
Danmachi: Rise of The Rampart

Dying a guy from our world ends up reborn in Danmachi. A world filled with gods, monsters, and heroes. Just what kind of legend will he create now that he lives in such a place? Read and find out. Warning: This fiction will not be all sunshine and rainbows it will contain dark themes. Such as murder, thoughts of suicide and graphic content. You have been warned so read at your own risk.

ArifuretaForever · Anime und Comics
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154 Chs

Chapter 71: The Great Feud (Part 5)

Ryner kept the same smug smile on his face our entire way home.

I wanted to wipe that smirk off his face, but decided that doing so would only make things worse. So I grumbled and just let him have fun at my expense.

But I will get revenge later.

Arriving we entered through the front door and went straight to the living room. Where Athena, Ryuu, Leontmtchelli, Rogue, Gaul, and Diluc were all gathered.

"Welcome back." Athena said. "The others filled us in on the situation. But I would still like a report from you later Morax."

I nodded. "Of course goddess. So, how is our guest?"

"She will make a full recovery." Athena told me. "Ryuu used her healing magic to repair most of the damage, Ariane will still need a few days of natural healing for her leg to function at full capacity. Then there were other minor wounds which Millhiore and William and attending to now."

"Thank you for that." I said. I then put a serious expression on my face. "So while Ryner and I were dropping off the criminals at the Ganesha familia home Shakti and Ardi approached us. There are raiding an Evilus base tomorrow and requested our assistance. I said yes, but if anyone has any objections please let me know now?"

"Not at all. Stomping out that scum is necessary after all." Athena said, a perfect smile on her face.

"I'm glad we're thinking alike. Athena" I said, showing a feral smile on my own face.

"You two, calm down. Your sadistic sides are showing." Leonmitchelli spoke.

But Athena and I ignored her, and just continued to smile like we were.

We're sharing a moment a heartfelt moment after all.

No need to rush to its ending.


Checking my small cash of supplies for today's raid I waited for the others to join me outside of the Owl House.

After making sure everything was in order I watched at the sun rose over the horizon.

'No matter how many times I see it it never gets old.' I thought.

I guess this would be considered one of life's small pleasures.

As the sun fully ascended into the sky the others who were joining me and the Ganehsa familia on today's raid came out.

Ryuu, Leonmitchelli, Gaul, Ryner, and Rogue.

Looking at them I tapped Vortex Vanquisher against my left shoulder.

"Ok, let's move out." I said.

The others nodded.

Once they did so we left the grounds of the Owl House and quickly made our way to the Ganesha familia home.

Arriving we met up with Ardi and Shakti and the rest of their assembled raiding party.

Then once we did our combined party moved out towards our intended target.

As we came closer and closer to the place, I soon realized something.

The church we are going to raid is the exact same one Bell and Hestia used as their base of operations before the war game with the Apollo Familia in canon.


Definitely not.

But besides that I realized something else.

There is a powerful aura permeating the air.

Before I even realized it I was gripping Vortex Vanquisher with all my might. My entire body, tighter than a drum.

And I wasn't the only one experiencing this sensation.

My fellow familia members and even the Ganesha familia members were feeling the eaxact same thing.

Ryuu has her sword drawn and is clutching onto it for dear life.

Same with Rogue and Leonmtichelli.

Ryner and Gaul are constantly checking their surroundings.

Yeah, safe to say that woman is up ahead.

In no time at all we reached the church doors.

As soon as we did so Shakti ordered her familia members to spread out around to make sure no one escapes.

Once the entire outer perimeter of the church was covered Shakti through open the door and was the first one inside. Ardi and several other Ganesha familia members following bedhin her.

While my familia members and I brought up the rear.

Immediately after entering we all spread out, and prepared for battle.

Only to find all the Evilus members unconscious on the ground, some with devastatingly severe wounds.

And standing in the middle of them all was a singular woman wearing a black dress and a shawl over her face.

I knew this could only be one person.


One of the strongest characters in the Danmachi series according to Omori, and also Bell's aunt.

Seeing her in the flesh instead of a screen, I have to say she is even more terrifying.

Just looking at her makes me barely unable to move. So fighting her, forget about it. I'm so far out of her league it's not even funny. She can crush me like and bug and there isn't a single fucking thing I can do about it as I currently am.

Even with Dragonification up my sleeve.

Now I think I finally understand how the Zeus and Hera familia reigned supreme for as long as they did if they had people like Alfia within their familia ranks.

It also tells me just how fucking overpowered the One-Eyed Black Dragon is if he was able to defeat those two groups.

