
High School Begins

The class is shocked by his announcement and Ochaco declares that the rule is unfair. Shota replies that the world is unfair and it's a hero's job to combat that unfairness.

Eight test were there. First test: 50 meter dash. Tenya got 3.04 seconds. Ochaco got 7.15 seconds. Katsuki Bakugo got 4.13 seconds. While Peter got 2.02 second with his flight ability.

Second test: Grip strength. Mezo got 540 kilograms. While Peter got 150 kilograms, using only his real physical strength that he trained.

Third test: Standing long jump. That was no problem for Peter with his levitation ability.

Fourth test: Repeated side steps. This he didn't much excel at but was in the top.

Fifth test: Ball throw. Ochaco got infinity, while Peter got around1 kilometer.

Sixth test: Long-distance run. That was breeze for Peter

Seventh test: sit-ups. That was also a breeze as he trained a lot from young age.

Eighth test: seated toe-touch. Breeze for Peter.

Peter only used levitation ability until now and his real physical power. He didn't use One For All or used Ochaco quirk 'Zero Gravity' that he copied when he rescued Ochaco. As he promised All Might to stay low key.

From all the test Peter was in Top 5 in the class. Mr. Aizawa reveals the expulsion rule was a ruse to bring out the best in the class. Peter of course knew this.

The next day, class 1-A goes through a normal day of class until they reach their Hero Basic Training class. All Might leads the class to combat training, where they will get a chance to wear their hero costumes for the first time. After the class changes into their costumes they gather at Grounds B, the very same training area where the practical test for the entrance exams were held.

Peter wore something close to Superman's Black Suit costume, but instead of Black, it was fully mix of white, platinum and silver, with white color cape and platinum outlines like cuffs, belt and others. He didn't have a symbol in the middle of his chest. Peter wanted emphasize his Quirk Negation by wearing white.

All Might goes through the rules. The class will be broken into teams of twelve, half heroes and half villains. Villains will guard a nuclear weapon they intend on deploying and the heroes must stop their scheme. If the heroes capture the villains or reach the nuclear core before time runs out, they win. If the villains manage to keep the nuclear core for the whole time or they capture the heroes, they win.

The teams are drawn from lots and All Might announces that Team A (Peter & Ochaco) will face Team D (Katsuki & Tenya). Team D heads inside first and finds the fake missile inside.

It was weird combination of Peter and Ochaco as both had levitation or gravity type quirk. They couldn't help each other at all. Tenya and Katsuki on the other hand was not sure how to fight Peter as they cannot fly and was sure Peter will easy invade long distance attacks aimed at him if he flew. If he Katsuki could use his quirk to get close to him, he knew Peter will easily invade him. Even though this was inside a building that restricted flight but it had high ceiling and Peter can easily fly high enough and touch the missile with no problem, as he did have higher speed than Tenya. There was no hope for them. Five minutes was not enough for them to plan anything and they were right as soon as the test started Peter came fast and sat on top of the missile without even alerting them both.

It didn't take even one minute for him to clear the test. He was stealthy and fast.

Katsuki complained that this was unfair. He showed hateful gaze at Peter. He was provocative and made huge tantrum. He tried to use his quirk Explosion to fire at Peter but as they predicted Katsuki couldn't get close enough fast or aim at him. All Might came and stop Katsuki from going on rampage.

The exercise between teams A and D has been completed and All Might declares Peter and Ochaco as the winners. Katsuki becomes distraught over the fact that he lost, starting to hyperventilate at the thought of possibly losing again. All Might consoles Katsuki, telling him that it is time for his critique. All Might tells Katsuki that whether he won or lost, he must take a look back, reflect on the experience and move on with life.

Back in the monitor room, All Might declares that Peter the MVP, but he cannot hand it to him either and asks the class they might think that is. Momo, says it because Peter did all by himself without teamwork, leaving Ochaco behind. But she also failed to find away for both of them to cooperate at all. All Might said that it was true it is hard for both of them to cooperate as their quirks are about anti gravity, but they must find away to work together somehow. Afterwards all others did the same exercise got over with it.

With news airing that All Might has joined U.A. High's faculty, the press interviews various students looking for a scoop. Shota Aizawa tries to send the reporters away, but they try to follow him inside, activating the U.A. defensive barrier.

During Class 1-A's homeroom class, Aizawa announces that the class needs to elect a representative. The representative title is a chance for students to gain extra recognition, so nearly every student tries to elect themselves. Tenya speaks out and says that the class should put it to a vote, although the results are not to his liking. Peter is voted class representative, and Momo is chosen to be deputy representative. They looked, most hottest couple. Peter was glad he can now easily flirt with Momo make her, his.