
Cultivation To Death

(On hiatus) "Master what happens after someone dies?" ________________ Qu was a young cultivator going to ascend into godhood but unexpected events let to his death. Now who knows what's going to happen to him in the lower realm filled with ghosts and demons.

Qyuuie · Fantasie
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3 Chs

Red painting

As the blue ball of fire spun around and around showing off its flames, all Qu could do is look at it with wide eyes and let a small 'pfft'

"Adorable" Qu mumbled as he watched it not taking his eyes off of it. Siwo let out a sigh and rubbed the bridge between his eyes again looking like another year got taken off his life as he took a mental note to find out that the blue fire ball was.

"Isn't this just part of my spiritual energy?" Qu questioned while still keeping his eyes on it. Siwo eyed widened when he heard this and look at Qu and the fire ball then clapped his hands together,

"Huh.... You're right!" Siwo held his hands together while looking at the both of them. Qu looked over at Siwo when he agreed, then looked back at the ball who had run out of energy from spinning around and showing off its flames Qu reached out a finger and started to pat the top of the flame and thought "Huh.. so isn't it sort of like a spiritual device?" All he could do is smile at the flame and it rapping around his finger happily. All of a sudden Siwo spoke up

"Then how much spiritual energy do you have exactly?" Siwo changed his hand position from then holding each other to him holding his arms, he looked at Qu and the ball of fire intensely. Qu flinched when he asked at since he isn't to sure himself and never really took notice so all he could do is shrug his shoulders at Siwo's question. Qu look at the blue flame and sigh 'i better give this little guy a name' he thought.


"Hmm, how about Catcher?"

Qu looked at the flame and it glow brighter when it heard it's name and seemed to gain energy again and flow around Qu multiple times. Siwo look at him and Catcher confused.

"Why would you name your spiritual energy and why catcher of all things?"

Siwo asked and Qu was a littler taken back still ended up repling to him

" I just thought he needed name and Catcher just came to the top of my head" Qu shyly smiled and shrugged his shoulder's. Siwo slowly nodded his head.

"But out of everything you name it Catcher-" He added as he let out a deep breath, Qu rubbed his face then started heading back into town with Catcher and Swio followed closely behind. They walked along the noise streets filled with pop-up stores in silence for a while until they came across a large Taven with red curtains hanging in the door frame at an intersection in the path. Qu backed up a little too see what the sign said, 'Tavern for wondering ghost' Siwo raised one of his eyebrows at the sign and let out a soft chuckle.

"Why not just call it a Tavern" Siwo said as held his arm and placed his other hand just hovering over his lips before walking in. Catcher ran back and forth infornt of Qu and the Tavern like he was telling him he wanted to go in and have a look, Qu looked at Catcher and nodded then headed in after Siwo. As they walked in everywhere was filled with ghosts of all kinds and getting along just fine and other yelling their heads off at each other, the three of them looked for awhile until the found a table at the back next to a painting. As both Siwo and Qu settled down at table Catcher flow around for abit then sat down on Qu lap. Qu looked over at Siwo who was looking at the menu.

"So, if you're a god then way are you in the underworld and disguised as a ghost?" He asked in a low voice making sure no one else could here. Siwo looked up from the menu and shook his head.

"I was sadly chosen for a mission and that mission just happened to be here" He replied as he shrugged, lowering his head to bury back into the menu. Qu only nodded and didnt question further into the subject and picked up his menu. Not so long after the place queited down a bit and a waiter came over to sever then.

"What do you want?" The waiter asked in a rather annoyed tone and held a piece of paper and a feather quill.

"Ah, I would to have the meat and it be half done" Siwo said as his face was still buried in the menu.

"Just some fruits" Qu softly smiled as he spoke slightly covering Catcher with his clothes, the waiter nodded and repeated their order back to them then headed back to the kitchen. Qu still covering catcher turned his head alittle to look at the painting slightly behind them. The painting looked rather expensive and well-done, it was of a handsome ghost with short back hair and bangs just long enough to cover one of his eyes, the one you could see was a bright crimson red, skin was a grey colour and in his hand was a red and black beaten up fan with a rose design on it. All Qu could do was sigh at the fact someone with a handsome and good build had to die. Then all of a sudden it got him questioning.

"Siwo, the person in the painting do you know how he is?"

"When I was alive I didn't hear anything about a ghost like this." Qu asked as he flicked his chin slightly towards the painting. Siwo looked at the painting and raised an eyebrow.

"You never heard of him?"

He let out a little 'pfft' then added half joking "you must've been dead for 2 years"

"He one of the strongest ghosts and made quite the name for himself due to the fact he was only a ghost fire for a short time then after he changed form, he got his revenge and kill half of the kingdom he was from" He spun his hand around as he was talking looking at the painting. Qu nodded and didn't take his eyes of the painting looking at little more dead


"Just how long was I dead for..." Qu mumbled then looked at Catcher and started to pat it. Not even a few seconds later their food had come. Qu nodded his head at the waiter to say thank you as he grabbed his plate full of different types of fruits and Siwo just grabbed his plate of meat then started to ding into it.

"Can't believe they have a painting of that useless ghost and what for?" as this was said Qu looked over at the ghost who scoffed this message. Everyone in the Taven was looking over in his direction, as a ghost with no head on his neck but in his arms shot up out of how seat angrily.

"YOU'RE IN HIS DISTRICT AND YOU DARE SAY THAT! HE'S AN IDOL TO US ALL!" The ghost with no head exclaimed with a dark tone and a shadow casting his face. A fight was about to break out Siwo shot up out of his seat and wiped his mouth clean as he finished his meal and started to walk away, Qu realised he was leaving and quickly got up to follow him. As they left through the red curtains, a tall red clothes figure walked in making eye contact with Qu for a split seconded as they pasted each other. Qu's head instilling turned back around, when his eyes fell back apon the Tavern it tuned silent.

________________ ________________

Fun fact: when Qu said that he came up with the name catcher at the top of his head it wasn't a lie, I was having troubling naming a ball of fire so I looked around my room and the first thing I saw was a dream-catcher and so.

- Sorry for the short chapter, it was longer in my head just when I started typing it became shorter (by 700 words from last chapter)

Qyuuiecreators' thoughts