestimated how really lucky I really was"