
Prologue 2: Riders and Dragons

A man in a dark luminous cloak silently followed Patric in a shadowy alleyway about a mile away from Lou's bar. Partric had been searching for his friend Benny Lays. He had been missing for a few days. Benjamin's girlfriend, Jenny had then called Patric completely freaked out instant paranoia in her soothing harmonic voice. Patric shuddered at the thought of anything happening to his best friend. Patrick had lived here in Paradise, Florida all his life, a place so amazingly small they had to take it off the map. The place had always had a grotesque look of fog and sunlight in a mix of both elements.

   Benny and Patric had been the best of friends until that strange pale kid showed up. They had been like brothers but after Seth came into the picture Patrick was basically invisible unless they were playing ball or at one of Chris Dennis's legendary party's-

      Patric stopped for a second, he could've sworn he heard footsteps right behind him. He turned his gaze around him and saw only the full darkness staring back at him. He pointed his phone flashlight on explosions of light thickened the dark night illuminating a cloaked figure. A dark hood with ancient looking symbols covering the stalker's face. The figure was completely motionless as a sculpted statue.

   "Hey, bro I can see you. Stop following me man, ill kick your ass." Patric warned. The figure still remained the same just standing there not moving a muscle. Patrick waited for a second and then just shook his head and turned around. Freaking regard, he thought to himself. As soon as his head turned the other way the figured appeared right beside him. Still motionless as if he appeared out of thin air.

   Patric moved away as soon as he could and he lost his balance and fell to the ground and had dropped his phone during the process. He heard an agonizing crack and the darkness had swallowed him back in. Patric was now breathing heavily panic was starting to overcome through him.

   "Patric Leonard, you could be some use to me," said a rough voice. Then suddenly a humongous spark of light overcame the darkness once more. No not a light, but a gigantic storm of turquoise fire coming from the dark cloaked figure itself. Its whole body was engulfed with the amazing brightness.

       "You can see me, which means your a special. Which is very rare." The flame explained. Patric had no idea what was happening he got up and followed his instincts and did whatever a sane person would do after seeing something bizarre as this: he ran.


Roen watched as the special ran away and sighed. He had been searching for a rider, a special a human with the eye for centries, but he never imagined the speacial would possibly be terrified. It didn't make any sense specials should know about the true world at his age he should already know at least that dragons were real. Roen missed biblical times when most humans had the eye but from all the EMPs had drained most humans concept and now only very few see anymore.

     Roen, the blue fire dragon who stood next to Excalibur himself, was now chasing after a child who had no idea of the true world. Roen sighed and closed his fiery blue eyes and concentrated.

      Patric was running for his life but then tripped over a deepened crack from the concrete ground and fell down smack on the ground. That's when he saw it again the impossibly deepened light. It offered its hand which happened to not be lit up with the fire.

  "Take my hand, special. I promise I mean no harm." Patric looked up to the creature and now saw its hood was off and he looked… kind. Patric thought about it for a minute but then took the creatures hand. Then instantly Patric blacked out and darkness consumed him once more.