
Chapter 11 : Major Changes!!

Natasha opened her eyes and took quite a while to see what was happening...

The last thing she remembers was...

Fighting with Clint before jumping off the bridge for the Soul Stone...

Her eyes opened white and immediately stood up while a pair of hands grabbed her and stabilise her body...

She faltered to his chest and was confused as she couldn't control her body quite well...

"Nat... It's me Cap... Take it easy... We won!!" Cap called out to her as she was holding her...

"Steve?? What happened why is my body... Not responding well enough??" Nat asked while she was trying to stabilise her steps...

"I'll explain later... We need to go before Thanos somehow find us in this timeframe..." Cap said making the face of Nat change and nodded...

Then all four of them entered once again the Quantum Realm and travelled back to where Cap dived and Seion followed forcefully...

Nat saw Seion with the suit of Tony and had many questions but knew that everything must have an order...

As they appeared in Wakanda where everyone expected them and when they came back with Nat they cheered...

Dr. Strange appeared moments later to ask about the specifics because he felt another timeline being born with slight differences while they also had stones being assimilated i their timeline...

Which would have been near impossible...

Cap and Seion explained to Nat from the start after her death what happened...

About Thanos Time Travelling to the future...

Stark's sacrifice to save everyone...

His travel to the past with the stones and the unknown problems that occurred opening countless similar dimensions...

How Seion got summoned and with his powers fused with the souls of Stark and Frigga...

He appeared at the point where he almost travelled to the past and stopped him and then they created with Tony's soul a new suit to channel the stone's powers...

Using that he recreated the stones...

"So like Thanos used the stones to destroy the stones, he used the stones to recreated the stones... Why didn't we thought of that when time travelling...??" Nat asked with a bit of sarcasm in her voice...

"Even if you had, someone would have died in the process..." Seion answered her as he continues with his story...

Since from this point forward, it concerns everyone...

They first travelled to 1970 to place the space stone...

Then to 2012 right behind Banner meeting the Ancient One...

They gave her the Time Stone and asked her to recreate the sceptre and place two illusions when the case of the Space Stone opened hiding the Tessaract...

And making Cap looks different when meeting his past self which didn't happen on their trip...

Hearing how many steps they had to cover for everything to return to normal they felt like idiots for not thinking of them...

No wonder the Cap encountered so many problems when he returned back while Seion intervened in the loop of things...

They continue hearing about going to Asgard in 2013 and appeared when Rocket took the stones and were hunted away...

They timed it when Thor called his Hammer with Cap letting go of his own and using the Reality stone they placed everyone on an illusion and made Jane swallow it...

Finally, they appeared in 2014 in Planet Morag and they stood in the opened door where they saw Rhodey vanish and Nebula falling down as Thanos took a hint...

They quickly send her to her future and closed the door before waking Quill as they had returned his tool and vanished from there...

Finally on Vormir...

With the words of the Ancient One, they timed Natasha's death and as her soul rose to the sky, they threw the stone downwards...

This caused her soul to be split in half while one part was used to summon the stone in Clint's hands and the other to revive Natasha...

"However to completely revive you Nat i had to revert your body back being close to 20 years old... While also having half your lifespan..."

"Meaning originally you were meant to live until your 80..." Seion explained making Nat frown...

"So now I can live until my forties give or take??" She asked while Seion nodded...

"Don't you know beauty is a sin?? You got back your life and youth at the cost of a few years short..." Tony mocked her while Nat raised her finger...

"Is Tony... Gonna be a ghost prick forever??" She asked while everyone turned to Seion...

"I don't know... I actually fixed 5 out of the 7 Dimensions who knows what will happen then..." Seion said making everyone frown for the future...

"Oh right... What happened to the other timeline??" Nat asked...

"First of all after taking the stones and went to the future, Banner snapped his finger and everyone revived... But as we blocked Thanos from taking Nebula he didn't appear in the future thus Stark is alive..."

"At the same time, there is no Gamora there as she didn't appear in the future..."

"The Ancient One must have communicated with Dr. Strange there or Dr. Strange realised that their is no need to return the stones as we had broken the loop creating a new timeline..."

"Thus the stones were assimilated in their timelines..."

"But as they had to return the Soul Stone back to Vormir... The Deity leaving there must have given them Gamora's Soul back..." Seion said while everyone was confused...

