

A man dies on his way home in a car accident. Waking up in a totally different world, discovering that life had not only given him another chance but new things to discover, powers beyond his imagination. The powers of Blackagar Boltagon, the king of the Inhumans. But as they say, every power has a price, and his price to pay is silence. But as a wise man once said, silence can be a source of great strength.

CORNBRINGER · Anime und Comics
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243 Chs


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[Unknown POV]

The light flickers on, revealing a large room painted in white. A lone desk sits in the center of the room, and behind it, a woman is sitting. Her name is Amanda Waller, also known as the Wall.

Without any expression on her cold, emotionless face, she stared at her laptop with intense concentration, slowly scrolling down. On her screen, files about Black Bolt can be seen.

Files with detailed information about him, about the hero known as Black Bolt, about his powers, about his feats, and much, much more.

From Waller's point of view, Black Bolt is a clear threat to her plans, a plague, an unacceptable variable, and because of that, she was determined to not rest until he's been neutralized.

Be that as it may, Waller wasn't dumb by any means of the word; she knew this task wasn't going to be easy; after all, Black Bolt had the League on his corner, but unlike the League, she was willing to do whatever it takes to achieve her goals.

"Don't you think you are giving this child too much attention?" Aladdin, one of Waller's agents, asked.

"This 'child' as you call him has the potential to disrupt my plans," Waller answered without taking her eyes off the screen, "I am not going to give him the chance."

A smirk appeared on Aladdin's face. "And how do you plan on doing that? The League is not going to just stand by and watch while you kidnap one of their own."

Waller finally looked away from the laptop and turned her attention towards Aladdin. "The League and their relation to him are irrelevant," she said plainly, "What matters is that Black Bolt will be dealt with, one way or another."

Aladdin chuckled, looking behind her with a bright smile. "I see. Well then, I'll leave you to it, boss." With that, he turned around and left the room, leaving Waller alone with her thoughts and a whisky glass.

However, those thoughts were quickly interrupted by a sudden beeping noise coming from her laptop. Waller's eyes widened in surprise as she saw the files on her PC disappear one by one.

Seeing this, Waller immediately realized what was happening; someone had hacked into her system and was currently deleting her files on Black Bolt, which meant that she had to act fast if she wanted to keep her information.

In her mind, Waller thought the following. Whoever was doing this was going to pay a hefty price.

"Don't move," A dark deep voice said, freezing Waller in place.

"Batman," Waller said in a cold voice. "What are you doing here?"

"I'm the one asking the questions here," Batman answered as he stepped out of the shadows, "You've been snooping around Black Bolt and his activities for weeks now, and I want to know why."

Waller stayed silent for a few moments before she finally decided to answer. "You seem to be under the misconception that you hold power over me. So allow me to clear that misconception for you, Batman. The only reason you still breathe is that the government considers you a valuable asset. The moment you stop being an asset is the moment you stop breathing, so be a good boy and leave."

Batman didn't say anything; he just stood there, staring at her with his piercing eyes. Waller met his gaze without flinching. "Care to bet on that?" Batman asked, taking a step forward.

"I suggest you leave, Batman," Waller said in a calm yet defiant tone of voice, "Before things get messy."

Batman didn't move, his glare on her only intensifying. "I'm not going anywhere until we have a talk."

"And what will you do if I don't talk?" Waller said, leaning forward with a smile. "Kill me? Please, if you had the balls to do that, you would've killed the Joker a long time ago, so it can't be that. So tell me, Batman, what's that, that you have that makes you think you can order me around?"

Batman's eyes narrowed. "You're not the only one here with access to vital information, Waller," he said in a low voice. "I know a lot of things, things that, if revealed to the right individuals, would leave you powerless."

Waller leaned back in her chair and chuckled. "And what exactly is that that you know?" she asked mockingly, her hand reaching for her whiskey as she looked at Batman with a cocky smile.

"File X-10/25*R," Batman answered plainly. "Word of advice, you should really work on getting better passwords."

At this, Waller's amusement quickly faded away, replaced by a look of irritation and anger. "You dare?! That file is none of your business!" she snapped, glaring at Batman.

"When it endangers the lives of innocent people, the lives of my people, it becomes my business, Waller," Batman retorted, leaning forward, his face inches away from Waller's face. "So, here's the deal. You will stay out of our way, and I won't release the file. Are we clear? Or do I need to explain it again?"

Waller stared at him for a few moments before she finally answered. "Fine," she said through gritted teeth, "But know that this isn't over, Batman."

"Oh, it is very much over," Batman said in a cold voice as he straightened up and turned around to leave, "You will stay out of our way, or you will lose everything. From this point forward, is your call." And with that, the lights of the room flickered for a moment, and just like he had come, he was gone without a trace, leaving Waller alone in her office, seething with anger.

"You won't hold me back forever, Batman," Waller said to the empty room, her voice filled with venom, "I will get what I want, one way or another." With that, Amanda Waller leaned back in her chair and took a sip of her whisky, her mind already working on how to deal with her situation, one way or another, Batman would regret this choice, that much Waller vowed.