
Dbz Remade

hi thanks for reading. I'm the first author for mha remade with a twist,my crew and I have decided to take a small break from the series and start our own stories

Jefferey_Oladejo · Bücher und Literatur
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10 Chs

Chapter Five: Four Star

Gohan ran out to try and calm the rampaging Goku. "Goku calm down, it's me Gohan,can you hear me?"  Gohan yells as the giant ape turns and looks at him . The giant ape then charges a massive purple beam in his mouth and fires it at Gohan.  Gohan jumps out of the way and begins to run around the giant ape. "Power Pole Extends!" Gohan yelled as the red pole he took with him extended him upward. "Kamehameha!" Gohan yelled as he blasted  the giant ape in the face "i'll have to stop pulling my punches if I want to survive" Gohan thought as the giant  ape swiped at him. Gohan used his power pole to smack the ape's hand away. "This is starting to be taxing" Gohan thought as his old body couldn't keep fighting for long. 

The giant ape then grabs Gohan with his other hand and holds onto him. "Gah!" Gohan shouts as the ape begins to crush him  "G-goku,i f you can hear me it's your grandpa,please calm down" Gohan pleads as the giant ape continues to crush him. "This might be risky but if I don't want Gohan to die I'll need to get out there" Roger thinks to himself as he puts a blindfold on  and runs outside. "I just need to rely on my keen senses" Roger thinks to himself as he hears Gohan's screams . Roger turns in that direction and smells Goku and finds out where they are. "Tyrant lancer!" Roger  yelled as  he shot a blue beam from his hand directly at Goku's tail. Goku began to turn back to normal as he got smaller. As for Gohan, Goku's great ape form  did a bit too much damage to him and he sadly passed during the battle.  Goku went back to his  regular form as he was asleep on the ground. Roger felt around and was able to grab Goku. "Why can I only hear one person breathing,please no,no,no" Roger thought as he slightly slipped the blindfold off only to see Gohan's body on the ground. 

"GOHAN!" Roger yelled as he ran towards his body. "Please wake up,please,I don't want you to go. C'mon,you and Goku were all I had left. I don't know where Jeff or my other brothers please." Roger said as he began to cry. Roger noticed something in Gohan's pocket. A small round orange ball with four orange stars on its face.  "Gohan,I'll hold onto this as a memory of you. Thank you for everything,I'll take care of your house ." Roger thought as he made a small but deep holde for Gohan. Roger then  put Gohan in the hole and covered it up with dirt. "Good Bye my friend,I'll remember everything you taught us.

The morning came as Roger got dressed up and put the orange ball in his pocket.  Goku was dressed as well as they met outside the small house. Roger grabbed the power pole and handed it to Goku. "Okay Goku,we need to go our separate ways now,i'll miss you but we need to get stronger." Roger said as Goku hugged him tightly  "I love you " Goku said as he began to tear up. "I love you too Goku,be safe and get stronger"  Roger  said as Goku let go of him. The two boys went their separate ways  for a couple years and they each went on different adventures.  Goku went on an adventure with this blue haired girl whose name was Bulma and had a series of adventures resulting in him  finding someone to marry. Jeff found a blonde girl named Launch  to settle down with and Roger found a blue haired woman named Marron to settle with.  He is currently living with her at Capsule Corp who is ran by Bulma Briefs and her father Dr. Briefs