
Cyberpunk 2021

A reckless young hitwoman driven by a thirst for luxury, Artemis can’t seem to escape the shadows of a fractured world left behind by those before her. With a natural talent for getting into trouble, Artemis must navigate a neon-lit landscape of shady deals, corporate conspiracies, and secrets that could shape the future and challenge everything she thought she knew. (This story is based on the Cyberpunk 2020 universe but is effectively its own.)

Mar0gi · Videospiele
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16 Chs

Chapter 9

April 14, 2021. 23:55. Vancouver.

We march toward the building entrance, brushing past a large crowd dancing the cool night away. The LED-lit structure reflects off nearby sports cars and luxury SUVs near the entrance. Smoke and expensive cologne linger in the air longer than they should, making me scrunch my nose. Coughing, I wave the smoke away and follow the rest of the party. The mingling and faint bass of music only deepen my desire to get this over with.

My boots crunch against the pavement while Shock hums a tune to herself, fidgeting with a strange handheld device about the size of her palm. It's definitely not a phone; it looks more like a black rectangular box with small wires running into her bag. I raise an eyebrow but don't ask—probably one of those portable netrunner computers. She notices my gaze and lightly jabs me in the side with a childish grin. 

"Interested? It's what I use for hacking!" She's surprisingly friendly, more so than I expected for someone related to the mafia. I shake my head, quick to reject the offer. 

"A little, eh, it's not really my thing." 

"Oh, how come? I'd love to teach you." Shock raises a finger in the air as we walk. "Y'know, it's actually simpler than people expect! Ever heard of Python? It's a good start for learning code!" She looks at me with an excited twinkle in her eye. I know I have to reject the offer, but part of me feels guilty. It's like I'm kicking a puppy. 

"Yeah, I've heard of it. Got a few friends that know a thing or two about code. Personally, though, I just don't really care for it." I can see her shoulders droop and her voice lowers. 

"Oh." I snort out of amusement and let out a soft chuckle at Shock's sudden disappointment. I also make a mental confession that I tried to learn programming but got way too impatient and that's the reason why I asked Wissen to introduce me to someone like Nano. But no one else will know the truth about that. Shock tilts her head in confusion and furrows her eyebrows. Despite my lack of interest, I at least don't want to make the conversation too awkward for her. So, I'll at least humour the idea of it.

"Still though, if I do decide to learn, I'll let you know." I give her a slight smile. 

"Yay!" Shock happily nods along to my response and we continue walking with the party. Tetra follows after us not saying anything. Is it just me or does he seem nervous? Azure and Remi keep exchanging glances with one another for some reason but at this point, I've given up on trying to learn more. 

Instead, my eyes dart between groups of well-dressed men and women laughing and drinking near the Dead Kings' guards stationed by the massive double doors to their headquarters. Some wear streetwear, while others are in formal attire. Dressing nicely for events is fine—I love it too—but my gaze lingers on the faint outlines of concealed weapons beneath their jackets and dresses. 

Although my heart beat steadily, my mind raced. It was a good call to not bring my duffle bag; too many people even if I brought my gear. The faint laughter of a woman grabs my attention and I turn to look. She wears a sequined dress and clings to a man in a tailored suit, both far removed from the Dead King's more violent side.

Mister, walking ahead of the group, gestures for us to stay close. He exudes confidence and some… casualty? Regardless, his stride remains unbroken as he approaches the main entrance. "It'll be alright," he muttered just loud enough for the party to hear. "I've got this handled."

I don't necessarily share Mister's optimism, but then again, he's the local fixer, not me. My gaze flicks to a pair of Dead Kings guards lounging near the doors.

One of them, a tall, chocolate-skinned man with a gold chain, notices our group. His eyes narrow as he straightens his posture. Next to him, a shorter, broad-shouldered man with a neatly trimmed goatee scans the group uneasily, his hand hovering near his holstered weapon.

