
Dating for Revenge

DreamyRush · Urban
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16 Chs

you better not prove me a liar.

" Caleb," I called," you can't come through the traffic, we're in the middle. There is literally no way! " 

I hugged half-conscious July. Encouraging her to keep breathing.

" Don't panic, Amayra." , "lemme think."

I peeked outside. Impatient people began to come out, filling the thin space between the vehicles. Some kept checking the time, and some pushed themselves through the crowd, curious to see what happened. 

Not gonna lie, it was getting concerning.

"Caleb? " I called, " Caleb?"

When I got zero response, I checked the phone.

My phone died.

I was this close to throwing it out of the window.

" Juli? " I looked down to find her trembling in my arms, " Juli don't close your eyes," I gulped the lump in my throat," please." 

The cops better hurry up had they do not wish to face the wrath of the public.

I shut my eyes. One deep breath. Two deep breaths. Three deep breaths.

That's not how you handle it, Amayra. Get it together. Act practical.

"Juli?" I called again. Pulling her closer if that's possible. her fist clenched my t-shirt. 

I felt her racing heartbeat against my chest, " it's okay. It's okay" I coed in her ear, gently patting her head.

" Caleb will be here soon. He will take us out of here." 

Caleb, you better not prove me a liar. Please. Hurry up!

" Hold on," I whispered, breaking into tears, again, "Just a little longer." 

" Amayra.." she breathed.

" yes?" 

" Roll the windows down, please." she clutched her chest, face crumbling in pain," I-i can't breathe." 

"They are rolled down. ", I said" Listen to me, Juli. Take a deep breath."

"I can't ." tears rolled down her face. I wiped them off.

 "Look at me," she did, with a lot of struggle," And follow what I am doing."

" Amayra! " 

I looked over, " Gabe! " 

There stood Gabrial Andrew Larson, Caleb's younger brother.

He inserted his hand through the window and unlocked the door, not a minute wasted.

" Gabe!" I cried in relief," Please help us." I begged.

He pulled me in for a quick hug.

 " You don't need to ask," he said, pulling away.

 He wiped my tears, giving me a reassuring smile, "I am on it."

His eyes fell on the figure in my arms," Gabe, help her get out of here, she-"

" I know." 

" What are you waiting for? It's an emergency!" 

" I can't leave you here! It's dangerous! " 

" it's not about me! " I shouted, "I am not important right now! " 

"Please! " I joined my palms.

He gave in. Finally. 

" wait for me, yeah? I will go and come back." worried Gabe said, Juli tugged on his strong arms.

" Don't worry about me. Just go!" I wondered how he came. And had no idea how he would get out carrying another human without stepping on people's feet or bumping into them, "Be safe. Take care of her." 

I let him take her away. Away from danger. Away from me. 

Just when I was about to lay back and relax a bit, I flinched, hearing the door behind me slammed open. 

The person pulled me against him, embracing me tight. A scent of rich wood entered my nose. 

My stiff shoulders relaxed, and I let my guard down, knowing I was safe around this person, " Caleb," I threw my arms around his neck, bawling my eyes out.

 " I am here," he soothed me, rubbing my back up and down, "I am here," he repeated. As if he knew I wanted to hear them.Again and again.

He pulled away and sneaked one arm behind my back and another beneath my thighs. He lifted me. As a reflex, my arms hugged his sweat-drenched neck.

"Caleb," I called," Gabe was there. H-he–"

" I know," he said, carefully taking me out of the car.

Bulky men, dressed in black suits encircled us. Caleb's bodyguards, I guessed. 

Caleb kept speed-walking while two of the bodyguards pushed people away, clearing his way. And two of them shielded us.

The deafening crowd and ear-splitting honks defeated my loud heartbeats. 

Watching the people jammed, barely having a space of centimeters, My Anxiety began to kick in. 

Caleb adjusted me in his arms, catching my attention. Drops of sweat formed on his forehead. They rolled down. New droplets were born. It kept happening repeatedly.

I felt bad for him. Because I caused trouble. Yet, I couldn't help a bit.

Only if I could walk.

Then I remembered something, " M-my wheelchair! " 

Caleb peered at me, " What? " 

" I left my wheelchair at the Uber! " 

" Fuck that wheelchair! " He shocked me, "Ain't no way I am going back there." 

" I can't function without that," my voice wavered, " as much as it hurts to admit, I am disabled now." I sniffed.

" Amayra, I don't want to hear that word from you," his jaw clenched," cops were planning to charge batons. Only an idiot will go back there to get hit." 

My blood froze hearing that, " I-I am sorry, Amayra. I'll buy you a new one, I promise." he says, out of breath from the scurrying.

" No Caleb, I am sorry." I said, " I had no idea the situation was this nasty at the front. If I knew, I would not even think about going back."

Caleb walked past a door. The door slammed closed, shutting all the noise. When I looked around, I realised I was inside a restaurant. 

Surprisingly, no sign of humans there, empty chairs, and food on the table; some dishes were untouched, and some were half-eaten.

Seemed like it was lively moments before.

" Caleb! " 

Someone shouted from the left, " This way." 

His apron and the cap indicated he was a cook.

He led us to the second floor through the stairs. We entered a room. Caleb sat me on a bed, " Caleb," I asked for his attention, " Juli and G-Gabe? "

" They must be in the next room," he replied, straightening up " Don't worry, okay? Take a rest." he caressed my head," I'll go check on them" 

I wanted to go too but resisted the urge. Cause, Caleb wouldn't agree in the first place. And, Second, if he agreed that would mean he would have to carry me. Again. I did not want to exhaust him more.