
“The Beginning of the End!

As the man thought this, the two ships opened at the same time, as if they were synchronized.

And what they saw inside left them amazed; it was…

"[Martha, these are kids!]" the man said to his wife, who was as astonished as he was.

Yes, there were two children in the two ships, children who, unbeknownst to them, would bring a great change to this world.

(Adam's Point of View)

[Mmm, who are these two old people, and I just heard that man call that woman Martha… Moreover, they mentioned another child, could this be the child that God mentioned as my strong ally?] Adam thinks as he watches the young couple of a man and a woman.

Adam, with all these clues, could identify that it was the Kent family and that the child who landed with him was the future Superman and the son of Krypton.

Adam, once again, thanked "That Mysterious Dude."

Since he would have the most powerful hero on the planet as a companion and brother.

And besides, Superman always takes care of his family, which means they will be a good flesh shield.

Oops, don't think I'm evil for thinking that, but Superman is the most powerful hero in most parallel universes, or rather, in all of them.

But well, the protagonist of this story is "me," not Superman, so let's talk about me.

"[Darling, this must be a blessing from heaven, for some reason they were sent to us]," Martha says as she looks at the children lovingly.

Jonathan just remained silent, observing his wife. He had never seen her so happy in his entire life.

She was happy until she received the news that she couldn't get pregnant, so seeing these children was like a gift from God to them.

And besides, Jonathan knew that these children were not normal; children falling from the sky in spaceships were highly suspicious.

But that didn't matter; he wouldn't be so heartless as to leave two children out in the open without protection.

And seeing how happy his wife is, it's impossible for him to tell her to abandon them.

So, the only option left is this.

"[Martha, darling, what if we take care of them and adopt them as our children?]" Jonathan says to his wife, who was looking at the children. No, she already had one in her arms.

"[Darling, are you serious?]" Martha asks, surprised and happy, as she knows her husband is doing this for her.

"[Of course, my love.]" Jonathan responds as he approaches the other child's ship and takes him in his arms.

"[Thank you, I love you so much]," Martha says happily as she approaches her husband with the baby in her arms and kisses him on the cheeks.

They were a loving and happy couple.

For them, this was the happiest day in the world.


You could see a child running through a field full of grass; he was a slender boy with long white hair that reached the lower part of his back. He wore normal dark clothes, but what stood out most were his horns curving upwards, resembling a crown. Another striking feature was his right eye, which was white, and his left eye was black.

Yes, that child was our protagonist named Adam, or as he was currently named, Benjamin Kent.

(N/A: Guys, remember that our MC will be called Benjamin Kent, and like Superman, he will have an extraterrestrial name, which will be Shibai Otsutsuki. Well, with that, I've warned you so you won't say I made things up out of nowhere).

In the last 6 years, Benjamin felt the warmth of a family; the Kent family was too pure from his point of view.

They cared for Clark and him as if they were the most precious things in the world.

Benjamin once again thanked that God for letting him experience family love, which he didn't have in his previous life.

In the past few years, Benjamin unlocked his Chakra while practicing every day in his bed.

That means, as a baby, he had all the time in the world since he only ate and slept.

That was the daily routine, which is why he decided to awaken his Chakra.

Awakening his Chakra took him 3 weeks because for some strange reason, the system wasn't active.

After awakening the Chakra, he felt great power within him.

At the age of 5, my brother Clark lifted a tractor and sent it flying from the barn to the street.

My father, my mother, Clark, and even I were surprised; I mean, a 5-year-old threw a damn tractor as if it were a toy.

I was amazed because seeing this in real life really surprises you. It feels very unreal, but I have to accept it; we are in the DC universe, and like me, I'm a damn extraterrestrial.

After that, my brother was scared of being different, except for me, who has three eyes, each of different colors.

Our parents, who saw them like this, decided to be honest and told us how they met us, etc.

After telling us their stories, they decided to take us to the spaceships in which we arrived on Earth.

Clark's Spaceship contained the same as in the movie; his original Kryptonian father told him some things, but not everything because Clark was still a child.

As for my Spaceship, nothing interesting came out; the only interesting thing was that the system activated by touching the spaceship, and that was it.

(N/A: What do you guys think about Clark? Do you think he discovered his powers too early? In my opinion, this was for his own good, meaning in the future, he won't have his identity crisis, and he can be stronger than in his canon)."

But well, now that I have the system in my hands, I can finally start practicing some techniques.

[Mmm, let's see my beautiful State] Benjamin thinks excitedly, meaning, I can finally increase my power.