"Mister?" the tall guard says, his voice tinged with surprise. His gaze shifts to the rest of the group. "Didn't expect the sudden visit. These your friends?"

Mister steps forward, his expression calm but businesslike, and offers a brief nod. "Good to see you, Royce." He then points to the rest of us with a swift wave. "They're with me. I'm here on urgent business. I need to speak with Blake—potentially lucrative for the Dead Kings, and time-sensitive." 

Royce hesitates, his gaze lingering on our group before returning to Mister. "You know how it works, Mister. Blake doesn't just take unannounced meetings—or randoms." Royce's watchful gaze locks onto all of us as he says that.

Mister doesn't miss a beat. "I understand, but I wouldn't be here without good reason. Let him know it's about a major distribution deal, one that could expand the Dead Kings' influence. I wouldn't waste his time."

The shorter guard with the goatee glances at Royce, then back at us, his hand still near his weapon. Royce considers Mister's words for a moment before speaking. "Stay here. I'll let him know." Royce disappears inside while the rest of us remain near the doors. Before the doors close, I spot Royce taking out his phone to make a call, Blake, I assume. 

I take the opportunity to scan the area again. The opulence around us doesn't do much to calm my nerves, but Mister looks unfazed, his confidence unwavering. Tetra avoids making eye contact with anyone while Azure and Shock seem to be enjoying the partying. Remi on the other hand constantly makes sour faces toward nearby Dead Kings guards but no one does anything. The man with the goatee stands on guard still but brings his hand down to the side once it's clear we don't plan on doing anything else until his partner returns. 

A few minutes pass by of us just standing around, waiting. I'm tempted to ask why Remi decided to go in with us despite having bad blood with the gang, but I never get the chance to. Royce returns to us with a casual nod and waves towards the entrance. "You're lucky you're in good standing. Blake is down to talk. But you know the rules—don't make me regret this." The goatee guard especially looks at Remi when Royce mentions this. I avoid glancing back but I can only guess that while Mister's reputation will get us in, it might be Remi's that will land us in trouble later. Both guards step to the side and usher all of us in without any further issues. 

As the doors swing open, the thumping bass increases, almost a physical presence. The party moves inside, flanked by the guards' watchful eyes. I don't let my guard down for even a second, my senses twist in agony and it takes me a moment or two to adjust to an interior with bright lights. My eyes focus on the expensive decor around us, while my ears pick up a mix of laughter and loud conversations. 

The stadium floor is a sprawling party scene, with music thumping from massive speakers and lights flashing in sync. Groups of partygoers move between bars, dance floors, and lounge areas set up with plush seating and VIP sections. Booths selling Dead Kings merchandise are scattered throughout, featuring everything from branded hoodies to custom knives.

I sweep over the crowd, analyzing every corner and exit. It didn't matter that Mister had gotten them through the front door, I was not taking any chances, not like earlier with AXIS' car. Although my wounds have healed, my damaged pride won't let me be as cocky again so soon. There are a few windows and probably some fire exits from when this place used to be more than just a gangster base. Mister slows down and walks closer to Azure to strike conversation with her. 

"Azure, you said you run a shop in Burnaby, right? Later, would it be possible for me to send some equipment you could modify?" Azure takes short but confident strides alongside the fixer.

"Of course!" She nods and her lips curve into a grin. "What did you want?"

"I have a vehicle that could be looked into and also," Mister points at his helmet, or rather, the bottom of it. "I'd like an adjustment." 

"Oh, adjustment? It seems to suit you just fine." 

"No, the modulator." 

"Ahhh, afraid that your identity will be revealed? Is this the right time to ask here?" Azure tilts her head to the side while looking all around the area. Her strides remain small, but her hips have a certain methodical sway. "Still, I'd never say no to a potential client." Her eyes relax but her smile remains. She's a damn fox, I don't trust her. 

