
Dating During Pandemic

How could one possibly find love during pandemic? Mikan, for one, think that it's just preposterous. Dating in general is already hard enough. That is about to change when she met a young man during her grocery run. So much for social distancing! After all, he did the unthinkable. He coughed in her face.

dreamcapturer · Anime und Comics
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1 Chs

Chapter 1


COVID-19 is a serious and sensitive issue for many people. Do NOT follow the advises given or actions taken in this story. Instead, refer to CDC for reliable information.

Disclaimer: All characters and some references are based off of Higuchi Tachibana's Gakuen Alice


[a few months ago]


"Seriously, why did I even tell you guys this story? Obviously you're having fun watching how miserable my dating life is," Mikan grumbled and decided to sip on her oat milk latte. "This was supposed to be a nice and comforting girl talk!"

Permy lifted her hand to cover her laugh, while Hotaru, the short-haired woman next to her, let out the smallest smirk. The latter is exceptionally good at hiding her emotions. Her amethyst eyes, however, gave away as they glistened when the light from the cafe's window glinted on her face.

"Did he really ask you to pay on the first date?" Permy sipped her oolong tea innocently, whilst receiving a glare from Mikan. Sometimes she wants to give Permy a headlock, and today's the day.

Hotaru shook her index finger in disapproval, "I wouldn't have given him a ride home if I were you. I'd drop him off in the middle of a random highway."

Permy almost choked on her tea while Mikan pouted. Her childhood friend sure is something else. "Hotaru! That's just...mean. He asked me for a favor, and I couldn't say no."

Even after coughing miserably, Permy still managed to flip her curled hair and flashed her million-dollar smile, "You should let me choose your next date, hun."

Mikan completely ignored the remark and ranted, "I swear, online dating is the worst. No offense, Perms. I know that's how you met Koko, but really, I don't think this is for me."

"Don't blame the app for your bad choice in men," said Hotaru who immediately made Mikan groan in frustration, because there was truth in those words.

"That's it. I'm going to die alone. Alone!"

"There, there, at least you have Hotaru with you," chimed Permy while Hotaru slowly sipped on her coffee: black, like her soul.

"Sorry Mikan, I don't swing that way. Besides, I don't need a man --"

"Because I have money!" exclaimed Mikan and Permy. They looked at each other and bursted in laughter. Mikan almost cried from laughing while Permy couldn't stop clapping.

A few seconds later, Hotaru joined them with her low chuckles, which was the closest to having her laugh out loud with them.

"Hear, hear, let's hope we all have better luck this year!" Mikan cheerfully said, and the three of them clinked their glasses.







Mikan contemplated for a while before finally taking a few packets of gruyère from the dairy aisle.

If the world was ending, she might as well spend a couple extra bucks to make some fancy-schmancy grilled cheese. Isn't she an independent woman who can make her own life decisions? Yes, yes she is.

"Mikan, are you listening to me?"

The brunette rolled her cart towards the next aisle, where almost all of the toilet papers were gone.

Really, toilet paper?

It would've made more sense if people stock up on canned food. She could've sworn she saw way more canned tuna earlier than some inedible rolled tissues.

"Yes, mom, don't worry, I'm going to buy more vitamins. And ginger. Yes, and garlic," she tucked a strand of hair behind her ear where her AirPods nestled. The little device was connected to her phone, where her overly concerned mother, Yuka, was on the line.

Yup, 2020 was off to a great start.

Unless you -literally- live under the rock, which Mikan thought was a brilliant idea at some point, you probably have heard of Coronavirus or COVID-19. Behold, the organism that turned the world upside down. The one common enemy attacking everyone in this planet. Well, almost everyone. The environmental activists pointed out that dear mother earth would argue otherwise.

Mikan's 52-year-old mom was thousand miles away and high in the mountains. She went with her husband for a getaway-wellness trip right before Coronavirus blew up, and decided to extend their stay until things calm down.

They should be safe there, Mikan thought. They're practicing social distancing at its best.

"Are you wearing a mask like I told you?" asked Yuka.

Mikan stopped in front of the baking aisle and unconsciously scratched her slightly messy hair. She tend to do that when she got a little nervous.

"Well...since this is only a quick grocery trip, I-I don't think I need to wear one," the brunette said before quickly adding, "And really, any decent person wouldn't cough without covering their face, right? It's-"


Yuka raised her voice and Mikan wished she had said a white lie instead.

