
DC: A Sage's Path

New world.... New power.... Should I reveal myself in this dangerous world? Do I want to get involved in this mess of heroes, villains and politicians? This elaborate game of power, authority, self interests and morality. Yes. Yes, I do.

Solace_7649 · Anime und Comics
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3 Chs

Chapter 2- Dimensions

Nearly a year has passed since the injection of my version of extremis and I am now preparing to leave the Earth of this reality.

Though I am not sure exactly when, this Earth, this universe, will be destroyed by the Anti-Monitor and I am not suicidal enough to try to save this Universe for people I barely know.

The anti-monitor is currently so out of my league it isn't even funny. Besides this Earth is already up to its neck in corruption and evil that it just saps my motivation to save it.

If it was just to defeat the Crime Syndicate, I would spend my time building up my power and then take over this Earth by incapacitating or killing the members.

If it was just to save Earth from the Anti-Monitor, I could have teamed up with other heroes.... oh wait this Earth only has my power crazed father as a hero, so no points for that idea.

So I decided to use the memories of Valeria Richards research on dimensional travel which was kind of the main study of Reed Richards, and Valeria already had the necessary knowledge for safe dimensional travel.

According to my memories even Doom had a lot of good ideas for dimensional travel using mystical energy sources and also how to stabilize our existence in another reality.

Though since I am a singularity the need for stability of my existence doesn't really matter.

Since I had most of the knowledge it only took time to acquire the necessary materials. My previous reserves of special materials was depleted in the creation of my Extremis.

Since I am in a new reality with extremely special metals and technologies, I used them.

I built a few versions of the Iron Man Armor as they are infinitely useful for stealth and mobility, especially when I designed them to be so. To further improve the armors I used a lot of the tech of Dr. Doom.

I used the suits to travel to Egypt and then spent quite a bit of time searching for Nth metal that arrived with the thanagarian ship and also for the Scarab of the Reach.

Though I found the thanagarian ship, the Nth metal reserves were quite pitiful and there was no pure Nth metal available.

The Scarab, at least in this universe, was already a dead object and not the marvel of tech it was described to be. I still took it to study and got many feasible ideas to use to improve my own armor that I will be making.

I purified the Nth metal and extracted it and was left with very little but enough for the Extremis project and the Dimensional portal project.

Using Nth metal was and will remain a great idea as I got resistance to magic and also a greater healing factor. I discovered the ability to defy gravity and achieve flight without using repulsor tech.

Nth metal is an amazing material, even better than vibranium and Uru, though they too have their plus points. Using it in the creation of my dimensional ship sped up the process by around 3 to 4 years.

I didn't really remember many special places for gaining special materials in DC so I kept myself satisfied with this, but managed to get my hands on both Depleted Promethium and Volatile Promethium, though I haven't yet figured out how to create the metal.

Technopathy also helped speeding up the process of crating my project.

And after a year of working I have a finished product. A pod like spacecraft or rather a dimensional-craft, I am not very good at naming, and connected to the watch like device on my wrist.

Though I wanted to make it with nano-metals, I wasn't able to manage that yet. Instead I created an omnitrix lookalike, for some shits and giggles, and also because the size was necessary for the complex control device.

The ship was mainly created using depleted promethium which is almost like DC's adamantium and the power source is the mini-sun along with amplifiers made of volatile promethium. The Nth metal was mainly used to create the dimensional calibration and travel device.

The watch was created as a remote control and communication panel that can connect with the dimensional-craft through different dimensions and realities. I was tempted to name my ship the TARDIS, but leaving aside the copyright my ship doesn't even come close to the capabilities of a real TARDIS.

To even attempt the calculations necessary for dimensional travel I had to create an AI. Since I decided to create an AI, I would create one to the very best of my capabilities.

And so DATA was born, Dimensional Axis Travel Assistant. Though not entirely free of constraints, I didn't limit her growth. Much like a child I would first guide her and then I would "loosen" the bindings for her growth.