I zone out the remaining details of their conversation and we move through the chaos. We pass by scantily clad partygoers and overly eager people trying their luck. Thanks to Mister, it doesn't take much for us to talk to the right people for them to escort us to a sleek elevator. Heavily armed Dead Kings guards wearing tactical armour appear more frequently as we get closer to our destination. 

The elevator ascends smoothly, taking us to a long hallway with dark velvet curtains and a polished interior accompanied by warm lighting. The loudness of the ground floor is muffled but still present even up here. Several golden statues of skulls wearing crowns and other jewellery are slapped onto them. Shock lets out an exaggerated gasp. 

"Oooh!! Look at the lighting!" She points at the nearby lights and spins around on her foot. "Y'all ever just…" She doesn't even finish her sentence and instead does an exaggerated walk down the hallway. The party looks at her with confusion and amusement. Some nearby Dead Kings members chuckle while others stare at Shock. Tetra frowns and looks at the rest of us. 

"Uh… am I missing something?" Shock puts a hand on her hip and brings out one of her legs forward. 

"Well?" Remi can be heard laughing in the background but I just move forward. All things considered, her runway walk wasn't bad. Azure follows after me and calls out to Shock. 

"Not bad, you might have a second career in fashion." I nod in Shock's direction. A little rough on the edges, especially the way she moves as it's a bit uncoordinated at points, but the passion is there. 

"Yeah, you got some energy in your step. Maybe an agent will find you, one day." I dare not mention anything further for fear of exposing myself, but at least, that should be considered general knowledge and encouragement for her. Shock's smile grows into a child-like goofy smile.

"You think? Yay! Maybe I'll retire and become a star." Azure rolls her eyes and laughs as we finally catch up to Shock. 

"Focus, princess. We're about to meet their boss." Speaking of boss, I look back at Mister. 

"By the way, have you ever met with Blake before? What's he like?" The masked fixer shakes his head. 

"No, I never got the chance to. I've only ever made connections to the middle management."

"So," I cautiously look at the nearby guards lined up against the wall as I talk. My voice lowers and I make sure that only the party can hear. "Did you have a business deal with him or was that just an excuse?" Some fixers might consider this an insult to their work but I just want to know in case I need to make a quick escape. Just like earlier, Mister is hard to read and his response remains calm. 

"I did. There was another matter in Vancouver I wanted to deal with." I wait for a bit to see if he'll add more, but he doesn't. 

The hallway ends at a pair of massive doors guarded by two more Dead Kings, their body armour glinting under the soft overhead lights. They open the doors, revealing an expansive lounge with red velvet walls, polished black floors, and oversized windows offering a full view of the stadium below. Plush leather couches and gold-trimmed tables complete the luxurious scene. And then, I saw him.

A man, no, a thing remains seated on one of the couches. He's massive, a large figure even while sitting down—with a completely cybernetic body save for his human head. His youthful porcelain face, adorned with sharp, almost playboy-like features, contrasts starkly with the black, industrial frame of his mechanical body. His dark hair, styled in a trendy two-block fade, gives him a modern, almost suave appearance despite the unnerving bulk of his cybernetic form. Surrounding him is a group of stunning women dressed in elegant, provocative outfits, each one radiating poise and confidence. Azure whistles a low tune.

We all pour into the room with the guards closing the doors behind us. I have no clue how implanted Blake is, but it doesn't take a genius to know that his body is meant for heavy lifting. Despite sitting down, he takes up the entire damn couch and just a single woman looks like a stick compared to him. I can see the charm of his face, but personally, I'm not a fan of someone with a massive body like that. Shock on the other hand is practically starstruck.

"Oh. My. God. He's like a real-life action figure. Where do I sign up?" What the fuck. I look at her with a side glance but make no vocal judgement. I keep my expression neutral and wait for Mister to step out to handle the discussion. 

Before Mister can even speak, Blake raises a glass on a nearby table beside him. An artificially deep and gravelly robotic voice is carried across the room. "Welcome. I hear you've got business with me."