

Opening the brief case Hooodini takes out a couple of files. After reading for a bit a smile appeared on his face.

"So the kitty and the bull are coming to Mistral oh man the Empress always knows what I want." Hooodini smiles looking at his new mission.

-2 months later in the mission room-

"You will be giving an assistant leader and a team. Come on." Cynthia said.

Walking into the room was a beautiful white haired woman with pure white eyes almost as if she was blind. She was pale like a ghost her face was delicate seemingly as though she wouldn't hurt a fly.

She stood tall for a woman around 5'10 she was skinny but not unhealthy skinny and her boobs were small.She wore a purple kimono with white designs with sandals and socks.

"This is Spindra she will be your co leader. You two will lead a group of 50 people to protect the dust factory from a white fang group." Cynthia said.

"This is very important as this shop is being held by Daren the CEO of Dynasty Dust. We were currently in talks of a partership and with this not only will we complete it but he'll owe us one. Any questions before I move on." Cynthia says.

"Yeah I have one who will be in this white fang group anyone we need to worry about." Spindra said.

"Yes Adam Taurus and Blake Belladonna are the two leaders of this white fang attack they will be with 80 white fang members."

"80?!" Hooodini said surprised.

"Yes I believe they intend to hold the factory for a while before leaving." Cynthia stated.

"Belladonna she's the daughter of Ghira we could use that as a bargaining chip." Spindra said.

"Bargaining for what we definitely have more money and their workers aren't trust worthy this best we could ask for is some Faunus pussy."

"I wouldn't mind." Spindra smiles

"Take her hostage or let her go I don't care but do not kill her it will cause far to many problems." Cynthia said.

"Won't this cause problems anyway I mean if they are putting this much into this they obviously need it badly." Spindra said Only receiving a look from Cynthia.

Cynthia clicks a button and suddenly the table lights up showing profiles for Adam and Blake then a map of the factory and surrounding area.

"Our troops should be able to hold off theirs for long enough for you two to take down their leaders then go help them finish off. Hooodini I trust you can handle Adam and Spindra Blake shouldn't be hard for you." Cynthia finished receiving nods from the two.

"I was originally going to give this mission to someone else but I remembered Hooodini showing great interest in Blake so here you go. You two are some of my best people and most trustworthy complete this mission and you will be rewarded heavily." Cynthia says before walking out of the room.

"So your Hooodini I've heard a lot about you but seeing you up close I have to say you are handsome." Spindra smiles.

"Why thank you your quite the beauty yourself beautiful eyes it makes me want to pluck them out." Hooodini laughs.

"Let's hope you don't although I may seem blind I still need them to see." Spindra giggles.

"Cynthia said you can handle Blake that means your pretty strong if we are working together we are going to need to have a good feeling of each other's abilities." Hooodini said.

"Very well my name is Spindra I'm 17 and my Semblance is Webmaker. I can create strings and control their properties such as making them as strong as Diamond, as sharp as a needle, or a sticky as a spider web." She clasps her hands together and pulls them apart with hundreds of strings between her fingers.

"A strong semblance but I heard you were called the Marionette." Hooodini asks.

"That's because I love to make puppets. I can make battle puppets, people puppets, or creature puppets."

"My battle puppets are puppets i designs for battle they have a number of different weapons and poisons made directly by our poisons master. I can control these puppets from around a mile away and the strings are invisible."

"My people puppets are puppets I make that look exactly like people they are used for distraction, infiltration, and assassinations."

"Finally my creature puppets can be from big size to Ursa size they all have different uses depending on what they are." Spindra finishes.

"Amazing how many can you control at once."

"My limit right now is 55 but I will be able to make it to 100 in a couple years." She states.

"My name is Hooodini I'm also 17 my Semblance is the Void. I can control Darkness giving me the power to create teleportation portals, Slight gravity control, consuming people, and mini black holes. A secondary ability that only Cynthia knows about is that I can cancel semblances but physical contact." Hooodini looked at her shock.

"The first part was already absurd but canceling semblances that's outright op how long does it last." She asked.

"A couple minutes but that's all I need I trust this information will stay in this room. I only told you because I believe we will be seeing each other a lot from now on." Hooodini stared at her.

"Of course. I will pack my things you should get enough stuff for a couple days the trip there will be around 2 days and the White fang won't arrive for a week." Spindra says.

"Alright after you get your stuff gather the men and take them to the Hanger." Hooodini said.

"Yes leader." Spindra gives a playful salute and walks by Hooodini towards the door.

Hooodini gives her a quick snack on the ass causing her to Yelp. She turns around with a massive blush on her face with a pouting face.

"That's yes leader Sir." Hooodini smirks and walks past her.

-1 hour later-

"You 50 men alongside Spindra and I will be completing a very important mission for the empress I trust you all have been briefed." Hooodini says.

"Yes sir." They shout.

"Good we will be taking two airships 25 of you in this one the other 25 will be with me and Spindra in this one." Hooodini says soon everyone is ready.

-Hooodini pirate room on bullhead-

Hooodini here's a knock on his door and gets out of bed. Opening the door he sees Spindra with person behind her holding a tray.

"I made dinner." She said walking inside.

"You can but not him." Hooodini said.

"His my puppet I brought him for more than just serving though." Spindra pulled her finger and the puppet came forward.