"What did I tell you? It is not safe out there! Wearing a mask is an extra layer of protection. What if someone bumped into you and they have the virus? You could also get sick! Do you know how worried we are? Your dad couldn't even sleep for the past few days, and - you know what, maybe he's right after all. We should just go home. We will fly back this weekend so we can all stay together."

The brunette took a deep breath and grabbed a few bars of dark chocolate before proceeding to the ice cream aisle. She'd need a lot of ice cream if she had to deal with this kind of phone call on a regular basis, in which her mom suggested to do daily and she flatly rejected.

"I'm 26 years old, mom, I'm not a little girl anymore, you don't have to worry about me. I'll be safe inside the apartment, alone, and Narumi said I can work from home. See? Everything's under control," Mikan smiled as she found her favorite vanilla ice cream with caramel and chocolate chunks inside. "Besides, you two should avoid traveling during this chaotic time. I can check on your house and make sure to water your plants. It's only 30-minute drive away from my place after all."

There was no respond on the other line, and Mikan squeaked, "Uhm, and I can also help vacuum once a week?"


Yuka wasn't convinced. Her maternal instinct was kicking in and she wanted to make sure her daughter takes additional precautions to stay safe. However, after a couple more arguments from Mikan, she finally decided to cave in.

"Alright, alright. We...trust you, honey. Hopefully things will get better soon. Remember, no need to socialize with Hotaru or Permy or whoever your bunch of girlfriends are. Call us if anything happens, okay."

The brunette tried her best to not roll her eyes for being treated like a child, even though she knew her mom couldn't see her anyway, "Okay, okay. Thanks for trusting me, mom."

"Love you."

"Love you too."

The line ended, and Mikan headed towards the registry where the cashier lady had a white mask and pair of transparent gloves on. She gave Mikan a nod and proceeded to scan the items in her cart and moved them into a paper bag.

Around her, a lot of customers were also wearing masks and even gloves. Some of them looked wary and made obvious efforts to keep their distances. It felt weird that this would become the new normal in the next few weeks. Or maybe months. Or even...years?

Shaking the thought, Mikan swiped her card, and tried to scoop the brown bag filled with her grocery items. Should've brought my own recyclable bag, she mumbled to herself. Guess I'm not saving the planet today.

The bag was a little heavy, and she bended down to adjust her hold. With one arm supporting the weight from the bottom, and the other securely hugging the bag, she was ready to get her arm workout for the next 5-minute walk home.

By accident, she caught a glance of the next person in line who was paying for his groceries.

Mikan blinked as she found this young man captivating for some reason. Perhaps because he had a somber look in his face that she was all too familiar with. Or perhaps because he was tall and had black hair - which now made her believe what Hotaru said about her questionable choices in men...

Nevertheless, she was about to walk away, when the man did the most unthinkable.

He coughed.




Mikan's eyes widen while her brain scrambled to analyze the situation.

The man was only two feet away from her and was not wearing any mask. Clearly, he coughed in the open, spreading whatever he was coughing into the air she inhaled. The ignorant dude didn't even realize what he was doing and proceeded to put his card back inside his wallet!

The brunette couldn't believe what she just witnessed. Does this person have no manner? On other circumstances, Mikan would've been too embarrassed to stare at a stranger for more than 3 seconds, let alone the one she found attractive. But at the moment, she was too shocked to look away.

He coughed a couple more times, picked up his grocery bag, before finally noticing that he had an audience: a young woman with a baffled expression nonetheless.

The young man immediately looked guilty, as if he was caught doing something bad. Which he kind of did. They both just stayed there, dumbfounded and frozen in silence for the next few seconds.

Mikan put her guard up as one thought crossed her mind. Is he...sick?

His disheveled hair looked like he just woke up from a nightmare, and his face looked a little pale.

Oh no.

The brunette gulped as her hazel eyes glued into his crimsons.

Crap, mom was right.




Hi all!

I'm fairly new to Web Novel, but had always enjoyed writing stories (mainly fan fictions) since I was young. I mainly used FanFcition.net, but am thinking of posting my writing here as well :)

To put this out there: I am in no way trying to belittle COVID-19 or the current situation that we're currently in. Instead, I would like to share what a lot of people (including myself) are experiencing through the characters' point of view. There are a lot of easter eggs that I dropped, and if you caught it - hey, we're connected in a way!

If you're reading this: I hope you and your loved ones stay safe (and stay home if possible) during COVID-19 outbreak. Do NOT listen to Yuka's over-worried advices (ha!) and refer to CDC for reliable information instead. Please take care of your mental health: know that you're not alone out there, and hopefully this story could make your quarantined days brighter.

dreamcapturercreators' thoughts