
True Goddess Of Beauty(2)

"...Loki, don't be so rigid. I simply wish to lay my eyes on him," implored Freya, her persuasive words causing Loki to falter.

With a graceful gesture, she extended her hand, silently beckoning me to her side.

Though I acquiesced with a nod, I refrained from turning my gaze toward Ais.

"Greetings, Freya-sama. It is a pleasure to see you. While I should inquire about the purpose of your visit, I can surmise the reason. You must have...heard about my vow. Yes, there were trust issues between Loki and me, as I harbored a fervent desire to train the Loki Familia. They hesitated to place their trust in a wandering traveler such as myself. To forge a solid alliance and assuage their concerns of potential harm, I had no choice..."

I gambled everything, speaking only truths, but to my surprise, Freya merely regarded me with a prolonged gaze before losing interest.

"I must admit, little traveler, I was truly curious! The sheer magnitude of the tremors in the fabric of the World had me intrigued. I simply yearned to witness firsthand the individual destined to elevate the Loki Familia to unprecedented heights. Now that I have achieved my purpose, I shall take my leave."

I stood there in utter disbelief, rendered speechless. I could only watch as Freya gracefully pivoted on her heels and elegantly left.

...She departed, just like that?

My world shattered in an instant. After all the mounting tension and stakes invested, she simply brushed me aside and left.

...I'm so grateful I am not Bell Cranel. The plot conveniently evades me in such a straightforward fashion!

Still, somewhat on edge, my thoughts meandered down peculiar paths before I reined them in.

Freya's sudden intrusion, the anticipation of devouring me whole, only to glance at me and then dismiss me entirely...

[Report: Host, I believe Freya attempted to peer into your soul at that moment. Since I am fused with your soul, I managed to remain concealed and dim the radiance of your soul, though my capabilities are limited without the divine power of Goddess #!?-'s.]

...Lucy, you have spared me a tremendous headache! Your assistance is invaluable!

Tonight, I shall offer my prayers to Goddess Eve. Her gift has undoubtedly saved me...!

Little did I know that this time, Eve played no part in it. In fact...

--- Freya's POV ---

My interest immediately waned.

I had anticipated a delectable morsel, a potential indulgence to sink my teeth in for fun. However, upon beholding the man, all I saw was...

An immense Abyss.

His soul exuded a repugnant hue, akin to filth before me. What use was his strength, surpassing even my Ottar's, if coupling with such a wretched entity would taint my own purity with eternal darkness?

If Loki desired him, she could keep him. Furthermore, my haste to leave stemmed from sensing my beloved's presence outside the Loki Familia manor.

What better occasion to offer him my reassurance? I must express my gratitude to Loki in the future...

With these sentiments guiding my steps, I joined Ottar as we departed the premises of the Manor, unbothered by the throngs of onlookers.

Amidst the sea of countless faces, only Bell Cranel possessed the merit to capture the reflection of my gaze.


Hence, in a whimsical turn of fate, the anticipated scenario that could have captivated readers for a substantial span of 10 chapters failed to materialize.

The unfolding events destined for Ren Von Seraphis proved to be far more unique than an encounter with a disdained "imposter" masquerading as the Goddess of Beauty.

...At least, not within the confines of this volume.

--- Ren's POV ---

"She left??"

Loki voiced her confusion. While she was immersed in devising a plan to thwart Freya, our lack of familiarity hindered our understanding of each other's thoughts as we teetered on the precipice of failure with every passing moment.

Nevertheless, such details held little significance now.

"Yes, she attempted to peer into my soul but failed to discern my true combat prowess. As for the hue of my soul, I remain uncertain of her assessment. However, her departure with such apathy suggests..."

In the novel, it was explained that the color of one's soul corresponded to its purity.

But what does it truly mean to possess a pure soul? Is it synonymous with being an imbecile like Bell Cranel, whose thoughts are consumed by his own romantic entanglements, completely oblivious to the emotions of others, all in pursuit of a harem he himself fails to recognize?

