
Glass Carna

Drip! Drip!

The sound of raindrops could be heard.

Drip! Drip!

"What's this feeling? Rain?" thought a young man as the rain pours over his body. "Where, am I?" he thought as he tries to open his eyes.

As his eyelids slowly open up, the rain continues pouring down onto his face as the young man slowly gets up and rubs his eyes. His blurred vision became clear as he slowly stood up on his two feet and looks around.

In his eyes, a vast land filled with grass and trees stood erect around him. In front of him, a large wall that seemed as large as mountains surrounded a single point.

Drip! Drip!

The young man rushes towards the trees to take cover from the rain as his soggy clothes tightly wrap around his body making it uncomfortable.

Running while being careful so that he wouldn't trip, the young man finally made it under the trees shielding himself from the rain.

The rain continued pouring for an unknown amount of time as the young man unbuttoned his shirt and twisted it as rainwater dripped.

Wringing out his shirt, he did the same with his pants and shoes before finding a clean place to sit down at. "Where am I? Why am I here? The only thing I remember is that my name is Glass, Glass Carna. I should be 14, but how do I know that?" Glass thought as he remembered his own name and age.

Just as he was trying to recall things, the rain stopped as he heard the sound of blades clashing not so far away from him. Standing up, he followed the metallic clashing sounds as he made his way through wild bushes.

As he got closer, he noticed a huge black mantis with huge front legs that have razor-sharp tibial spines that looked like blades. In front of the huge insect that was twice his size, Glass could see a girl his age with long pale pink hair while a few strands were darker.

The girl holding a thick broadsword in her hand clashed with the large insect using only a single arm. The girl waved her sword around as if it were a toy as she appeared to be dancing rather than fighting.

Hiding within the bushes as he watched, Glass suddenly sensed a presence in a bush behind the young girl as he called out, "Be careful, there's another one behind you!" his somewhat childish voice could be heard as the young girl his age flipped backward in the air and narrowly dodged the attack of the second mantis that was hiding in the bush.

As the two mantes' noticed him hiding in the bush from his shout earlier, one of them headed straight for him with great speed. Even though he could see that it was coming to him, his body couldn't move even though he wanted it to do so.

When it was just a hair's width away from him, time seemed to slow down as the huge mantis appeared to be moving sluggishly. Glass who had suddenly been able to move quickly ran out of the mantes attack range and headed toward the young girl.

Puff! Huff!

"That was close, what was that just now? It seemed like it was moving in slow motion" Glass thought as he quickly hid behind the young girl who had contained one of the mantes.

The young girl's body suddenly glew with a bright white light as the white lights began to disperse in different directions in the shape of a ball. The white lights seemed to surround Glass and the young girl as the white balls of light suddenly shot out beams of light that headed for both mantes within the blink of an eye.

Whoosh! Whoosh!


The two mantes' were suddenly filled with holes as the beams of light pierced through their bodies before scattering like dust. Placing her huge sword in its sheath on her back, the young girl turned to face Glass who was looking at the punctured insects.

"Thanks for saving me" the young girl smiled as she put her hand forward. Glass shook her hand as he replied, "No, it was the other way around"

Looking at the young girl in front of him, Glass could immediately tell that she was incredibly beautiful. Her skin is as white as snow while her lips were like cherries and with a nose that was thin while perfectly complimenting her eyes.

Not only that, she is tall standing at around 165 centimeters tall being slightly taller than Glass who is 163 centimeters himself despite only being 14 years old.

"My name is Shea Crest, I am a part of the Loki Familia in Orario" Shea introduced herself to him. "Glass Carna, what is a Familia and where is Orario? Who is Loki?" he asked her with a puzzled expression.

"You've never heard of Orario or the Goddess Loki? That's weird, did you lose your memory?" Shea asked him. "Huh, how'd you know? But you're right, when I woke up it was raining and I hid from the rain. The only thing I remembered was my name and age" Glass replied.

"I see, then let me bring you back with me while I explain" Shea said. She then walked up to the large mantes and cut off their tibial spines as she whistled. Suddenly, a white horse appeared from the bushes and stood by her side as she jumped on its back. Putting her hand down, she said, "Get on"

Glass took her hand and sat behind her while holding onto her armor tightly so that he wouldn't fall off. The two sat on the horse as it ran out of the forest and headed towards the direction of the huge wall that Glass had seen when he took shelter from the rain.

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