
Dark Sea Rebirth

Thirty years ago, An Xiaohai was framed by people, accidentally killed someone, and was imprisoned. In the blink of an eye, I fell from the peak of life to the bottom! Twenty years of dark prison life tortured him into a human form! After being released from prison, he struggled for ten years and then died in depression. An Xiaohai traveled back to himself thirty years ago. God gave him a chance to be reborn, and An Xiaohai didn't want to miss it again! Why would a college student be targeted in this way? Why was he treated so cruelly? Why is the black hand behind it unwilling to let him go? An Xiaohai tried his best to uncover the shady secrets! In order to survive, and to one day be redressed, An Xiaohai dealt with all kinds of dangers. As he peeled off the cocoon, a huge shadow gradually emerged! This time, An Xiaohai is no longer the weak lamb he once was. Let's see how he behaves. Counterattack in desperate situation, turning clouds and rain.

aotianwuheng · Urban
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42 Chs

Chapter 032 Dark Rules

Things you deliberately look for are often not found. Everything in the world comes and goes in its own time.

—— Sanmao

"Idol brother, have you thought of your plan? If it doesn't work, forget it. I don't have to involve you. It seems good to stay here anyway."

Xu Tianyou gestured with the muscles on his arms and said absentmindedly. Hu Jianming and Yang Bo were still processing, and they happened to take a shower in the prison cell at this time.

An Xiaohai knew that Xu Tianyou's words were half true and half false.

It was a lie that Xu Tianyou didn't want to go out. An Xiaohai had already found out through the news in the newspaper that Xu Tianyou should have been sentenced to a suspended death sentence.

If he doesn't go out, Xu Tianyou will probably die here of old age in his life.

It's just that Xu Tianyou doesn't have much hope for a successful escape. This can be seen from his preparation activities. He has been doing it, but not actively.

This is no wonder, after all, domestic prison management is very strict, and the possibility of successfully escaping from prison is extremely slim.

At least half of the excitement Xu Tianyou showed was fake, and only in this way could it fit his personality.

An Xiaohai has been trying to understand Xu Tianyou more deeply. He is an extremely complex person full of contradictions.

Xu Tianyou should have received a good education. The madness he displayed was partly due to his nature and partly due to his status needs.

As the son of Lord Haifo, Xu Tianyou has been hanging out among drug dealers all day long. If he looks too polite, he will not be able to gain a foothold in that circle. He has to do this.

But this does not mean that Xu Tianyou's madness was completely fake. He just completely released the other side of his nature and strengthened it.

"I said, fanboy, please have some faith in me, okay? I've already figured out how to go out, but it's easy to go out alone, but it's hard to go out with two people!"

"Idol brother, why are you in such a hurry to go out? Can't you let go of your idol sister-in-law? You can't eat seafood every day!"

"It's not because of her." An Xiaohai shook his head: "Someone wants to cause trouble for my family."

"Who is it? The family member of the idiot you killed?"

"No, that trouble can basically be said to have been solved. It's Liu Jun's two brothers. He was stabbed in the waist. His life is ruined. I didn't expect that he would be blamed on me."

"You were the one who did this!"

"How is that possible? Who did you listen to?" An Xiaohai frowned. Could it be that Yang Yuanbing did not delay for half a month as agreed and released the news so quickly?

"It's easy to guess, okay? Apart from you, who else could be among those people? Also, that Wang Bulai has already started taking business outside. He said he has obtained the true inheritance and specializes in poking people in the waist."

"Then his suspicion is even greater, don't blame me!" An Xiaohai rolled his eyes at Xu Tianyou.

An Xiaohai was not afraid of what his fellow prisoners would say. Everyone in the prison cell was suspicious. If anyone asked them, they would naturally blame others, so their words could not be accurate.

When Yang Yuanbing said that the news was released, he meant that official personnel revealed the news in private. Liu Jun's brothers could use this as a basis to cause trouble for An Xiaohai and his family.

Do people in the underworld care about this? The answer is that most people will care.

As long as there is a world, there must be rules and systems, otherwise the world will collapse. People in the dark world are extremely vicious and do not abide by the rules, but the rules they do not abide by are the rules of the sun world, and they still have to abide by the rules of the dark world.

If the people in the dark world don't abide by the rules of their world, they can bring the world to its knees without the police taking action.

Just like in prison, prison is a special world, and there are rules that belong here. Even someone as strong as Xu Tianyou must abide by the rules here.

In prison, Xu Tianyou was beaten frequently, but he never said that he would cause trouble for these people when he got out. At best, he can only say that I will kill you when you get out.

