
Friends (Chapter I)

I'm Michael Peterson.This book is based on a true incident that happened with me when I was younger

3rd November 2011

I was 19 back then.I had just started out with music.I looked for many softwares for making music,I understood neither of em.I finally came across a app called Looplabs.It made music so easy.I gained popularity fast on that app.I used to chat online , make new friends , learn from better artists , collaborate with people.

It was all going great when one day a person named "CYBER " texted me.CYBER was a girl.We started talking.She was 23.She was a kind person but there was something odd about her.She used to take those hour long pauses to reply to my messages.In greed of making her my girlfriend I didn't care about how much time she took to reply,I had started to like her.I confessed my love one day.As usual she took a long pause and said that she liked me too.

One day on 30th January 2012, I asked her if we should meet up.

She went offline.And didn't text me for like 2 days

I had lost all hope that she would text me back

But a notification popped up


I said "hey"

She replied back "Let's meet tomorrow at her place in Manhattan Address: "xxxxxx"

I lived in Manhattan too.Her address was just 13 blocks away from me

Well i started to get a strange feeling now but fuck it I really wanna meet her in person.

I went upto the address and saw that it was a creepy old building.She lived on the 6th floor.There was no elevator so I took the stairs.The place looked like nobody had lived there for many years.

When I reached the sixth floor there was a door...I entered the pitch dark room and saw that there was a desk with a old computer on it.

The computer screen read "Welcome Home Michael"

I thought it was a prank.I yelled out her name aloud.I could hear my voice echo down the building.

I turned on my flashlight and looked around in the dark.

There was nobody there.

The computer screen now had a smiling face of a girl.

I said "Lisa?"

The face on the computer screen started to change.It was like the girl was aging ahead.

I heard some footsteps approaching from


I started to panic.I hid behind a chair in the corner of the room.A tall hairy man entered the room.He had straight long blonde hair.He was wearing a skirt.

I tried not to breath or make any sound.

The man called out my name.I didn't respond.He then went to the other corner of the room and started to sob

It had been 2 minutes and the man was still sobbing .I had a sneeze coming.I couldn't control it and I sneezed!

That's when the man looked at the me.He was staring at me.I started to panic more and more.There was a wooden block on the floor I took it and I threw it at him.He got a machete out from his skirt.He chased me downstairs.I tried to run as fast as I could but I knew I couldn't outrun him.There was a bucket of water on the side of the stairs, I spilled it.The man slipped and the machete went straight into his chest.There was blood everywhere.I kept to the walls and hurriedly walked down the stairs.I told nobody about this incident.

That was the worst and scariest experience of my life.

I didn't use Looplabs for two years. Once I was just browsing through all the social media accounts I had.I came across Looplabs.I took a deep breath and opened Looplabs.I had a tingling feeling ..so I opened my chat with that psycho "CYBER".When I was done deleting all my chat with that psycho.A notification came up


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