
Prologue: Short Form

The current year is 2045.

15 years ago an asteroid the size of a small moon was estimated to arrive in our solar system and would pass by earth, due to its enormous size it was found early enough that plans of action could be chosen.

The governments of the world decided to not attempt to destroy the Asteroid 'designation 2030FK' and instead to create colonies on the moon, further funding increases in technology for space travel and moon colonization efforts.

A direct impact on earth would cause the moon to be effected as well, although found to be worth it to reduce casualties in the limited time that was left, deep bunkers were ruled out due to amount of destruction to the crust and seismic activity, instead bunkers were constructed in towns and cities for any indirect meteors spawned from the Asteroid.

Within a few months of the arrival of 2030FK, it was calculated with a 99% certainty that it would pass earth, but it would also be close enough that it would cause issues with earth gravitation, sea levels rising, disrupt communications and even knock out satellites.

The people of earth that could, were evacuated into their area designated bunkers, those that couldn't could only watch as an Asteroid the size of Japan loomed overhead threatening life on earth with every passing moment.

It arrived earlier than expected, 2030FK ran on its own schedule regardless of the science, did it speed up due to touching our gravitational field and its minerals and metals reacting stronger than expected? Were the initial calculations just wrong? no one could say definitively.

Despite its sudden increase in speed to arrive, the Asteroid slowed to a crawl across the bounds of earth when it suddenly got here, it dipped closer and closer, were the scientists even more wrong? It felt like it was being held aloft gently and could fall towards them at any second.

It felt wrong, it felt alive, Newton's laws were not able to contain the being that was 2030FK.

Pieces of meteor descended upon earth, some breaking up in the atmosphere leaving trails of sparkling blue that spread across the skies, some impacting the ground leaving crystalline holes deep into the crust.

2030FK would continue to caress earth gravitational field, and near the end of its exit, would refuse to stop, like a dog on a leash it followed the contours of the earth, scientists were baffled, only speculation could be offered, it showered us in sparkling blue and droplets of deadly meteors, only stopping from whence it started, making up its mind to finally leave us alone. And leave us alone it did, to deal with the destruction in its wake and leaving us in awe and full of fear for the future.

Mother Earth had avoided another extinction event, all that was left was the shining blue atmosphere, the craters, endless destruction comparable to the last world war and the hundreds of thousands of videos left in the wake of 2030FK.

Days before the all clear was given, meteorite hunters, government agents and the curious went out to scavenge trying to hoard as many pieces as they could. Although the military tried to keep people indoors, the blue sparkling sky was too irresistible to see and the crystalline meteors that were found too beautiful and valuable to not search for.

The Meteorites themselves were taken, forcefully if necessary, from anyone not affiliated with the government and used for research.

What exactly is this new mineral and the crystals that hit the earth? The media couldnt cover up that which was shared by the millions across all networks. 

After weeks of speculation from the public a video was uploaded by a scientist said to be working on the project under top secret request, the big governments wanted to keep the truth from the world, they shared all their documents and their findings, and for their bravery, Dr. Dorothy Caster was never seen again.

Oscium - as it was named was an infinitely complex mineral that when combined with metals was able to change the properties of said metals, it seemingly produced its own energy and when left it would grow like a plant into refracting crystals that generated more energy, the larger the size, the higher the quality.

A Crystal that grows like a plant that could generate energy!?, an impossibility, the scientific community saw this as a blessing, progress in every field with all the possibilities of saving our planet and helping the people. The governments, however, saw weapons and power.

The meteor was soon named Janus, for the change it brought to the world.

War started in smaller countries, the self-sufficiency that this new mineral could afford would mean not relying on larger powers, but soon it spread larger and larger.

Areas of the world were devastated once again, all the efforts to help people dis-placed from the meteors were undone, mass migrations, people killing each other for finding even a small piece of Oscium crystal, Peace that was obtained after the last world war once again crumbled and many people were left homeless to starve on the streets.

It was estimated that 10% of the population were deceased after the meteor showers finished, and another 15% of the population after the 2 years of warring that spread across the world.

The largest conglomerate of the scientific community, Sci-Axium, approached all nations and countries with promises of peace and being able to build a better future, although it is unknown how, through diplomacy, coercion, threats or bribes. They were able to get the world to come together and work to avoid war, this was later called 'the Axium Accord'.

Sci-Axium, using many technologies incorporating Oscium and with a fleet of AI robots, were able to construct countless housing sectors and food plantations across many countries.

In previously isolated areas or locations abandoned due to nuclear activity in the 3th world war, with the new Oscium technologies such areas were once again habitable and made into living areas for all.

For the next 10 years governments ceded control due to their failures to protect the people. Thus, Sci-Axium became the world's largest power, creating extensive cities that were able to support most of the people of the world. They further funded research into all forms of technology fueled by their central tenet 'Scientia Omnium' or knowledge for all.

All major areas of the world have a mega-city designated by the countries names Axium-Central-America, or Axiom-Central-Australia, etc. with different designations if the city was a branch depending on the areas as smaller cities were built across all countries.

Sci-Axium, as the new world power, was able to provide humanity with free housing, amenities and universal basic income. Most of these free housing areas were in the outer central or non-central areas, free living for those that needed help getting on their feet if needed and was easy to apply for with AI and humans working together to maintain peace and create a safe future.

Transportation between all Sci-Axium regions was also cheap and fast due to Oscium integrated Technologies, Magnetic Rails were finished in the last few years between central regions and the branch regions were finished recently, Axi-Rail travel is available to all residents.

The biggest love of residents under Sci-Axium of course is the newest in technology for those interested in leisure, the hundreds of millions across the world waiting in anticipation for the release of full body capsule technology into the commercial market.

Which is where our story lies, the release of a brand new game using said capsules, complete with full immersion technology, World Asunder Reality or WAR.

Let the game begin.


Hi there!

Thank you for reading the start of my book, the beginning of things to come!

Im very into world building and this is just a setup, there will be much weaved through the story as well

will be batch uploading a bunch of chapters on here and trying my best to continue to upload here while also uploading extra's on my patreon ect



Lillyloudecreators' thoughts
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