

She woke up with the same terrifying feeling she usually had after the nightmare. She had the same nightmare again last night, same results too. Sweat covered sheets and a terrible feeling stuck to her skin. She headed for the shower and tried to wash away the feeling as she always did. She wanted to just stay in bed all day and talk to no one but she had already promised Claire she would go to the dinner, if only to keep her company. This was obviously going to be a long day.


They were greeted at the door by a good-looking couple in their early fifties.

"Tom. Claire. It's nice to see you again."

"You too Cameron. Adrian, looking lovely as always." Tom replied while he and Claire exchanged handshakes with the couple.

"And this is Antonia, our goddaughter." Claire said while bringing Antonia forward.

"Hello. Thank you for having us." She shyly exchanged handshakes with them.

Aidan was just entering the room when he saw Antonia exchange handshakes with his parents. He joined the group as it was entering the living room.

"Tom," he extended his hand for a shake.

"Hello Aidan. Thanks again for inviting us."

"My pleasure. Mrs. Gerard." He shook Claire's hand too.

"Just Claire will be fine. I believe you've met my goddaughter, Antonia?" Claire said with a big smile that had Toni a little worried.

"Yes, I have but I did not know she was your goddaughter." Aidan said while he extended his hand. Toni eyed the hand warily for a split second before taking it.

"Nice to see you again Mr. Booth." She tried removing her hand immediately but Aidan held on to it a bit longer.

"He is Mr. Booth," Aidan said indicating his father, "Aidan will do fine for me."

"Of course."

Aidan could not believe the instant arousal he felt when he took Toni's hand. It was soft with long elegant fingers and he couldn't help wondering how her hands would feel on him. At that thought he let go of Toni's hand and tried to find something to distract his wayward thoughts.

"Dinner is about to be served so let's all head into the dining room," Adriana announced.

Before he could offer to walk Toni into the dining room, she quickly took Claire's hand and clung to it. She looked a little scared and Aidan couldn't help wondering if perhaps he intimidated her. He will have to find a way to change that soon. He knew he was quite big, he took after his father. Six-foot-four and all muscle. When he stood next to Toni, she came up to his shoulder and he always tried not to loom over her. How on earth was he supposed to look less intimidating when he looked like a giant bear?

Everyone went into a cozy living room with an oval table and six chairs. Tom and Cameron were sat at the opposite ends of the table, Claire and Toni sat on one side while Aidan and Adriana sat on the other side.

Aidan watched, as Claire seemed to reassure Toni throughout the whole meal.

Toni did not know much about meal names, she preferred trying out different food together to find out what worked. They had what she would assume to be a chicken salad for a starter, moved on to lamb chops and then come chocolate cake. It was simple yet delicious and presented like something you would see on TV.

They went back to the living room for some tea and coffee.

"The meal was delicious, wasn't it dear?" Claire asked Toni.

"Very. Especially the cake."

"Thank you. I made it myself." Adriana was beaming and gave Aidan an, 'I told you so' look.

"I suppose you can make my birthday cake then mother," Aidan said with a smile to his mother. She practically squealed like a little girl.

"She has been taking cooking classes and seems to only stick to the baking part of things." Cameron added with a laugh for the rest of the party.

Toni realized how very much alike Claire and Adriana were, they would make the best of friends and bond over who could get her deaf the quickest. A smile played on her full lips as she looked from one woman to the other discussing cake recipes.

Aidan could not believe how relaxed Toni looked when she was with Claire. No wonder Tom thought Claire would be able to convince Toni to come here. Toni practically worshiped her.

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