
Chapter Seven: Midnight stroll

Mathew P.O.V.

It's already a few minutes past our meeting time but it will be fine. Nothing bad will happen for being late for five minutes. I slowly walk out the door, careful not to wake the others up, and gently turn the knob. Hearing the tick sound, I slowly push the door and I swear, the creaking sounds coming from it was killing me.

I heard a shuffling sound and turned around to see Chris moving around on his bed. I thought I was dead, well not literally but you know what I mean, it almost gave me a heart attack but thank goodness that it was just a false alarm.

I knew he was still asleep since… well his snores were echoing throughout the entire room.

I close the door sighed of relief. This "midnight stroll" is taking years of my life and to make it worse, the hallway seemed longer and darker than it was during the day.

I make my way down the halls with the help of only the faint light coming through the windows to navigate my way to the "secret stairs".

Finally getting passed the hallway after almost tripping five times I come close to the stairs but was stopped when I saw a shadow accompanied by a faint white glow that was coming from the next turn. I quickly but silently hide behind the conveniently placed pillar and listen to what even is happening.

It seems that it was not one person but two, hmmm… I close my eyes and concentrate on their conversation.

"Are you sure that had been all you saw?" a low and demanding voice says.

"Yes, I am sure. Besides, by the look of his clothes that day, he was probably a street child or a slave. He's just a poor boy who hasn't even reached puberty." The other man said followed by their laughter.

And hey!!! It isn't my fault that my voice is still high and I'm sure they are talking about me. My brother probably just stole all the puberty genes. >:-P

"You're right. Well, keep up the good work and make sure to keep an eye on that Reginald boy. Unlike Chris, he doesn't show how clever he could be."

"I'll see you next week then Brother Luke."

"To you as well brother Joshua."

I hear their footsteps walking away and let out a breath I didn't even know I held in. Wait… Joshua? Father Joshua? I smell something fishy going on, not just regular fishy but the kind that emits the smell of "Danger!" fishy. Gotta go to Rege and tell him about what I just saw.

When the coast was clear I ran up the stairs hidden behind a statue and sighed of relief, seeing Rege spinning like a kid who had nothing to do, knowing nothing had happened to him. I swear, ever since I came here I have let out a years' worth of sighs and have lost over a decade of my life due to stress, panic and everything in between.

"Hey!!! What took you so long? I have been waiting here for like forever." He pouts as he walks over to me, melting me head off with his glare.

"I uh… I…"

"Ugh, whatever. I'll just get on to it." He first puts the small bag down and reaches into his pocket pulling out what seemed to be a key.

"Here. I was supposed to give this to you when I first brought you up here but forgot all about it." He hold it out for me to take.


"Yeah well you have to give it to someone else as well. I'll explain it to you later anyway, I want to show you this."

He kneels down and opens the small bag, which actually turns out to be a handkerchief, reveling two things. A small chest (maybe a music or jewelry box?) and a picture frame.

"Umm… I don't really know why you're showing this to me."

"Well i believe these are my grandfather's and grandmother's."

"And you're showing this to me cause~…"

"Alright I'll point it out… Wait, first lets go to the town library. I don't know why but even during the night it's still open, even if no one really goes there at night."

I look at him as if to question "What?" or "Why?" anyway he answers.

"Who knows. It's one of the town mysteries. We have three of them. Some say we have four but I don't believe so."

"Alright then take me away~…" I hold out my arms and he takes my wrist before rushing out.

"Oh wait I forgot to tell you something." I suddenly stop making him tumble backwards and almost fall on his butt.

"What?" he looks at me annoyed

"Well first of all before coming here I saw Father Joshua and this guy named Luke, well I didn't really see them more like heard."

"Okay?... go on."

"Alright, while hiding I listened in to their conversation. I didn't really get all of it since I wasn't able to catch up on their topic but was able to hear the last part."

He looked at me with his eyes gesturing me to continue.

"They said something about keeping an eye on you. Well I think they were also talking about Chris since father Joshua said something about… ugh ill just tell you exactly what they said."

I retold their entire conversation and Rege just nodded all throughout it.


"That is a little suspicious but they left already right? So nothing to worry about. Let's just go, and don't worry about being caught. I've been sneaking out since my first week here. It's not really that hard."

"Fine." I look at him grinning like the idiot he is. I think it will be fine, after all the Fathers did say that Reginald was clever, and Father is always right!


While following Rege I realize that sneaking out would be impossible if you couldn't move around like we did. I noticed we were a little different after observing all the others around us.

At first I thought that my brother was just a weakling and that everyone else could probably do the same, but now I was sure that an ordinary 15 year old boy cannot do half the stunts we did. Everyone else had about the same strength, only we were different.

This time I wonder about that boy, did he run around in the forest tumbling and jumping around like I did? Or at least something similar? Then it would make sense.

"Wow! You're the first guy able to keep up with me!" Rege said as he turned around catching his breath and wiping off the sweat from his forehead.

"Wait why are you sweating, we barely even ran a-… Oh now I get it you were testing me." I looked back at him and smiled as I did so.

"What?! How come you didn't even break a sweat?"

"Let's just go."

I guess he isn't that different from the others. He looks at me as if examining an alien from outer space.

"I know how hot I am but please keep you oogling to a minimum~" I said making him flinch as I tap the tip of his nose.

"Shut up bro. I wasn't oogling! Your just different, it's like you have the body of a monster!"


Reginald P.O.V

I was shocked at his sudden change in facial expression to a sort of saddened and pained look. Oh shoot. Did I go too far?

"Um Matt you know I was just joking right?" I reached out my hand to tap him on the shoulder - to show that I really didn't mean anything by what I had said and that it really was a joke – only to have it slapped away.

"Fine whatever just follow if you still want to come." I was shocked at my own tone, I didn't mean to sound pissed. Oh god what did I just say?! Stupid! Stupid, why didn't you just shut your mouth. You already saw how pained he was and still acted that way. Apologize this instant!

After walking a few steps I turned around to face him, looking down, and finally got some voice to come out.

"I'm sorry I didn't really mean it. I should have just shut up." I look up at him to see him put on a forced smile.

"No, I'm the one who should apologies, I shouldn't have slapped away your hand like that."

"So we both acted like kids." I put on a forced smile and reached out my hand only to be surprised by sudden laughter.

"Un. Ler's just call it even."

"Agreed. Bros for life?"

". . . Bros for life."

"Huh?!?! Is that a blush? Bro!!! You really care for me huh?!"

". . . Shut up, or I'll leave you behind."


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