Although I didn't want to put any shackles at all on my budding AI, there have been too many cases of AI gone rogue in both Marvel and DC.

On this Earth there also the evil version of Cyborg which is a rogue AI named GRID. So in the end I did put some restrictions which are not easily detected, some which are easily detected with warnings given as to why, so that DATA could find them and remove them when she likes.

I used my own personality as a base to create the AI's personality core, so that DATA is more likely to agree with my opinions.

I then created a connection to my watch so that DATA can go wherever I go.

I had already found a safe travel point on another Earth.


My dimensional-ship phased in and out of reality as I find myself on a new Earth preferably far away from my original.

"DATA, commence stealth mode." I told my trusty AI.

The ship turned invisible to the majority of the electromagnetic spectrum and also nearly all forms of technology. The ship also floated about 10 feet above the ground without using energy from the power source due to the gravity negation of the nth metal and thus invisible to most energy readings.

Carrying a bag filled with some supplies and a few gadgets and weapons, I got off the ship and started finding out where I am.

Fiddling with my watch, I ask DATA to hack into nearby networks and satellites to get information of this Earth.

"We are currently in Central Park, Manhattan, New York. According to scans through the web there have been very few public sightings of the supernatural which are quickly cleaned up. The major events involving supernatural close to your location are in Central City and Star city where the individuals known as the Flash and the Arrow play the roles of heroes. Gotham city has a vigilante too but the individual is much more discreet."

"So, I am still in the DC multiverse, huh? that's both good and bad. By the way, what about Metropolis? Is there no Superman?"

"Negative, no Kryptonian detected on this Earth, though they could be hiding using their technology. The individual known as Superman either hasn't surfaced or isn't active or doesn't exist."

"What is the current year? And what is the box in front of me?"

I motion to the cardboard box with my name on it in front of me.

" The current year is 2016. And the box appeared as soon as we arrived in this reality."

I cautiously went to the box only to find a letter sitting on top of it wished down by a luminous rock. I picked up the rock and interestingly I couldn't recognize the material from the periodic table and also from the materials present in the Marvel Universe from Valeria's knowledge.

The note read-

Hey Nick,

This letter should find you the first time you attempt dimensional and/or reality travel.

You have already recieved your perks and powers that are just waiting to be unlocked but the items have yet to be delivered.

Well, here you are now.


P.S The items will not have their previous weaknesses so they won't drive you crazy or make you unable to swim and you don't have to die to activate your powers but there will be a need for a trigger to activate your fruit powers.

I opened the box and found two items inside. One was a spherical-shaped golden fruit with a green stem. On its bottom, it has four stubby growths, making the shape resemble a skull. The other a tube with a needle attached.

I instantly knew what these were. The Yomi Yomi no Mi or the Revive fruit which enhances the user's soul to the point where they resurrect after their first death, allowing them to live a second time and to use several other soul-based abilities. However, since the main attribute of the fruit is resurrection, the Yomi Yomi no Mi's power will remain dormant until the time when the consumer suffers his or her first death. As a result, until such time, the only aspects the fruit bestows upon its eater are the typical Devil Fruit weaknesses.

The soul of a human that has died is supposed to go to the land of the dead and stay there, but for his soul to exist in the human world it emits a powerful energy. Luckily I don't kneed to die to activate the fruit and the typical weaknesses of devil fruits wouldn't exist.

The tube with a needle attached is the Purple Omega-1 Meta-nanite, which is to be injected into my body to become an Exponentially Variegated Organism(EVO) that can control almost any tech and basically enhances my technopathy to near Omega levels if I were to talk in mutant capabilities.

I am not specifying omega because at that level powers somehow become a bit conceptual in nature and while the Purple Omega-1 Meta-nanite should be at that level but I am pretty sure I will need to grow some more before I could do anything of that level.

This was a very welcome power upgrade in the DC universe and so with a little bit more confidence I got ready to face the new world.