
Pseudo [Red Gate]

~At a forest outside the city walls~

"God, it's so tiring hunting for wild gates". A girl with a fiery red hair holding a bow equipped with leather armor lazingly said to her subordinates.

"But big sister, general Merlin said to hunt wild gates while they conduct a siege to the city of Pasig that is now over run by monsters". Said a young man behind him.


The red haired girl wacked the boy in his head by her bow. "I said it was tiring, I did not say that we should stop now. Even though it is tiring orders are orders and wild gates are still gates. Releasing the city from one of these threats is a mission given to us Knights".

"YES BIG SISTER!". Replied and stood up straight like a soldier answering to his superior while his head was aching.

They started moving again, continuing their hunt for a wild gate.

~Somewhere outside the the city walls~

*Slashes forward*


*Series of stabs*

*Stepping back*


*Slashes 270° horizontally*

Trees around the boy are suddenly about to fall down.


Trying different kinds of moves a boy holding a short sword was stabbing and slashing the air like he was one with the sword, beautifully moving without any unnecessary movement.

"My body is still not accustomed to combat. A real practical combat should do the trick and really help me familiarize". He stopped and put back his sword back to it's sheath.

Looking back, this is the first time he used a sword in this life. Even though used a short sword in his past life, it was only until he was a [Rank 3 - General] but later on change into dual wielding two magical guns that looks like a futuristic desert eagle by an enchanter who studies the field of magical alchemy.

"Looks like I'm ready". Closing his eyes then focusing mana in it he opened them again activating his [All Seeing Eye]. This is one of the ability that originally made by Primo by theorizing of putting mana directly in to the eye nerves.

The outcome of this ability is perceiving the flow of mana in the environment but be informed that putting mana in the human system is dangerous, one misstep can make the mana can explode inside your body killing you.

Before succeeding of perfecting it the [All Seeing Eye], Primo was blinded many times using this ability but because he can heal it afterwards he perfected it by series of usage.

Looking everywhere, and finding a large dose of mana concentration that looks like a gate he went to scout.

After searching for a while he found mana gathering in a place that looks like a gate is about to open 10 kilometers away from here.

~Back in the forest~

"Maybe we should rest for now and later on resume the hunt". They putted down all their equipment thus the [Rank 1 -Squire] Knights divided themselves, some began to look for some dry branches to make campfire and some where starting to prepare the food they're going to make. This is one of the main jobs of the Squires, so even without orders they will start doing this.

The [Rank 2 - Knights] began resting while the other checked their equipment before resting.

"It's good that we still haven't found a gate, as i really hate fighting with those things. But we still need to hunt for gates as it is the orders of the general". The red hair girl said as she keep remembering unpleasant memories by fighting with those monster. Every time she fought, she always see people dying by the hands of monster. Every time they met a monster, there are always a casualty.

"But captain Rosewood, what if we found a [Violet Gate]?" Asked by her subordinate.

"Obviously we should try to hold it as long as we can". The red haired girl whose name was full name was Adele V. Rosewood seriously replied. "But the important thing to do is inform the higher ranks while holding the door us much as we can and waiting for backup. But always keep in mind that each of our lives are important so be careful with each of your decision. Each Knight living means many more people can be protected. So as long as we can hold it we should hold it, unless if it's only a senseless sacrifice".

The troops quiet downed, every Knights and Squires stopped of what they were currently doing and listened to what she said. After she was done they all resumed.

"FOOD IS READY!" The Squire tasked of preparing the food shouted and informed everyone that it is done.

All stood up and falls in line, each taking their food ration.

While all Knights were eating, somewhere near is releasing an outbreak of mana.

"Big sis, did you felt that?" A boy with black hair whose name is Leo Cruz is a [Rank 2 - Knight] with an ability level 3 [Perception] a non-systematic ability that has lets the user see the flow of mana and increase eyesight just like Primo's [All Seeing Eye]. Originally he was a [Rank 1 - Squire] but because of his ability coupled with his combat standard, he was deemed and received the [Rank 2 - Knight] title.

"Yes i felt that, I think it is a gate opening. Everyone get ready for!" Ordering every one prepare she shouted. Adele is the captain of this troops who is a [Rank 2 - Knight] with a ability level 6 [Beast Blessing]. Her ability or rather a blessing is a overall improvement of her physical stats likes of a beast, thus raising her instinct and somehow boosting her sense towards the flow of mana in the environment.

"All Knights with an ability level of 5 and above come with me. All below stay here in camp, Leo will be in charge while were away." She carefully instructed.

"Leo if you feel that something is wrong order a retreat but for now send somone to request for back up. I think a [Violet Gate] will appear based on the amount of mana it's releasing". She ordered Leo.