"What about myself there???" Nat asked while everyone nodded...

"The Timeline needed to balance itself... Stark is dead here but alive there... You are dead there but alive here... Gamora was accepted here from the past..." Seion said making everyone realise...

"But i am dead there..." Gamora said...

"Exactly... So they will probably create her a new body from high tech using Nebula as a base and revive you..." Seion said making everyone realise that timelines and dimensions are a bitch to deal with...

"Wait... What about you, Stark and Frigga??" Nat asked while everyone looked curiously at Seion...

"You can say I'm an anomaly brought here from every dimension Infinity Stones... The Souls of Frigga and Stark are bound to me which are not treated as a resident of the Dimensions..."

"Right now we are treated as guests invited by the Stones..."

"If that is the answer you are looking for..." Seion said making everyone present frown once again...

"What will happen if you came uninvited as you said or the stones don't want you here anymore..." Nick asked and this strikes everyone minds...

"If i come uninvited then if I possess enough power I can bulldoze my way through... As for the second one..."

"Then i will be kicked out and lived in the Gap before the Quantum Realm or return to my world beyond it..." His answers scared everyone and Nick spoke up again...

"Are there being that is able to bulldoze their way through dimensions??" He asked with a grave tone...

"Ehh?? What do you mean?? You have one right here... Dr. Strange can do it..."

"I believe Wanda can do it as well that is if she is trained properly... If you don't have enough mindset using powers from other dimensions is suicide..."

"First of all that powers corrupts you like mentally making you evil in nature..."

"Second of all if you use too much of that dimension energy there is a chance both dimensions to collide and that would mess up history..."

"Past, present and future will become worse than what we tried to fix earlier..." Seion said making everyone gasp at his words...

"That is true... If I were to use the powers of other dimensions to deal with Thanos it would cause so many problems that as we tried to fix them, this dimension might have crumbled away..." Dr. Strange said while many thanked their lucky stars...

"So what are you going to do now??" Nat asked as she looked at Seion...

"Sigh... I have to go back to the Gap..."

"There are two more dimensions created from this dimension which I need to close..."

"The concept of Dimension is very large and above it are realities... For example, if this reality is called reality N.616..."

"Then there are others... And above realities are other concepts with their own realities and dimensions..."

"So as you heard and can see the picture even beyond the Gap i have no idea what exists there..." Seion lament this fact making their hearts go heavy...

Seion said this mostly to prepare them for future enemies that they will make Thanos seem useless...

Seion knew that based on comics and wiki he had read there were countless realities and for some reason, most of them went from Earth-1 to Earth-199999 and he doesn't think that stops there...

There was also a place he had read briefly about a Primitive Reality where everything was born and that there you can rewrite every story...

The point is he knows so many villains both small and big ones that their strength will not be enough...

After talking for a bit more, Seion decided to leave and returned to the Gap...

So thanks to the Quantum Gate they had build he dived in after saying his goodbye and take care in not creating other dimensions...

It wasn't long before he returned to the Dimensional Gap...

As he landed he brought out Stark... Frigga and Gamora...

"So what do you know... Back again..." Stark sighed while Frigga simply smiled...

Gamora on the other hand looked confused as she appeared in a white space with two what seems Ghosts and one human...

"What happened why am I here??" She asked while her guard was up...

Seion then started explaining from the start what happened from the moment she died by Thanos's hand...

The more Gamora heard the more she was shocked and stayed quiet digesting everything she could and accepting her new fate...

"So now I'm bound to you in this place??" Gamora asked while Seion shook his head...

"You can say that, but you can also help by giving me some kind of inheritance like Stark gave me his suit and Frigga her knowledge..." Seion said...

"The only thing I can give you is knowledge about fighting, does that count??" She asked while Seion nodded...

"Then how do we do this spent years in here to train??" She asked again...

"There is no need for that... I can help you transfer your knowledge to him..." Frigga answered instead of Seion...

"Oh thank God... I don't want to be stuck in here for years..." Tony prayed making Frigga chuckle...

"Then lets go with that..." Seion said making the two nod...

Frigga then proceeded in activating her magic spells and transfer the Knowledge of Gamora to Seion while he was bombarded with notifications...

