
Chapter 1

In the enigmatic miniature world, concealed deep within the impenetrable, wild forest, a haunting scene takes shape:

"Whoosh, whoosh!" A frenzied assembly of hundreds rushes through the forest's dim depths, relentlessly pursued by a formidable force of tens of thousands, armed with the sinister weaponry of gunpowder and arrows. At the helm stands Li Xiao, the Prince of the Tang Dynasty.

"Your Royal Highness, the foreboding forbidden land of the gods looms ahead, an abyss we dare not cross," a guard declared, his face a grotesque blend of dread and sudden realization.

The expressions of the other guards mirrored a similar gravity, fully cognizant that the forbidden land of the gods concealed a mystery from which few ever returned. Legends whispered that even gods themselves could fall upon entry, leaving behind only a cursed deity's remains. Eerie tales of this ominous domain had persisted for countless ages.

"We must hurry, for Chen's vanguard troops will soon close in on us. Without refuge within the forbidden land of the gods, our path leads to an imminent impasse," Li Xiao spoke through clenched teeth. "The malefactors from Chen Guo pursue us not out of honor or principle, but for possession of a world-altering artifact. I pledge that they will never lay claim to it."

A shroud of resentment draped over his countenance.

In reality, Tang Guo and Chen Guo were bitter foes, harboring deep-seated animosity between their nations. In this campaign, Chen Guo had ruthlessly swept through Tang Guo, laying waste to their capital, and capturing Li Xiao's father, Emperor Chen. Li Xiao had managed a daring escape from the capital, with only a dwindling retinue of a few hundred loyal guards at his side.

As the discussion unfolded, an aura of uncertainty hung in the air, adding to the enigma of their predicament.

"The forbidden land of the gods is exceedingly perilous," the guard general hesitated, casting a somber shadow over their deliberations.

Li Xiao sought to ease their concerns, his voice tinged with an air of mystery. "Fear not, for the forbidden land of the gods remains veiled in the mists of ancient legends. Perhaps it is not as terrifying as the tales suggest, and we may merely be at its outskirts. There is no need for apprehension."

Prince Li Xiao's unwavering determination remained unshakeable, his choice marked by enigmatic certainty.

In truth, the situation had grown clear in its lucidity. Staying in their current predicament would lead to an unavoidable impasse, while entering the forbidden land of the gods offered a glimmer of hope, akin to deciphering a riddle in the darkness.

"If this is His Royal Highness's decision, then we shall accompany you to the very brink," many guards solemnly declared. They represented the Tang Kingdom's most resolute and unwavering defenders. Even in the face of the possibility of sacrificing their lives, their loyalty to the Crown Prince remained steadfast. In the face of impending danger, their courage did not falter.

"Wait, Your Royal Highness, look over there!" In a heart-pounding moment, one of the guards could no longer contain his terror, and his face twisted with extreme panic. His trembling fingers pointed ahead as if he had glimpsed something wholly otherworldly.

"What transpires? Is it the enemy? How close are they?" The guard leader inquired with an anxious undertone. His gaze followed the direction indicated by the trembling guard, and an unseen dread crept over him, causing involuntary shivers to course through his body.

As each of them cast their eyes upon the eerie spectacle, they beheld something inexplicable at that very instant.

Boom! Boom! Boom! A disconcerting vibration reverberated in the distance, akin to a magnitude seven earthquake, as if an entire mountain range were awakening from a slumber, further deepening the enigmatic shroud that veiled their predicament.

With every step of their progress, the very earth beneath them trembled, sending shockwaves through the ground, creating an astounding network of jagged crevices. Simultaneously, the towering trees lining their path succumbed to the thunderous cadence of each colossal stride, collapsing in a crescendo of shattered trunks and cascading leaves.

Abruptly, before their astounded eyes, an enigmatic silhouette materialized. This was no ordinary giant; it transcended the proportions of titans merely measuring in tens or hundreds of meters, extending to a colossal scale of over ten thousand meters.

The mountains they had witnessed throughout their lives now seemed inconsequential in comparison to these monumental behemoths. In the presence of this giant, they were reduced to the stature of ants, where even the toes of each foot took on the proportions of mountains.

Yet, the behemoth's full height remained an inscrutable mystery, obscured as the upper reaches of its body vanished into the mist-laden embrace of the clouds.

"What manner of creature is this? How can it be of such immense magnitude?" wondered a voice, its tremor betraying a profound fear.

"No, it is no creature; it is a god, an ancient god," asserted another, his voice trembling with awe and trepidation.

"Indeed, this is the forbidden land of the gods, and I fear it heralds the emergence of an ancient god," declared a third, the reality of their situation sinking in.

The collective scream of horror was an instinctual response, an uncontrollable surge of dread that overcame even the most resolute and elite warriors among them. In the face of this colossal deity-like figure, their determination to fight waned to nothing.

The sheer enormity of this celestial being, reminiscent of a colossal mountain range, was more than sufficient to sow despair in the hearts of countless souls. Many felt compelled to prostrate themselves, invoking prayers and acknowledging the awe-inspiring power of this entity.

At this juncture, their legs trembled not from mere emotion but from an existential terror that surpassed understanding. Even the bravest and most battle-hardened fighters, faced with the celestial power of this ancient god, found themselves powerless to resist.

Even the soldiers cringed, too paralyzed by fear to make a move. Prince Li Xiao dared not so much as make a single gesture, lest any inadvertent action provoked the wrath of the ancient god emerging from the forbidden land of the gods.

Da da da!

At that very moment, a formidable army of 100,000 surged forth from the distance. The general, astride wild wolves led soldiers armed with the most elite of weaponry, ruthlessly pursuing Li Xiao's beleaguered troops.

These were the elite forces of Chen Guo, the formidable bearers of the unfolding enigma that gripped them all.

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