Gates were divided into four ranks:

A gate varies depending on the mana and aura it releases. The greater the amount the mana the greater the treat it is, as it can summon stronger amounts of monsters.

[Blue Gate] - A gate the can dealt with by group of [Rank 2 - Knight]. Usually this is the that keeps appearing

[Violet Gate] - A gate that couldn't be dealt with unless there are 3 or more [Rank 3 - General].

[Red Gate] - A group of [Rank 3 - General] and an army of [Rank 2 - Knight] is needed, dealing with this gate. Usually this were the ones that sometimes open inside the city.

[Black Gate] - The most dangerous kind of gate. It is a sign that humans is in the verge of extinction. There are only 2 records of these gate appearing. The first Gate that appeared in the world was a [Black Gate] thus informing us humans Gates and monsters from the other side exists. The second [Black Gate] was the Gate that almost drove the human race to extinction but fought off by the first humans who gained the ability to fight monster that later to be called Knights.

Because Gates evolves into a higher tier as soon as it accumulated enough amount, every time a Gate appeared it is at utmost important to close it as soon as possible.

~Outside the forest~

Wearing a face mask a boy standing out side the forest.

"It looks like a pseudo [Red Gate]". Feeling the amount of mana releasing from inside the forest he calculated that it is be a [Red Gate] but lacking the dangerous aura of a real [Red Gate] he assumed that it is only peak kind of [Violet Gate] that has a lot of mana accumulated.

Primo gathering the data he needed, he dashed inside the forest.

Jumping from the branches of tree to tree with fast movements he quickly arrived at a campsite where Adele's troops are guarding now.

"It seems the Knights staying here has only an a ability levels of 4 and below, basing on their mana density in their body. The higher Knights must be dealing with the Gate now". Thinking to himself while he was inspecting the campsite using his [All Seeing Eye}.

Leo who focused his mana on his ability [Perception] was sensing if there was something wrong happening in the direction his captain Rosewood went to. Thinking back, he already ordered the fastest Knight to call for back up thus they wait for the arrival of the back up.

A few moments passed.

Still focusing at the direction on his captain went to he suddenly sensed that there was someone who was looking at him so he turned into that direction only seeing a man standing on the branch of the tree. "It must be back up". Thinking to himself.

"Sir we're the troops in charged of hunting Gates at this area. Our captain suddenly left as she felt that a [Violet Gate] was about to open so there is no one to receive you". Sensing the man has an ability level of 5 but has a dangerous aura surrounding him, he greeted the man with respect.

Shocked of discovering his presence even though he first confirmed that there are only Knights here that has an ability level of 4 and below he thought to himself that this guy here must own a sensing type of ability. "This Knight has only has a mana of a ability level of 3 so he must be talented on controlling his mana". Thinking to himself.

After Primo was done thinking, he decided to ignore the Knight.

Jumping off the next tree he continued dashed towards the direction of the Gate.

"It must be sir Knight is going to captain Rosewood's direction. Should i follow and help them?' Thinking back of his captain's order. Concluding that he should stay and guard the camp, ordering the troops to fall back if he sensed that this is too much for them to handle. He was hoping that his captain is doing well fending off the monsters that is coming out of the Gates.

~At the core of the forest where the Gate opened~


*ting!* *ting!*

Rosewood's troops already started fighting the monsters as soon as they arrived, as trolls and ogres was coming of the the Gate.


"We're already too late". Clicking her tongue he saw the number of monster already out side the Gate. She drew her bow and rained the monster of her arrows with precision and speed.





"Knights! We need to hold the monsters back until back up arrives. All Tanks go in front, all pole and spear user go behind them and start attacking, all sword wielder kill the monster who broke the front line, all ranged units go above the trees and start raining them your arrows and magic. and lastly all of you are ordered to not die!" Carefully she commanded and instructed her troops.

"YES MAM!" Her troops responded to her orders.


*ting!* *ting!*






Clearly many monster already died, but the monster keeps rushing as they keep coming out of the gate. The tanks in front are almost at their limit. She and her troops know that they couldn't this from long.

"The situation is not in our favor. If this continue we will be wiped out here now". Thinking to herself. She also thought that the situation is somehow abnormal as the trolls and ogre was stronger than the ones who they normally fought before as they deal with an [Violet Gate]. At first they were confident that they can hold of the monster until the back up arrives but now they are not, now all of them are hoping for the back up to quickly arrive.

Arriving the scene Primo was standing the the branch of the tree assessing the situation. "Oh it looks like i just arrived in time". Thinking back that he already knew that this is was pseudo [Red Gate], he predicted that the knights here are going to be in trouble so he quickly rushed here.

"Now i see what i can do for now with my body." He smiled behind his face mask.

"Now let the hunt begin". He unsheathed his sword.

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