**Congratulation!!! You Have Gained Fighting Legacy!!**

**Host Is Suitable To Learn Fighting Legacy.**

**Host Has Gained 20% Overall Stats!!**

**Host Has Gained Sword Mastery!!**

**Host Has Gained Dual Sword Mastery!!**

**Host Has Gained Hand To Hand Mastery!!**

**Host Has Gained Hand To Hand Mastery!!**

**Name - Seion Emeth**

**Age - 20**

**Health - 2720x20%=3264**

**Mana - 0**

**Power - 136x20%=163**

**Agility - 136x20%=163**

**Stamina - 136x20%=163**

**Intelligence - 136x20%=163**

**Wisdom - 136x20%=163**

**All Seeing Eyes = Eyes Able To Discern Illusions Within The Universe, Even Those Created By True Gods. Tier 3 = Seeing All Illusions Made By Mages/Sorceress (All Stats Above 120)

**Sword Mastery!! 0%**

**Dual Sword Mastery!! 0%**

**Hand To Hand Mastery!! 0%**

**Marvel Points - 0**

"Oh, this was quite nice..." Seion exclaimed making the three of them know that it was a success...

"By the way, Frigga, do the same to me and take the Knowledge i took towards you... This might help you become stronger..." Seion suggested and Frigga pondered for a bit before remembering that she had such a requirement...

Therefore after some time, Frigga was able to see her stats with the Soul Tool...

**Name - Frigga**

**Age - 1.000 +**

**Health - ????**

**Mana - 10.000**

**Power - 1.000**

**Agility - 1.000**

**Stamina - 1.000**

**Intelligence - 2.000**

**Wisdom - 2.000**

**Asgardian Goddess Physique - A Goddess Physique possessing superhuman strength, speed, agility, reflexes, durability, and longevity.**

**Regenerative Healing Factor - Enables to rapidly regenerate damaged bodily tissue with greater speed and efficiency than a human being is capable of."

**Master Sorceress - A Tittle given to those wielding Magic as a highly-skilled and formidable sorcerer. Abilities : Illusion Manipulation - Clairvoyance**

**Expert Combatant - A highly skilled combatant.**

**Soul Tool - Asgardian Goddess Physique > Asgardian Eternal Physique : Condition Locked!!**

**Soul Tool - Regenerative Healing Factor > Regenerative Healing Physique : Condition Locked!!**

**Soul Tool - Master Sorceress > Ancient Sorceress : Condition Unlocked!! [Control Four Different Energies From Dark Dimensions. : Progress 1/4]**

**Soul Tool - Expert Combatant > Master Combatant : Condition Unlocked!! [Learn Two Different Weapon Masteries. : Progress 3/2]** (Upgrade)

She clicked on the upgrade and soon after her stats changed...

**Name - Frigga**

**Age - 1.000 +**

**Health - ????**

**Mana - 10.000**

**Power - 1.200**

**Agility - 1.200**

**Stamina - 1.200**

**Intelligence - 2.000**

**Wisdom - 2.000**

**Asgardian Goddess Physique - A Goddess Physique possessing superhuman strength, speed, agility, reflexes, durability, and longevity.**

**Regenerative Healing Factor - Enables to rapidly regenerate damaged bodily tissue with greater speed and efficiency than a human being is capable of."

**Master Sorceress - A Tittle given to those wielding Magic as a highly-skilled and formidable sorcerer. Abilities : Illusion Manipulation - Clairvoyance**

**Master Combatant - A Master combatant, where weapons in her hand can become deadly even without mastery.**

**Soul Tool - Asgardian Goddess Physique > Asgardian Eternal Physique : Condition Locked!!**

**Soul Tool - Regenerative Healing Factor > Regenerative Healing Physique : Condition Locked!!**

**Soul Tool - Master Sorceress > Ancient Sorceress : Condition Unlocked!! [Control Four Different Energies From Dark Dimensions. : Progress 1/4]**

**Soul Tool - Master Combatant > Grandmaster Combatant : Condition Unlocked!! [Learn Four Different Weapon Masteries. : Progress 3/4]**

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Advance Chapters On P@treon Up to 90 On S.T.O.C.K!!!

Advance Chapters On P@treon Up to 25 On DxD - On One Piece - Naruto - Dan Machi!!!

Advance Chapters On P@treon Up to 15 ToDaG!!!

Advance Chapters On P@treon Up to 5 On D.P.S

More Advance Chapters Are Coming Slowly!!


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