"I made us steak with mashed potatoes and broccoli and a bottle of red wine." Spindra had everything sat on the table and her and Hooodini sat down.

"Beautiful smart and you can cook my Spindra if you keep hanging around me I might not let you go." Hooodini said genuine as he ate a piece of steak and damn near moaned.

"Thank you without a family I had to learn to cook on my own." Spindra said.

"No family huh same here until Cynthia took me in off the streets." Hooodini stated taking a bite of potatoes.

"So aside from increasing team chemistry I came here to test something. Recently I made an incredible break through in my puppets." Spindra said.

"What was it?" Hooodini asked curiously

"Let me show you." Spindra got up and pressed the back of the freakishly human like puppet.

The puppet lit up and red lines glowed on its skin then holding up its hand a stream a fire came blasting out.

"That was fire dust."

"Yep although they can't do anything except shoot it out like a flamethrower they can still use it." She smiles.

"I have been ability to work fire, lightning, and Ice dust. What I have here is a pure crystal I want you to pour some of your darkness into it." Spindra held the crystal up to Hooodini who tap it with his finger.

Suddenly black mist poured into the crystal the black mist moves around the entire crystal. Spindra opened the puppets chest revealing a large fire dust crystal where the heart is supposed to be taking it out then placing the black mist crystal in she closed it up.

The red lines on the puppet turned black and it opened its hand making the black lines glowed but when she willed it to use the power it didn't move.

"As man I thought it would work." Spindra pouted before taking the black mist crystal out and placing the fire one back in.

"Here you go." Spindra went to hand it to Hooodini back he held his hand up.

"Keep it I have the semblance remember but you should be careful if the crystal breaks a black hole will come out consuming everything in the area." Hooodini goes back to eating. He has to admit this is the best food he's eaten since he got here.

"Oh I know." Spindra weaves some indescribable strings around the crystal until an entire necklace was made.

"I'll keep it on me in case I get into a bad situation it's a necklace no one will suspect anything hahahahahaha." Spindra does an evil laugh.

"You might want to stop your kimono is sliding down not that I'll see anything you have nothing there." Hooodini snickers.

"Why you." Spindra cheeks blow up as her face turns red she turns to leave until Hooodini speaks up.

"I was joking come sit I love small boobs." Hooodini said

"Yes compliment me more." Spindra turns around with a huge smile on her face.

"Just come sit down." His eye twitches as he pours some wine.

He looks up to see Spindra talking to herself off in her own world before sighing and pouring some more.

The two eat and talk for another hour with Spindra bringing out brownies after they finished their dinner.

"Your drunk." Hooodini said having to hold her up

"Your drunk." Spindra hiccuped and mocked him

"Just come lie down." Hooodini took her Kimono off revealing her pale skinny body she had on purple panties and no bra so he could she her small breast beautiful pink nipples.He ran his finger over one of her nipples causing her to moan slightly.

"Attacking me already you beast." Spindra giggled and fake cried.

"Just shut up and go to bed if I wanted to fucked you it would be over that table." Hooodini said throwing her onto the bed and covering her up.

He then striped down to his underwear and got on the other side and pulled the covers over himself after turning off the lights. Spindra kept pulling his feathers and giggling.

"Spindra if you keep playing with me I'll fuck you." Hooodini said the only reason he didn't was because he didn't want to fuck her drunk at least not yet.

-The next morning-

Hooodini wakes up with Spindra sprawled all over the bed. His eye twitches and he pinches both of her nipples and pulls her entire body up by them.

"Ow Ow Ow Ow Ow!" Spindra wakes up and slaps his hands off her before falling off the bed and holding her hands over her breast.

"Glad your awake go wash up we are making a pit stop for everyone to stretch their legs." He said.

She only glares at him before getting up and heading to his bathroom. Hooodini smirks and smacks her ass and shutting the bathroom door before she can yell at him.

"I put some shorts and a shirt out for you to wear." Hooodini yells before walking out to the lobby.

-1 hour later-

The 2 air ships landed everyone gets out for a little bit before the resume their flight. The rest off the trip is uneventful full the only thing interesting was the few ass slaps Hooodini gave Spindra when she less expected it.

-Dynasty Dust Factory-

The two airships land a couple minutes walk away and every gets out.

"Finally we are here no it's to time start-" Hooodini was cut off by an explosion and screams.

"The white fang are already here." Spindra but her nail.

"Shit the intel was wrong everyone get ready to fight let's move." Hooodini shouts running to

4 humanoid puppets dropped down from the airship beside Spindra and she dashed towards the factory behind Hooodini.

[With the White Fang]

"Sir two airships just landed in the forest a couple minutes walk away." A member of the white fang told Adam.

"Everyone get ready to kill." Adam said ripping his blade from a workers back.Blake looked conflicted with all the dead bodies around her.


Name: Spindra The Marionette

Hair Color: White

Eye Color: Pure white

Height: 5'10

Age: 17

Semblance/Aura Color: Webmaker/White

Fun fact: Used to have her puppets act like a family so she could pretend she had one.


Name: Hooodini

Faunus Type: Great Horned Owl Faunus

Faunus Trait: Owl Wings

Hair Color: Black

Eye Color: Bright Yellow (Owl like eyes)

Height: 6'3

Age: 17

Semblance/Aura Color: The Void/Black

Fun fact: MgRonald's is his favorite food place

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