
DanMachi I Signed In At The Dungeon

Coming to the world of Dicuo, Eiffel became an elf boy. After learning the truth about the world, Eiffel plunged into the dungeon and began his adventure with the help of Goldfinger. I thought this would be a hearty adventure, just for fighting. But why are there more and more women around us? Eiffel was greatly puzzled. It wasn't until a certain god appeared that Eiffel realized that he... seemed to have replaced a certain red-eyed rabbit.

Big_Big_0235 · Anime und Comics
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307 Chs

Chapter 187 Shortcut!

After a night of rest and getting enough energy, Eiffel and the others prepared and came to the entrance to the 51st floor.

Last time when the Loki clan went on an expedition, a large number of new worm monsters emerged from here, and the Loki clan suffered heavy losses and the expedition failed.

This time, no new worms emerged.

This surprised Finn and the others, but they didn't care too much.

After Livilia cast a defensive magic on everyone, everyone began to act.

"Attention blocking"

"Eiffel, I'll leave Livilia and Lefiya in your care."

Finn said to everyone while running, and then solemnly asked Eiffel for help.

There was no other way, Eiffel was the fastest among them, even faster than Ess after using Wind Spirit Sprint.

So Finn gave Eiffel the task of keeping an eye on the two magicians Livilia and Lefiya.

Although Livilia and Lefiya have powerful magic, they are not melee adventurers after all. They cannot compare with the first-level adventurers in terms of speed and reaction, so they must be kept under constant attention.

If Eiffel was not there this time, he would have given this task to Ess, but with Eiffel, a companion who is faster than Ess, Finn naturally gave the task directly to Eiffel.

"Finn, I have a suggestion, please see if it is feasible."

Eiffel nodded slightly, then said

"What's the proposal?"

Finn asked.

"The Cannon Dragon ignores the floors and snipers us. Why don't we just follow the passage opened by the Cannon Dragon and go directly to the 58th floor?"

Eiffel told the actions of Tione and others in the original book.

"I was just about to ask you this."

"In the past, I didn't plan to do this because I had supporters."

"But now we don't need to worry about supporters, we can take this shortcut with our strength"

"It is said that Zeus and Hera's family started to take the shortcut of the Cannon Dragon's sniper after entering the Dragon Pot for the second time, and directly entered the 58th floor"

"What do you think?"

Finn nodded, and then told his idea. After he finished speaking, he looked at everyone and asked about their appearance.

This was an idea he came up with on the spur of the moment.

In addition to conquering new floors, their Loki clan expedition also has the purpose of training and improving the grace ability value.

The Dragon Pot and other floors are a very good training place for first-level adventurers to upgrade.

Finn is not sure whether they are willing to take shortcuts.

If everyone is unwilling and wants to fight step by step, then Finn has no objection.

"I'm fine."

Bert was the first to speak.

"I have no objection either."

Then it was Tione who spoke up.

"Me too, me too. These floors are good for exercise, but not as good as the 58th floor. Let's go directly to the 58th floor."

Diona said while running and raising her hands

"I have no problem with that either."

Aisi nodded. She was already level 6. The deeper the Dragon Pot's floor, the better the training effect of the monsters in it would be for her. If possible, she also wanted to go to the deeper floors as soon as possible.

"Let's do it this way."

Livilia also spoke at this time, and she thought that she had no objection.

"Then we will wait for the Cannon Dragon's sniper attack, and then we can go directly to the 58th floor through the hole blasted by the Cannon Dragon."

Grace made the decision.

The elf Lefiya had no say, and could only tremble in fear as she followed everyone's frightening plan.

However, when she thought that Lord Eiffel would be watching her, she was no longer afraid.

Just now, when Captain Finn asked Eiffel to look after her and Lady Livilia,

Lord Eiffel nodded.

Thinking of this, Lefiya's cheeks suddenly turned red. When Eiffel's voice sounded, Lefiya came back to her senses, looking at the ring that Eiffel handed over, with a puzzled look on her face:"Lord Eiffel, what is this?"

"Amulet, an amulet that can resist the attack of the cannon dragon."

Eiffel said with a smile.

During this period of time, he has made a lot of preparations for this expedition.

The amulet in front of him is one of them.

Unlike Lily and the others, the power contained in the amulet that Eiffel took out now is completely a defensive barrier, which will be triggered once attacked.

Eiffel only gave it to Lefiya and Livilia.

Because Livilia and Lefiya's physique cannot be compared with others.

Although there is the defensive magic cast by Livilia, Eiffel thought for a moment and still felt that it would be better to give the two of them an extra layer of protection. After all, this is the Dragon Pot.

"Eiffel, you have so many good things."

Looking at the amulet rings in Livilia and Lefiya's hands, Finn said with a smile

"Put it on quickly, Lefiya."

Looking at Lefiya who was staring at Eiffel blankly without a ring, Livilia, who had already put on the ring given by Eiffel, urged her.

She could get a good thing for free, but this girl was still in a daze. Livilia wanted to knock on this little girl's head to see what Lefiya was thinking.

"Ah, yes, Lady Livilia."

After being scolded by Livilia, Lefiya came back to her senses immediately, and quickly reached out to take the ring and put it on the finger of her other hand.

However, as soon as she put it on, Lefiya didn't know what she thought of, and her cheeks turned red again.

"Let me think, Lefiya, you were thinking about something unhealthy just now."

Looking at Lefiya's expression, Diona smiled and teased

"No way!!!"

Upon hearing this, Lefiya quickly refuted and confessed.

"Okay, stop joking and focus, the Cannon Dragon's sniper is coming"

""Everyone, get ready."

At this time, Finn, who felt the vibration from the ground, immediately spoke up to remind everyone.

Everyone felt it at this time.

Even Livilia felt it. Only Lefiya didn't feel it and was still confused.

It wasn't until she was hugged by Eiffel and jumped back that Lefiya reacted.

The next second, a huge pillar of fire gushed out from where they were just now, rushing straight to the ceiling.
