

In a tech-dominated society, Xander, once a bright young man, is reborn as the vengeful cyborg, the Steel Reaper, after his scientist mother is killed by heroes threatened by her innovations. Saved and enhanced by the same organization who were after his mother, Xander's new mission is clear: to annihilate the heroes who wronged him and avenge his mother's death using his newfound cybernetic powers.

F4V0_101 · sci-fi
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13 Chs

*Becoming a cyborg*

"Play the next video" then the female scientist played the next video and it was another video of my mum

"When or if this cyborg is complete it will have the following features

Organic and Mechanical Components: A cyborg will have both biological and artificial parts integrated into its body.

Enhanced Abilities: Mechanical components often provide enhanced strength, speed, or sensory capabilities.

Human-Machine Interface: The cyborg will have interfaces that allow direct communication and control of electronic devices.

Adaptability: The cyborg will be able to adapt to new environments or situations more easily than fully organic beings due to their mechanical components.

Augmented Reality: The cyborgs may have the ability to overlay digital information onto their field of vision, enhancing their perception of the world.

Communication Systems: Built-in communication devices allow cyborg to connect with other machines or networks.

Enhanced Durability: Mechanical components can provide increased resistance to physical damage compared to fully organic beings.

The cyborg will remain fundamentally human, equipped with two hearts: one mechanical and the other natural.

It will circulate blood through both artificial and organic veins and arteries without interfering with the mechanical components of the cyborg.

Additionally, the cyborg will possess a mechanical lung alongside a natural one, as well as a mechanical digestive system.

All sensory organs, except for the tongue and nose, will be mechanical. Normally the human body might not be able to withstand the amount of technology but with the bioengineered fluid that I designed my self. The human body will adapt to the changes

This innovative technology promises to address numerous challenges in the future, including advancements in prosthetics, organ transplants, enhanced physical capabilities, and potentially extending human lifespan."

Like that the video ended.

"All the programs have been downloaded" the scientist said "Let's begin"

As he said that, the female scientist and removed the two syringe with blue fluid from the blue case and came closer to me.

"No...!!!" I screamed in fear of what I had thought was going to happen to me. "The boy's awake" she said "Doesn't matter" the scientist said to her. So she went ahead and injected the first one into me, I couldn't do anything about it because I was chained down to the table.

Then she injected me with the second one, then after a while I began to feel num all over my body and then I felt like the fluid was moving through my body.

"Begin dissection" The scientist said and I didn't know if it was the fluid that the lady injected me with or the fear of what the man said but what I know was that I passed out.


"It's working!" I heard a man speak as I woke up and then I heard a mechanical female voice after

"Genetic modification process successful...."

"Body functioning normal...."

"System functioning normal...."

"Error... Error... Error.... "

"Temperature increasing...."

"Body functioning abnormal...."

"Error... Error... Error...."

"System functioning abnormal...."

"Error... Error... Error...."

"What the hell is happening?!" A man's voice spoke "I don't know, it just stopped working"

"Error... Error... Error...."

"Genetic modification process failed...."

<Error... >

<Error... >

<Error... >

I saw a blue screen in front of me

"The procedure failed" The man said "What do you mean?" Phoenix asked him "It means the last scientist's fluid was trash" he replied

"Can't you just make a new fluid or something?" Starshard asked "No I can't make a new f*cking fluid. It takes years of research and experiments and it wasn't even supposed to be possible until the boy's scientist mother came up with the theory and it so happens to be wrong" He said

"Throw the body in a junkyard, he'll be crushed to bits by morning" Phoenix said "Report back to the boss, the procedure was a failure

<Error... >

<Error... >

<System malfunction>

<Error... >

<System malfunction>

I kept seeing writing in front of me

<Error... >

<System malfunction>

<System rebooting.....>

Then I fell unconscious immediately.


I woke up and I was laying on the floor of my mum's Lab. I remembered everything, I remembered how I was turned into a cyborg.

<Remodification process complete>

"System has been remodified to the Host's befitting"

The voice spoke again

"Host's stats"

<Host: Xander Kelman>

<Type: Cyborg>

<Age: 18>

<Level: 1>

<Mental 2 10 Hp:>

<Physical 10 Hp:>

<Strength: 50>

<Stamina: 50>

<Speed: 50>

I could see things pop up in my face, I guess it was going to be a normal thing now that I was a cyborg.

"Ding dong...."

"Ding dong...."

I heard the door bell ring, so I tried to stand up to go and answer it. As I tried to get up I still felt a strong and sharp pain in my head.

I struggled but was finally able to get up, I stumbled and then supported my self and walked to the door. The entire house was dark because all the lights were shut off but I could still see clearly.

"Who is it?" I asked as I got to the door "It's Julie open up"

H3llo readers,

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Your faithful autho


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