
First Meeting

Sirris was of dame, a female knight with chivalry, valiant and integrity within the plague lands of Lothric. A member of the 'Blade of the Darkmoon' the fair maiden was. However, long since had she left the covenant. Embarking on her personal quest - to sought out her grandfather in hopes he may be laid in peace, to tarnish no longer his name to the mud. The news of what horrid her grandfather acted upon, fueled her the determination to cease the vessel that held not of the soul of her once loving grandfather that she knew, but the vile demons of hollow that used its body to do evil deeds.

Her hatred for the accursed undead held a stern root within her. 'All undead were impure, evil that soar across the land; causing havoc.' the ideology that she held unto was of the words of her grandfather. Sirris and the people near her, were the people who despised the undead. This ideology had been passed down, and history of this were proven over the tales of many traveling merchants. That kingdoms that were long ruined, under the surface of the stiffed air, kept its captives of hollows in their cells that were far buried within the Earth, far to the depths that no light of the sun would ever far reach.

The female knight had stumbled upon a shrine; the Firelink Shrine. Over her period of long journey, the dame took shelter to rest within, away from the hollows and wretched stench of death. "Thy not a Unkindle nor Undead. What have thou needs here, lady knight?" the woman with the silver of snow hair and the skin of white as light spoke in question. "I have come to seek refuge for the night. Are you a Fire Keeper?" Sirris answered as well as returned a question. "Yes, indeed I am a Fire Keeper."

Sirris knew one thing, that when there's a Fire Keeper, there's always an Undead. "You are welcome to stay, lady knight." the Fire Keeper rid her of her deep thoughts. "Many thanks." she replied, and ended their conversation with a bow. The fair dame strolled around the shrine, conversing with the residence of the run-downed sanctuary. With every words exchanged, a man would be mentioned of such warm silence act. "Ah, he saved me from my imprisonment. No words should anyone had taken mine to mind. Yet, he freed me of my cell and did a charitable act of my nuisance request." the thief spoke in such regard for the unknown man.

"He reached out his hands into the darkness, where I alone sat idly. Pulling me away from the darkness that nimble upon my flesh. Though I have not seen the face of my savior, I can firmly state he has a gentle and kind heart." Sirris welcomed the tale of the charitable act the unbeknownst man had done for the people within the shrine. 'It seems that honorable knights still exist.' her mind spoke within, thinking about meeting the man held in high regards by all of the inhabitant.

She awaited for the arrival of the inhabitant's champion, only to be shocked that it was no man; but an Undead. The female honorable knight smiled a sneer upon the 'man' that the residence looked up upon. Much to the distaste of having wasted time on such crude 'creature', it strolled along the un-leveled floor with its long limbs, almost reminding her of the people in Boreal Valley, just below Anor Londo. Though 'it' was indeed tall of height, it made no comparison with the height of the inhabitants of the city of cold. To be frank, 'it' was just a head higher than hers.

"Mm, you're an Unkindled, aren't you.

I am Sirris, of the Sunless Realms, former servant of the Divinity.

Duties we each bear, but one's duty is a solitary affair.

I doubt we've much to gain from fraternisation.

Blessing of the moon upon your journey."

In a swift introduction, she ended it as it was introduced. The dame proved her suspicion of 'it', that it was no mere Undead. It was an Unkindled, a champion who failed to link the flame. Though she was not cursed to be Undead, she was not oblivious of the grand duty of these accursed creatures.

Sirris was of a knight depicted from a fairy tale. Valiant, chivalrous and with integrity. Her pride shined from her status as a 'true' knight should be. Upholding the code of knights, never in her life would she forsake it. As she stated, 'duties we each bear, but one's duty is a solitary affair.' she needed not of assisting hands, for she was a knight of valor.

In the corner of her eyes, she watched the Unkindled walked over to the Fire Keeper; kneeling down in the process as the beautiful silvery haired woman chanted of the use of sovereignless souls.

Around the early peaks of dawn, the female knight was no where to be seen. Leaving without a trace.

" Darkmoon Blade -

Miracle of those who devoted themselves to the Darkmoon covenant.

Reinforces right weapon with Darkmoon light.

Miracles of the Darkmoon are tales of revenge, but Captain Yorshka recites only for the sake of remembering her brother, with out knowledge of its meaning.

Perhaps this is better, as revenge is better left to the Blades. "

A/N - To anyone hellbent upon the lore - It had been discussed that Sirris was a former member of the 'Blade of the Darkmoon' seeing as she ends majority of her dialogue with 'Blessing of the moon upon your journey.' Another crucial evidence, is the gesture which she pose, in which allows you then to join the covenant.

Jim_Odette_Dcreators' thoughts
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