
Chapter Eight

The Liam guy was staring at me as if I was something you chew and spit out. He looked like the kind of guy who looks at you once and decides if they like you or despise you. From his deadly glare at me, he definitely despised me. Although he hated me, he still looked quite magnificent. With unflawed perfect face and his muscular body and such. He looked like the type of guy I've always wanted to be.

When we first got to the sanctuary I was surprised of how big it was. It was as big as two mansions (okay a little exaggerated). The place had sculpted angels around the place. The Michael and Gabriel looked as if they really were staring at me. The institute itself was a dark tan with huge painted windows in front and on the sides. Each window had its own story of the holy bible. The two left sided ones showed a picture of Adam and Eve near a monstrous tree and the other showed a picture of Noah and the humongous ark. On the two right sides it showed Abraham almost killing his son, Isaac and the other was of Moses leading the slaves to freedom. In the front showed the fantastic picture of Jesus being crucified. Each one had great detail to make a story. I've heard a little about the Bible, that doesn't mean I'm a Christian.

        Anyway, then we saw a man with a deadly scar down his right eye coming towards us. He shook Danny's hand.

        "Hello, so you must be Danny and you," he said turning his attention to me, "must be Darkness's weapon it's a pleasure to meet you." The man was staring at me like I was a god or something.

        "Okay, mate so explain to my dear lad what to do," Danny told him. The scarred man nodded.

        "First let me introduce myself my name is Joshua Kaydon and I am the leader of the New York City nephilim." He bowed his head slightly.

        "All right, now let's get down to business, shall we? Right now you can see the Sanctuary, it is because you are a pure. The blinds cannot see it right now, so right now you are hidden to the human eye.

        "Now for the rules, you will not be addressed as Darkness's weapon. You must not tell anyone who you truly are. Your name will be… Harry Nichum and you are a nephilim. Do not do anything unusual a nephilim wouldn't do. Remember, you are just here to learn how to fight nothing else. Oh and absolutely no dating, flirting, kissing or any of that. Yes, that includes boys if you like the kind. If you have a problem talk to me or Liam. Are there any questions, Mr. Nichum?"

        Wow, that's a lot of rules, I thought. At least the dating one won't be a problem. I did have one question, though.

        "Um… who's this uh… Liam guy?" I asked.

        He opened his mouth about to explain then closed it. He wasn't looking at me anymore, just pass me. Then Danny turned around, so I decided to do the same.

        "Well look who's here right on time," Joshua smiled at the person lightly. It was the kind of smile you gave to a loved one.

        He was a young adult a little over my age, but not much. He looked like he went for a run, because he was drenched in sweat and panting rapidly. His entire body was perfect including his light brown skin. He looked like one of the angel sculptures.

        Joshua and Liam looked nothing alike and Liam's light brown skin proved they weren't related. The look on Joshua's face when he saw Liam, were fatherly. I've seen it before, maybe Liam was adopted.

        "Liam, I'd like you to meet Danny," Joshua told him. Liam shook Danny's hand suspiciously. "And this here is Darkness's weapon." He looked darkly when Joshua said that, but still shook my hand, but very slowly.

        Yay, an angelic enemy, woo hoo, I thought to myself.

       "And Harry this is Liam," Joshua said as if I hadn't realized that yet.

       "Liam, Darkness's weapon is staying with us to learn how to fight. You will address him as Harry Nichum the nephilim." Joshua explained to Liam. Liam looked at Joshua as if realizing something.

       "Isn't Harry Nichum the nephilim who died in a car crash before he could come here?" Liam asked. It sounded like a rhetorical question.

        "Well yes don't you think it's perfect timing," Joshua answered happily. I did not like having a dead person's name.

        "Well, I guess it fits, for he will be a dead man, so it hardly matters anyway," Liam said darkly looking at me. His voice was deep and he had a British accent like Danny. But while Danny's accent was soothing, Liam's was dark and mysterious. Liam looked at Danny for a second. Danny was still doing his crazy grin.

        "You, I know who you are. You're like Enochian and the other scoundrels," Liam said grinning coldly in Danny's direction.

        "Now Liam stop that. I'm sorry, he usually doesn't act like this,"Joshua was saying looking at his son cautiously. Liam just shrugged and walked away into the sanctuary.

        "Smart lad, he knew who Enochian was very few do," Danny said instead of being offended of what Liam said earlier.

        "Who's Enochian?"I asked without thinking. Before Danny could protest Joshua answered: "Enochian was Darkness's first human and he's also Danny's brother."

        So that's who Danny was he was Hocourt, one of Darkness's humans.I looked at Danny and he sighed.

         "Well, now you know, lad. Can we go inside now," Danny said agitated. I had so many questions to ask Danny, but Joshua started going and Danny followed.

        Inside it looked fantastic, it looked like a huge and new private boarding school. It looked like they had classes and the rooms were huge. Joshua would not allow me to see all of the rooms because there were too many and it was getting dark. He showed us the room I would be going to in the morning. It was a huge room with lit candles all around the pasty white crusty walls. It looked like an auditorium with the deep dark ocean like stage and all the rows of vaguely dark brown seats below it.

        Then we headed to my room. My room number was 355. I asked Joshua if I would have a roommate, Joshua shook his head. "We have plenty of rooms for everybody. This is the tenth biggest sanctuary in the world,"Joshua bragged.

