
Chapter 006 Meeting After 25 Years

Early the next morning, after taking the keys, Dane and Clark said goodbye to Martha and flew to the North Pole.

Dane only knows that the spacecraft is near the Arctic Circle, but he doesn't know the exact location.

But this is not a big problem. Clark has clairvoyance, and the obstruction of the ice layer is just a decoration for him.

Dane didn't lay down either. He used the tracing spell to roughly delineate a range, which was actually in Canada.

In less than an hour, they located the spacecraft about 300 meters below the ice.

Clark was very excited. When he saw the spaceship, he had a strong feeling in his heart that it belonged to his family.

Dane would agree with his gut if he knew what he was thinking.

According to the setting of DCEU, this scientific research ship belongs to the ancestor of the Al family, Kayla Zo Al (not Supergirl).

It was the first vanguard spacecraft sent out when Krypton was just exploring space 20,000 years ago.

Although it sounds ancient, the above level of technology is still beyond the reach of the earth.

Before reaching Earth, the ship had explored at least a hundred thousand worlds, gathering and recording knowledge of them.

Dane at the moment had an idea, he wanted to learn about this ship.

"Solomon's Wisdom" endowed him with intelligence and learning ability far superior to ordinary people, so there is no need to regret it.

Although he is a god on the magic side, it does not prevent him from learning technology.

The upper limit of dual cultivation of science and magic is even higher, and Dr. Doom from Marvel next door has even reached the multi-universe level.

It can be seen that the prospect of this road is very broad.

Clark's thermal vision cleared the way, and soon they passed through the ice and saw a spaceship that looked like a Beetle.

Its top and bottom are frozen in ice, but the hatch is wide open.

Perhaps it sensed someone approaching, and a half-person-high operating platform floated out from the door.

It is small and exquisite, with a small hole in the center of a diamond triangle.

Clark looked at this thing thoughtfully, unaware that something like an armored chrysalis floated behind him.

But Dane was not dazed, he raised his finger, and the white lightning flashed away, piercing through the "armored chrysalis" in an instant.

Only then did Clark turn his head and see the mechanical creation that had been pierced with a hole.

He turned his head and looked at Dane gratefully.


"Be careful to protect yourself, you are not the owner of this ship yet."

Clark took out the key, inserted it into the jack without hesitation, and pressed it again.

Immediately, the two felt that the entire spaceship lit up.

Clark lost his mind, and Dane coughed in due course.


"Oh yes."

Clark immediately came back to his senses, and hurriedly said to the operating platform: "Don't send any signals, keep silent!"

The breathing light on the platform flickered on, then went off again.

Clark looked at Dane with a questioning expression.

Dane gave a thumbs up.

At this time, a third person suddenly appeared in the field of vision of the two of them, and he stood there, watching them quietly.

"Did you see it?"

Clark pointed there, his tone incredulous.

"My eyesight is fine."

Dane nodded, he knew that man was Superman's real dad.

The man stood there for a while, then suddenly walked towards the interior of the spaceship.

"please wait!"

Clark ran after him without saying a word, and Dane followed suit.

That person seemed to be guiding them until they were led to the cockpit, where there was a one-seater driver's seat.

Clark searched for a while but couldn't find anyone, and then saw the driver's seat go up, and the cabin suddenly became empty.

The man who had just guided them here was standing in the middle as if he had been there the whole time.

He glanced at Clark, with unconcealable love and tenderness in his eyes.

He glanced at Dane again, as if to judge whether he was a threat, but quickly let his guard down.

Because Clark took the initiative to introduce Dane: "He is my friend, Dane, you, you are..."

Clark was a little afraid to say it, but the man said his unfinished words very gently.

"I'm your father, karl."


"It's a relief to see you grown up, and if only Laura could see it with her own eyes."

Although he already knew it from Dane, Clark was still very excited, and he couldn't help asking:

"Me, who am I?"

"Your name is Kal-El. I am the shadow of your father, Jor-El. You can also say his consciousness, his memory."

"I have a lot of questions to ask."

"I will answer you one by one."

As Jor-El said, the nanomaterials behind it began to combine, synthesizing to look like a planet.

"First, let me introduce you to your hometown, Krypton."

Clark's eyes widened, like elementary school students in class.

Dane knew it was one of the most important moments in Clark's life, so he was quiet.

"Krypton has a much harsher environment than Earth."

"A long time ago, in the age of expansion, our race traveled across the stars, looking for new habitable planets."

"Countless spacecraft have been launched into space, and the one under our feet is one of them."

"We set up outposts on other planets, designing massive machines to modify the environment to our needs..."

The nanomaterial group synthesizes a large three-legged machine, which is the World Engine.

Zod is probably transforming this thing in those outposts now.

"Our civilization continued to prosper and perform many miracles for a long time until..."

"Until what?" Clark asked impatiently.

"Until we instituted a reform and started population control, countless outposts were abandoned."

Jor is cryptic here, but Dane is very clear that the so-called reform is a massive civil war.

At that time, the Kryptonians had almost no opponents in the known universe, and even powerful forces such as Apocalypse and the Green Lantern Corps could only avoid their edge.

The invincible Kryptonians started a civil war for some unknown reason.

This war took a very long time, and countless Kryptonians died in the war.

Finally one day, the Kryptonians had enough of dying, began to reflect, and re-enacted their laws.

They pre-designed the social division of labor for each newborn Kryptonian baby and determined their future social roles from birth.

The full implementation of this law is the foreshadowing of what Krypton will look like later.

Jor went on talking.

"We ran out of natural resources, and the core of the planet started to become unstable."

"Finally, our military leader, General Zod, attempted to change this situation through a coup..."

There is one thing to say, although Dane doesn't like Zod's domineering, he thinks Zod's actions at the time are okay.

The Kryptonian Parliament is unable to solve the problem of Krypton's destruction but prohibits Kryptonians from emigrating. This is to drag people all over the world to die together.

Zod's wave is to save the world. Although he also covets power, there is nothing wrong with him in general. The only thing he did wrong was that he failed.

Everything the loser says is wrong.

"Your mother and I foresaw the end, so we found a way to send you here."

Saying that, Jor started to move, and he took Clark and Dane to the Creation Chamber.

Inside are artificial wombs hanging like vines.

He began to tell Clark about the fate of the

Kryptonians, and began to instill in Clark the idea of ​​free will.

Free will, the old America loves this.

The 25-year-old chicken soup had the honor of welcoming its first customer, and Clark drank it happily.

Dane could tell that Clark At the moment was full of conviction.

He can be sure that if Dane said he wanted to kill Zod at this time, he would follow without saying a word.

In terms of convincing people, you have to be a super dad, Dane deeply feels that his morality is still far behind.

Finally, Jor opened the locker beside him, and a pair of blue tights and a red cape appeared in front of his eyes.

Jor explained to him the meaning of the "S" on the chest of the El family, which is hope.

Clark picked up the dress, and he couldn't put it down because of the cold feel.

He was about to put it on when he paused and turned to look at Dane.

Dane rolled his eyes before saying, "Okay, I'll go out and wait for you."

After finishing speaking, the down jacket on his body suddenly flashed and turned into a red battle suit. He raised his eyebrows and flew out directly.

The battle suit, like who doesn't have it?

Clark's face twitched, and then he dressed honestly.

Joe looked at this scene with a kind face and felt even more relieved. At least Karl still had friends, so he didn't have to be alone.

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