The notion of possessing a pure soul seems rather undesirable. Personally, I find solace in the knowledge that my own soul is anything but pure, and perhaps, it serves me better as such.

To bear the burden of a pure soul, reminiscent of the classic Emiya Shirou¹⁵, would only invite additional troubles.

People die when they are killed. - Emiya Shirou¹⁵

With such a dearth of intellect, he would not fare well against the clutches of Freya or even the mere perils of the Dungeon, destined to die at the hands of a monster, as it killed him...

Anyways, I cannot entertain the notion that Freya's interference has come to an end.

Though the path of "You're mine" has been closed, I remain a force formidable enough to deter her machinations. She will persist in her attempts to charm me and lure me into her Familia's grasp.

I exhaled deeply, my mind swirling with thoughts of annihilating her once and for all, for the twentieth time today.

Furthermore, her escalating infatuation with Bell Cranel threatened to spiral out of control, if the narrative from the novel held true.

Alas, I couldn't rely on that alone.

While the novel provided valuable insights into the general inclinations and mindsets of individuals, reality possessed an unpredictable nature.

I refused to naively believe that everything would remain unchanged.

Besides, if Freya dared to ensnare the entire populace of Orario with her charm, I would bring an end to her entire Familia.

What a ludicrous notion! I endured for 800 years to be by Ais's side, not to have her existence tarnished by a deluded woman burdened with transparent soul issues.

I would never allow such a travesty to unfold.

While my mind brimmed with a myriad of thoughts, Loki cast a slightly perplexed gaze in my direction, evidently overwhelmed by the influx of peculiar information flooding her mind.

I possessed knowledge of Freya's abilities and she believed I also held a certain degree of control over my soul.

In truth, I exerted no such influence as Lucy did everything.

Nonetheless, Loki chose to overlook this anomaly, recognizing that not only was I bound by a vow to refrain from harming her Familia, but our business for the day was far from concluded.

"L-Loki-sama, there are hordes of people outside clamoring to catch a glimpse of the individual who boldly proclaimed his vow to the Familia. Regrettably, we can no longer quell their curiosity..."

The guard, who had previously alerted us to Freya's presence, reappeared, weariness etched across his visage from tirelessly patrolling the perimeter of the Mansion in an attempt to maintain order.

A twinge of sympathy threatened to surface within me.


"...What a pain."

I vocalized my ruminations as the executives of the Loki Familia swiftly devised their strategies, dividing themselves to expel the nuisances.

However, deep down, I recognized the futility of their efforts. With an event of such magnitude, gossip and speculation were bound to arise.

"..Shall we proceed, Ais?" I beckoned with a gentle tone, noticing the lingering blush on her cheeks.

Perhaps my earlier words still played in her mind. How cute.

A warm smile formed on my lips, knowing she understood the unspoken message beneath my expression. Her raised fists spoke volumes—

Keep smiling, and I'll punch you.

Chuckling, I paid no heed to her threat, instead nodding to the Loki Familia members, acknowledging our straightforward strategy.

"Let the competition begin! May the one who drives out the most flies emerge victorious!"

Without employing any extraordinary abilities, I dashed towards the entrance of the manor, urging Ais to follow suit. Her determination burned brightly, driven to triumph over me by any means necessary...

It was the moment to instill terror upon those foolish enough to meddle in affairs that did not concern them!


15: Emiya Shirou, a protagonist of Fate. Just look up the logical order and watch it, Ufotable totally had an unlimited budget for it.

Author's Note:

Did you all believe Freya would all of a sudden fall for MC or something? Nah.

Also, in two days I got an Important exam, so expect chapter releases to go down a little like today.

Regarding the discord server: More readers are asking for me to create it and I did create it, but I have still not set it up to 100%. Please, if you want to help me, I'd be glad.

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