
Darkest Matter: As above, so below

As the Dark comes, the chaos comes as well, yet, as He arrives, Darkness fears him, as he enrages for more with vengeance. As She continues her journey, the world is in great danger, more to the apocalypse. Hatred the powers, Her husband will never stop until he finishes his task once and for all. Until the end of his life https://www.royalroad.com/profile/348604/fictions

AntiHero874 · Fantasie
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41 Chs

You have known (The Solutione)










  As Mikael is on the ground, readying his stance for the next attack from both sides, suddenly Tenebris (Akira) appears and charges him. Simultaneously, Elayra kicks both Tenebris and Mikael's head in one blow, and as she does, Tenebris quickly grabs her leg, and then all of them slide together. As that, the trio hit and crashed a building and it fell. When the dust comes, it goes silently, and so do the three of them, as they halt their fight with exhaustion. "You've become stronger, Lisa," said Mikael. "You have changed and different from the girl I knew." All of them were laid down. 

  "..." Lisa has nothing to say. She barely can't talk. She stared at the sky, eyes widened, and her mouth slightly open.

As for Akira, he stands up when suddenly he senses provocation. "Lisa...get out of here..." he paused. "Now..."

Lisa didn't give any reactions at all. As Mikael goes near to her, Akira immediately kicks him away. "ONE MORE STEP AND YOU WILL GET THE CONSEQUENCES!!" he shouted. 

  "Her breath is reversing!!" Mikael said. 

  "I don't to listen to your deceiving words,"

  "I'M NOT LYING!!!"

As Akira goes to her, he hears her breath reversing, and all oxygens are released instead of consumed. Yet, Akira still had told her to escape harshly, but she couldn't.

  "Akira...Akira...Akira...Why do you still hold your cinder inside," from afar, Takeru said. 

  Akira becomes more and more aggressive as he sees his younger. "I SAID GET OUT OF HERE LISA!" he said.

  Mikael quickly dragged her away from him before Akira saw him, and luckily, he got distracted by Takeru and she was brought to a safe place.

  Meanwhile, Satoshi searched for Lisa and found her, carried by Mikael. He without thinking a second thought, straight away saving her. So, he opened the book and found the teleportation. As he reads, he's already at the spot after he blinked once. Then, Satoshi clashed with Mikael. "Wait... she's not well," Mikael said.

  Satoshi carefully analyzes him and his completely clean. Satoshi then goes to Lisa, watching her suffocating. Fortunately, Satoshi took the book and quickly found the cure to that curse. As he does, he briskly reads it flawlessly and Lisa is cured, but after that, she's weakened. Even worse when Aurora alarms him as Amelia is about to die. Mikael on the other hand, grabs Satoshi's hand and tells him that he can help.

  "Why should I trust with your evil tongue?" said Satoshi.

  "Because you have me," said Kazumi as he appeared with a stone of bower. Mikael is willing to bow to Kazumi as he has that stone without hesitation.

  "Kazu!! Help..."

  "I know..." he said and went closer to Lisa. He put his right hand on the middle of her chest, and slightly pushed, making her take one big inhale and instantly sit with another heavy breath.

  "How do you do that?" said Satoshi.

  "The words of Sleep have the least power to bring her back," said Kazumi.

  Then Satoshi tells Kazumi about Amelia, and Kazumi says he will take care of her. As Satoshi stands up and head to Akira, Kazumi halt him and ask for the book. Then Satoshi gave him, and as Kazumi opened a specific page, he ripped it off. After that, he gave the book back to Satoshi. "Why do you want that page?" said Satoshi.

  "This page is what Takeru is after, not the book," he said and then he burned it. "You may give it to him, but it will risk your soul," 

  "What do you mean?"

  "It's not Takeru you will be afraid of, but Akira. He has lost his sanity," said Lisa as she was conscious afterward. "Where's...Amelia..." she said. 

  "I will take care of this, you go and be careful there," Kazumi said.

---------------------------------------------------------------(Gheisya- 200km from critical zone)

As Hinata, Emilia, Hanna, Anastasia Mika, Melania, Max and Melissa arrived to a known city, their were tired from the long walk. Hanna were sleeping on Emilia's back, Hinata almost fell asleep while others still hold their eyes open. "Are we there yet?" said Anastasia to Melissa.

"Almost there," she said.

As they're arrived at the café, she tell them to have their legs hang. With relief, all of them sits on the premium chairs comfortably.

As hours past, they enjoy their rest, they are ready for the the next walk. But Melissa told them that they should stay for a moment for a look out. "I think I agree with that," said Mika.

"But, how about papa?" Emilia said. Hinata also seem to be more concerned with her father as she knew things will be at worse if she's not around.

"Don't worry, Satoshi will take care of it," Mika confidently said. "You can count on him,"

"You sure? I mean, Akira seems to be more complex than just simply tranquilize him," Melania said.


"Hinata?" Hanna asked her as she looked paled since from their long walk.

"Ame..." she said as she saw a vision, where on point of view of Amelia, found herself shattered like a broken robot, weak and ready to meet death. Then, she saw Akira in his insanity view, making herself scream and convulsing uncontrollably.

"Hinata!!?!" Max and Melania after her, as she has no sign of halt.

"MAMA!!!!! PAPA!!!!! ONEE-CHAAN!!!!"

Melania and Max started to shocked that Hinata said 'Onee-chan' that indicates to their niece. "Ame is alive?!" said Melania.

"How?" Mika started to question how Amelia survived.

"Mika, help us over here!!" said Emilia. The Queens and Fujiwara/Itto relieved and happy that Amelia is still alive, except for Melissa.

"What's wrong, Melissa?" Anastasia asked.

"Something is not right, how come Hinata mention her mother all of the sudden?" said Melissa.

"What's connected?"

"Hinata can feel the anger of her own father, but... why Lisa?" Then, she remembers something. "This can't be it. It's impossible,"

"What is it, Anastasia?!"

"This can't be it!!! She's..."


As Kazumi carries Lisa on his back, he found Amelia nearby. He immediately goes to her and see her heart beats slowly. So, he put Lisa down gently and then as he put his finger on Amelia's ear, he snap it. And finally, Amelia slightly open her heart shaped eyes, and saw her mother sitting with her. "Ma...ma..." she said.

"Seems you still remember all everything. Then I'll take my leave," he said.

" Kazu-sama, she said something... illegal," Amelia said.

As he goes closer and listen to her soft chants, he suddenly eye open wide.