        When Joshua opened the door, I was open mouthed, astonished. Danny was also surprised. The room looked like a suite, it had a incredibly humongous flat screen TV and a ruby red king sized bed. It had its own little kitchen with its pots and pans and microwave and etcetera.

        The bathroom was magnificent. It had a tub that had jets and looked just like a jacuzzi and it had a Japanese heated toilet! The sink had a crystal blue color to it that made it look pretty chill. The bathroom floor had black and white tiles you would see in a chess board.

        The bedroom floor had the softest bright orange carpet I had ever felt. The kitchen floor had crayon tan tiles which made it work. This was the best room ever!

        "Wow," was all that I could get out. Joshua smiled brightly at my reaction.

        "What do you think we would give you as a room? An outhouse? Well, you should get some rest, you'll wake up at 5 am in the morning tomorrow." Joshua was saying as he and Danny were walking away.

        "Wait, I have to wake up that early tomorrow?" I asked stubbornly. Joshua smiled and nodded. I sigh and fall on the king sized bed. Then a thought occurred to me right before Joshua shut the door.

         "Wait, where's Danny going to be?" I asked Joshua, looking at Danny. I didn't know Danny much, but he was really the only person I could trust. Joshua was strange and the Liam guy  looked insane.

        "I'm leaving, mate. I think I might go to Hollywood and make out with Ariana Grande. Don't worry I'll tell you all about it," he said grinning as he always did.

        "Joshua, can I talk to Danny for a second?" Joshua thought about for a second then nodded.

        "Okay, just make it quick," Joshua then left and shut the door.

        "Before you leave I have some questions if you don't mind." I told him.

        He rolled his eyes, but still kept his crazy grin. "Don't you always, lad. Well then, shoot," Danny sat next to me on the bed.

        "Not that I believe in any of this, but how many humans did Darkness make?" I asked feeling paranoid. If tomorrow I wake up in this sanctuary, I have to believe this wasn't the drug. I don't know if I can live with that.

        "He only made five humans. Enochian, Lilith, Sabbath, Fanum and me Hocourt. Then the rest of the things Darkness made were beasts, but they're still trapped." Danny explained.

        "Trapped where?" I didn't understand completely.

        "Deep beneath the Earth. That's where He trapped us."

        "Who's He?"

        "God who else."

         "I'm an aesthist."

        "Well then you better start believing," Danny said while getting up.

        "Wait, Hoc- Danny, are the Darkness's creations supposed to influence me to work for the Darkness not against it?" I asked.

        "Yes, the beasts and the humans are trying to do that. If Lilith, Sabbath or Fanum found you they would force you to do the opposite thing I'm telling you to do. Maybe some time ago I would have done the same, but I've changed. No one has ever loved me as a father, a brother, or even a… a son, and I hope one day you-" He stopped. He wasn't smiling anymore his face was unemotional and he looked unhuman.

        Then he shook his head and brought back his crazy grinning features. "Never mind, I hope you have a great time here and don't worry I won't forget about the Ariana Grande situation. As some cheap scam movie once said 'may the odds be ever in your favor.'" Then Danny opens the door and leaves with a loud slam.

        I lay there on my bed thinking of what Danny said. He almost showed me his true feelings. I spent two days with Danny and I called him a maniac, but maybe after what he said, I might be able to call him a friend.

        I shook my head uncontrollably. What am I thinking calling a psychopathic stranger my friend? My real friend was Benny Lays, the quarterback of the football team.

        I got out of bed to untie my shoes. Then I turned off the eye binding blue lamp light and went to sleep. Before I went to sleep, I realized something. Danny said if Lilith, Sabbath, or Fanum found me they would force me to work for Darkness. He also said there were five humans Darkness made. What was the first human that Danny said, I thought trying to remember. Oh, yeah Enochian.

        Which means Enochian might be on Danny's side. Or maybe Danny forgot to add his name. Then I remembered something.

        This was all from the drug, none of this is real. Then with that thought, I closed my eyes and went to sleep.


        In my dream, I saw a very dark man. The darkest man I've ever seen. "Hello, Mr.Wesson, I am back and the prophecy is true as you know," the dark man said.

        "Who are you and what are freaking talking?" I asked confused.

        "You know who I am Mr.Wesson, you were thinking about me right before you had this dream. As for the prophecy, I shall tell you," he explained.

        Then his eyes rolled back and he recited this "prophecy," his voice changed unearth like.

        This is the prophecy of thee, everything that was created will be perished until  eternity. Darkness will rule again or its weapon, the chosen one will be called the Wesson. Each way everyone dies and death will look upon its own eyes. Then time will soon stop again and Lucifer will be free from his own sin. In the end it will be the farthest, and that will show the fate of the weapon or the Darkness.

        It was a scary poem and even creepier if it was true. I knew this was fake because I knew I was dreaming.

        "You were like him. He didn't believe either, but in time he did and so will you. Now wake up." I did just that.

        When I opened my eyes I saw a dark figure looming over me. It held a deadly sharp dagger.

        "I'm sorry, but I can't trust you, Abbadon told me," I noticed who the voice was. It was Liam's deep British voice.

        Before I could ask what he was talking about, he plunged the dagger into my blood pounding heart.

To be continued…




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