But all this also makes me want to go farther in my own strength and surpass where I am now.

It's contradictory, but then life generally is.

Alfia didn't make a move after we entered the church.

Instead she simply just stood in place.

Eventually though Ardi stepped forward.

"Hey, why did you do this?" She questioned.

"Because, these people sought to desecrate and disrespect this place which my sister was fond of. They need to be punished for their actions. So I did just that. Nothing more." Alfia spoke. "But now that that's done its time for me to get back." She said.

Alfia then turned towards the door and started making her way towards it.

That is until Shakti pointed her spear in her direction.

"Wait. Stop moving, do you really think we'll just let you walk out of here?" She questioned.

"Noisy. Shut up." Alfia said to Shakti without stopping.

"If you don't stop we'll restrain you." Shakti warned.

But Alfia simply kept walking.

"Fine then. Apprehend this woma-"


[Satanas Verion]

As as name of Alfia's spell finished coming out of her mouth I felt something slam into me.


Without even a second to react I was blown out of the church and onto the ground.

Rolling several times I eventually came to a stop, my entire body in pain. Not being able to hear anything or anyone due to the ringing in my ears.

'Fuck.' I thought.

As I got double vision I did my best to get my bearings back, but it was slow going.

Then before I realized it someone was standing above me.

Looking up I found myself staring at Alfia.

As she returned my gaze I heard her mutter something but with the ringing in my ears I couldn't make it out.

Then after she spoke she simply stepped over me and continued on her way.

Leaving me to lick my wounds in peace.

Over 30 minutes passed before my hearing returned and my body was able to move again.

As soon as it was I went to check on the others.

Finding thankfully that all of them were basically ok.

Rogue did get blown into one of the church walls and got some minor cuts and scrapes on his back, but compared to how worse it could've been if Alfia had gotten serious I'd say we got off lucky.

And the really scary thing is if not for her chronic debilitating illness Alfia would be even stronger.

Just thinking about that sends a shiver across my entire body.

As I thought about this Gaul spoke up.

"So I'll say it. Who the fuck was that woman?" He questioned. "Because that was some serious power she was backing."

"I know." Ryuu agreed. "She wasn't even trying. For her to take down all of us, she is definitely a high-level adventurer."

"Yeah." Rogue added. "But I've never heard of anyone like her amongst the ranks of Evilus, and she just attacked Evilus members as well. But she also attacked us. What a strange person she was?"

"Bottom line is she's dangerous." I said. "So unless absolutely necessary let's avoid her at all costs."

Everyone nodded.

Just as we did so Shakti came over to us.

"Are you all alright?" She questioned.

We nodded.

"That's good." She said. Clenching her fists.

Seeing this I shook my head. "Shakti, no need to beat yourself up. We had no idea anyone that powerful would be here. So it's fine. Everyone made it out alive and that's all that matters." I said.

"I second that sis." Ardi said, walking up. "We all made it out alive. So don't get down on yourself."

"Right, I understand." Shakti said. "Thank you both."

"It's no problem." I said.

"Right, no problem at all." Ardi spoke. She then moved over to Ryuu and unwrapped the object in her arms. "Right Ryuu, this is what I told you I'd find. The branch of the Holy Tree from your home forest, Ryumilua. This place was a storehouse for illegal items Evilus acquired."

"I see." Ryuu said. Staring at the branch from the Holy Tree from her homeland.

Despite wearing her mask her eyes are showing a mix of various emotions right now.

"Hey Shakti, can I give Ryuu this?" Ardi asked.

"Well normally I would say no. We need to turn these items over to the guild. We can't decide what to do with them. But since that branch belongs to the forest Ryuu calls home I see no reason to not let her have it." Shakti explained.

"No, that's quite alright. I do need special treatment. Simply take it to the guild." Ryuu said.

"Ryuu, what did I say about lying?" Ardi questioned. Handing Ryuu the branch of the holy tree.

"I um. This is." Ryuu stammered.

It's one of the rare times she is at a loss for words.

Makes her even cuter if you ask me.

"Ryuu just be quiet and accept the tree branch." Leonmitchelli spoke up. "You can decided what to do with it later."

"Right." Ryuu said. "Thank you Ardi."

"No problem." She happily said.

"Well then if there's nothing else we'll be going." I spoke.

"Sure." Shakti said.

As soon as she did so we started making our way home.

Ryuu clutching onto the branch of the sacred tree.

Which will become her signature weapon, Alf's Lumina.

And I can't wait to see it.