[System, show me my 'STATE']Benjamin says to the system, and in an instant, a blue hologram appears in front of his eyes.

——————[(STATE)] ——————

NAME: Benjamin Kent (Shibai Otsutsuki)

Race: Ōtsutsuki

Age: 6 years

Gender: Male

Kekkei Mora: Byakugan, Rinnegan, and Senrigan.

Chakra Nature: Earth, Wind, Fire, Lightning, Water, Yin, Yang, Yin-Yang.

Unique Ability: Reflection, Flight.

Strength Level: Genin


Flight: is an ability that allows the user to move freely through the air. Apparently, fully alien members of the Otsutsuki Clan possess this ability innately without needing any other means for its use.

Reflection: This shinjutsu allows the user to reflect any incoming attack back to the enemy. Even the mere thought of attacking the user will be reflected with the intended attack, receiving a greater reaction in line with the attacker's assassination attempt. To carry out the ability, Shibai must be touching another person with his palms, which in turn transfers the ability to him. The ability remains active even when Shibai is asleep.

Senrigan: Senrigan is a unique dojutsu of Shibai Otsutsuki. Senrigan allows its user to cast their consciousness to any place to see and hear any present event, even taking place in a different dimension, as well as any past event up to the time of their birth. However, it does not allow seeing any events before their birth or grant precognition. This ability is like having security cameras in all corners of the planet and being able to access them at any time.

Byakugan: The primary ability of this eye is based on superior vision, providing an almost complete sphere of vision, that is 360°, except for the blind spot behind the neck above the first thoracic vertebra; however, this blind spot can be eliminated by emitting chakra right at that blind spot in a cone shape. Byakugan users can detect anything around them within a radius that depends on the user, the more skilled the user is with the Byakugan, the larger the radius. This dojutsu also features telescopic vision, meaning the user's ability to focus on a specific area within their visual field according to the requirement of the moment when it is used. Another notable ability it grants is the ability to almost penetrate any object, allowing users to see through walls, look underground, and see through bodies, also allowing them to see in great detail the Chakra Circulatory System of others and see Chakra points. The Byakugan user can, through this, anticipate the effect of the opponent's techniques, as they can see the type of chakra molding being used at the time of execution, predicting factors of the technique that will be performed, such as its magnitude, the amount of chakra in it, among others; in other words, by observing the execution of the technique, they usually understand it, using its effects for themselves or dodging it more effectively. The Chakra-sensing ability granted by the Byakugan is even superior to the Sharingan and essentially its biggest advantage. The Byakugan also allows users to identify chakra by distinguishing specific individuals from which it originates, determine when Genjutsu is being used, and discern certain types of clones from the real person.

Rinnegan: The Rinnegan has the ability to fully master the Five elemental chakra types, being able to learn any high-level ninjutsu, and it allows the user to see chakra, including otherwise hidden barriers. Also, the Rinnegan allows using the abilities of Sharingan and Mangekyo Sharingan at will, being able to deactivate it to any of its previous forms, including the Sharingan or normal states. With the Rinnegan, one can use six known abilities of the Six Paths: the Deva Path, which allows manipulating the forces of attraction and repulsion; the Asura Path, which grants the user mechanized limbs, weapons, and armor; the Human Path, which offers the ability to remove a soul and thus read a person's mind; the Animal Path, which allows the user to summon all kinds of creatures without the need for a blood contract; the Preta Path, which can absorb all kinds of chakra, including most ninjutsu; and the Naraka Path, through which the user can summon and control the King of Hell. The Outer Path, which governs over life and death, grants the ability to resurrect the dead.

—————-[(END OF STATE)]——————

[Darn, I'm only 6 years old and I'm so OP… but I don't understand why, if I have so much power, the system classifies my strength as Genin] Benjamin mutters after observing his wonderful "Stats."


[Oh, I see]Benjamin responds, stammering a bit.

The system was right; he still doesn't know how to use his power correctly. The only ability he could easily control was the Senrigan.

With the Senrigan, he watched a little boy named Bruce Wayne, the future Batman and Dark Knight.

So, the important thing now is to train and develop gradually.




(N/A: Guys, if you find this chapter a bit short, it's because from the beginning, this chapter was part of the first one, but since it was very long, I decided to split it into two. So, the next chapter might be written on Friday and posted on Saturday or Sunday. How did you like the chapter? Did you like it? I hope you like the chapter, and well, if you want to share your ideas, go ahead, it will help a lot with the fanfic and give me a "plus ultra").**

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