
Birth of the Lich King....

Lucas awoke to the feeling of a cold stony surface pressed up against his face, he patted himself down and broke out into maniacal laughter. His laugh echoed through out the room he was lying in, he dragged himself up off of the floor and said"Beat those fucking gods at their own game, banish me? What a fucking joke, shit I lost my staff, I swear to the gods if they took the fucking book I will kill them twice over."

Lucas then clicked his fingers and too his relief the book he wanted appeared in front of him, he grabbed it and was amazed. The blank pages of the book had been filled with information regarding his new body as well as his current strength. He was now a Lich, a type of undead that tended to rule over other types of undead. What surprised him however was that he looked like a typical human and his body functioned the same as theirs.

According to the book, he now had long flowing white hair and eyes that resembled a blackhole, sucking in all light around them. His body was neither muscular of flimsy but somewhere in between the two, what caused him to nearly have a heart attack was he was now only 18 and apparently would never age due to his new undead nature.

After looking at his new appearance in the book Lucas turned over the page to see his new strength and abilities. He hoped that his prowess in magic and specifically necromancy would be passed over to the skill set of his new body. He was extremely excited when that turned out to be the case.

Name: Lucas

Race: Lich King (Human Appearance)

Familia: Necrosis Familia (Flaming Skull Insignia)

Age: 18 (Undead/Immortal)

Level: 1


Power: D: 530 Endurance: A 888 Dexterity: C 650 Agility: D 500 Magic: SSS 1300

Abilities: Touch of Death (I)

Magic : Summon Skeleton (G) Void Portal (I) Leech Life (H)

Passive Skills: Instant Magic (G) Death's Aura (G) Lord of Death (H)

Looking at his abilities, Lucas had very little idea about what any of skill and abilities did, he understood his stats though as they would show what he excelled in and he was extremely happy to see his amazing skill in magic had passed over. He was a little annoyed to see that his level had not passed over as he was a level 15 wizard before his 'banishment' by the Gods.

Lucas turned over the page and thankfully the book had also provided him with detailed instructions on what his new skills were.


Touch Of Death: The user's hands can emit pulse of electricity that damages the nervous system of most species, the level of the spell determines how much damage is done.

Summon Skeletons: The user can summon Skeletons, the power and skills of the skeletons is based on the level of the spell. As the spell improves the User can summon more skeletons to fight for him, the skeletons will disappear as soon as the user leaves combat.

Void Portal: The Void portal allows the user to travel instantly between the two portals, the user can allow others to use the portals. Entities that attempt to use the portal without permission will be randomly teleported somewhere within the known area of the user.

Leech Life : Drains the target of their life force and converts and gives it to the user, restoring health and mana.

Lord of Death: The user can raise undead followers and assign them to his Familia, only monsters and humans slain by the user can be recruited this way. They gain intelligence based on what they had before death, their appearances with return to their normal ones as well. The followers will gain status boards that only the user can see and interact with, they gain strength like normal adventurers would. Each level of this skill grants the user with two new follower slots and will increase the exp gain for both the user and the followers.

Anything that dies within 3 floors of the user gives the user 1/3 of their experience and powers. There is also a 20% that the user will inherit one of the deceased skills upon their death.

Instant Magic: Magic can be used without chanting.

Death's Aura: The User emits an aura of death that weakens all hostiles. Reducing their damage by 10% while decreasing their damage resistance by 5%. Will cause enemies weaker than the user to enter a state of fear making them even weaker. The aura is emitted constantly even outside of combat, only high level adventures will be able to detect the user's unique aura.

Lucas was overwhelmed by the skills that he had inherited, he could raise an undead Familia and use it to take the gods out one by one, he could also convert all those he killed to his side increasing his manpower pool drastically. He decided that his first movement should be to build up his own strength before showing his true identity to the world.

While his was pondering how he would go about this, he heard screams coming from the room next to his, he walked to the door and prepared himself before opening it. What he saw made him smile, the room had one adventurer getting swarmed by Goblins. He looked like he was struggling quite badly, Lucas believed that the adventurer had no good skills and was new to this job like himself.

He immediately summoned 3 skeletons and used leech life on the adventurer, he telepathically told the skeletons to target the goblins while he dealt with the adventurer. The Skeletons managed to kill the goblins quicker than Lucas could deal with his target however Lucas saw this as an opportunity, he ordered the skeletons to collect the goblin cores as he went to 'check' on the adventurer.

He walked towards him and asked" What is your name and where are we? I just woke up here and I'm lost" The man rose to his feet and replied with" I suppose I owe you for healing me with your magic while your skeletons dealt with the goblins. My name is Ajax and I currently have no Familia, we are in the dungeon under Babel. We aere on the first floor. If you go left when you leave this room and walk straight down the corridor, you will make it to the exit."

Lucas smiled and said Thank you, I will get more information in town. Thanks and good hunt to you going forward." Lucas then feigned leaving before returning to the room and using touch of death to stop the heart of the weak adventure. He then looted him for everything he had before making his way back towards town...

Here is chapter 2, hope you enjoy and have a good day!

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