
Iriana Faye

Love, what is the quintessence of such a profound emotion? Some individuals perceive it as an ardent devotion or a love that is purely untainted. I had the experience of my first encounter with love, and I must confess, it was a tragic tale, filled with bittersweet echoes.

He proclaimed that I was his lone celestial luminary amidst the vast galaxy of existence. However, is it not true that there are abundant other stars scattered throughout the endless expanse of the galaxy?

But it was merely a high school infatuation; now, here I stand in front of my cherished institution. It has always been my fervent aspiration to become a ballet dancer, as the sight of my mother gracefully pirouetting with an angelic elegance left me awestruck. In that moment, a resounding desire arose within me - "I want to be like mama!"

As I glide through the corridor, a sense of scrutiny washes over me. All eyes seem fixated upon my presence, not truly on me, but rather on the essence of my mother. My beloved mother, Aniela Faye, a graceful maestro of ballet, left an indelible mark in this realm.

As I began to grace the dormitory room that had been assigned to me with my personal belongings, I found myself sharing this space with another soul. She was a vibrant, punk-styled individual with an aura of friendliness about her. The atmosphere seemed to hum with a merry chaos, a rhythm that seemed to be Leyla's melody. Leyla, a name as gentle as a butterfly, yet it danced with an intriguing hint of tempestuous energy.

In the midst of arranging my personal sanctuary—my work table—I felt a soft tap on my shoulder, as light as a feather's touch. Pivoting around, I found myself meeting the gaze of Leyla. With a voice as soft as morning dew, I addressed her, "Oh, Leyla, is there an issue?"

Leyla responded with the shake of her head, her vibrant hair dancing with her motion. Then came her question, "You know my name, but I am unaware of yours. May I know your name?" A soft blush painted my cheeks at her question. Had I neglected to introduce myself? How utterly inconsiderate of me.

With a gentle smile playing on my lips, I turned to Leyla and said, "My name is Iriana Faye." A name as simple as a lily in a field, yet as elegant as a swan on a calm lake, a gift from my dear mother.

"Lovely name!" Leyla chimed in, her German accent adding a unique charm to her voice. I could tell, this was the start of a strong friendship.

Peering out the window, I noticed the night sky had taken over, sprinkling stars across its vast canvas. The day's work and the effort of settling in had left me tired. I slipped into my comfy pink pyjamas and decided it was time for bed. As I drifted off to sleep, I couldn't help but feel excited about what the next day would bring.