That's the rule.

But during this time, An Xiaohai also figured out that these were not the important points.

The point is that Liu Jun's two brothers are bad boys. Such people cannot be put on the stage, and they are not even considered people from the dark world. They will most likely harass their own families.

These two troubles must be solved.

"Of course it can only be you. I know those people, and only you would do this. I said, Liu Jun is the person sent by Hu Haikong to deal with you, right?"


An Xiaohai chuckled, alarm bells ringing in his heart. Xu Tianyou was in such a situation, but he still cared so much about his own affairs. Is this normal?

"Why on earth is Xu Tianyou so interested in me?"

"Okay, no more joking, tell me your plan.

I think it's fine for me to go out alone. Don't move. Your sentence won't be long anyway. The issues in your family are not a big deal. I can help you settle it. It's just a matter of one sentence. "

An Xiaohai glanced at Xu Tianyou. The guy was wiping his body with a towel and looked very normal.

This is very wrong!

We have already come to the conclusion that the more normal Xu Tianyou looks, the more likely it is that what he says is a joke!

"Idol brother, don't look at me like this. I know you are very interested in my body, but I'm sorry, I'm not that kind of person!"

Okay, now it's normal...

"But seriously, idol brother, please don't call me a fan boy in the future. It sounds like a fan boy, which is very unlucky!"

Damn, aren't you a fan? Still a fan boy!

"Idol brother, you have to know that in our industry, fans have the least status."

Damn, it turns out it's the wrong class!

"If you call me idol brother, of course I'll call you fan boy, it's none of my business!"

"Okay, my fault!" Xu Tianyou raised his hands in surrender: "Then I won't call you idol brother anymore, how about just calling you by your first name? Xiaohai?"

"Of course, then what should I call you in the future? Will I call you Brother Tian or I'll call you Diao Lao?"

"Call me Tianyou."

An Xiaohai glanced at Xu Tianyou again. He was becoming more and more abnormal today. Hu Jianming, his roommate, once reminded An Xiaohai privately that Xu Tianyou hated people calling him by his name.

An Xiaohai didn't show anything strange. Since Xu Tianyou said to call him by his name, let's call him by his name.

"Okay, God bless."

"Haha, okay, Xiaohai!" Xu Tianyou threw away the towel in his hand, raised his eyebrows at An Xiaohai, and gave a big smile.

For a moment, An Xiaohai was in a daze.

The young man in front of him seemed not to be the feared drug lord, but a classmate on campus, and this small, dark room was not a dormitory, but a university dormitory.

"I told you not to look at people like this, they will be shy!"

Life is so short, can't we keep the good things longer? What the hell!


At 8:30 pm, Hu Jianming and Yang Bo had not returned yet. This was a rare opportunity, so An Xiaohai did not go to the reading room. Instead, he lay half on the bed with his eyes closed and thought.

Xu Tianyou was very quiet and did not disturb him.

In An Xiaohai's plan, there are three difficulties in getting out of this prison: image, timing, and keys.

Of course, the best image is that of a prison guard. Prison guards, like prisoners, are the most normal existence in prison and the least likely to attract people's attention.

With Xu Tianyou's background, it shouldn't be a big problem for him to play a young prison guard. The key is his hair and police uniform.

The wig is already being made. This is the part that Xu Tianyou is responsible for. An Xiaohai didn't interfere, thinking it shouldn't be a big problem. If Xu Tianyou can't even do this, then he has been in vain for so many years.

Police uniforms are available in three places.

The first place is, of course, what the prison guards wear; the second place is the prison guard's office in the prison area, where there may be police uniforms; and the third place is the prison guard's dormitory in the prison.

It was a bit unrealistic to strip the police uniforms from the prison guards. The risk was too high and it was simply seeking death. An Xiaohai did not think in this direction.

So if you want to get police uniforms, the only places you can find are offices and prison guard dormitories.

The office is unlikely. Even if you can sneak in during the day, there is a high probability that you will run into a police officer, and even if you get the police uniform, there is no place to hide;

It's even more impossible at night. It's very difficult to get out of the prison door. Moreover, at night, the security level of the prison will obviously be raised to a higher level.

Therefore, there is only one place left to get a police uniform, and that is the prison guards' quarters inside the prison. To get there you need to go through two doors, both of which are locked although they are unguarded.

So the question comes to the key.

A smile appeared at the corner of An Xiaohai's mouth.

In the eyes of others, it is impossible to get the keys to the four iron gates of the prison without alerting the prison.

But for An Xiaohai, it was easy!